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Banana Pi - A Highend Single-Board Computer

Banana Pi - A Highend Single-Board Computer

Orange Pi - Orangepi Banana Pi Top view of Banana Pi Back of Banana Pi Banana Pi has no direct relationship to the Raspberry Pi Foundation. It is, however, a much more powerful single-board computer compared to the Raspberry Pi. Features[edit] Powered by AXP209 power management unit, Banana Pi is able to output up to 1.6A, which means users can drive an external HDD without an extra power supply. The Banana PI board is similar to Cubieboard2. Specification[edit] Available Operation System on Banana Pi[edit] Rasbian for Banana Pi(Kernel 3.4.90)Scratch for Banana Pi (Boot to Scratch directly)(Kernel 3.4.90)Lubuntu for Banana Pi(Kernel 3.4.86)Android 4.2.2 for Banana Pi(Kernel 3.4.39+)openSUSE for Banana Pi(openSUSE 13.1; Kernel 3.4.90) See also[edit] List of open-source hardware projects References[edit] External links[edit]

Using Git Inside of Sublime Text to Improve Workflow Improving workflow and increasing productivity is very important to us developers. Every second counts since the time we spend on small tasks adds up. Small tasks like our Git commands are something that we do on a daily basis. Today we’ll be looking at a quick way to improve our Git workflow with our favorite editor, Sublime Text. Here’s a quick example of how fast Git works within Sublime Text. Requirements Let’s run through the things we’ll need to improve our Git workflow real quick. Git (of course)Sublime Text (duh)Sublime Text Git – Install using Package Control (ctrl + shift + p) Git Installation for Windows User: When installing Git, make sure you select Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt. Git Through Command Line Usually when I am working in Sublime Text and want to commit some changes, I will switch over to my terminal window and type the following: git add -Agit commit -m 'some crazy stupid message here'git push Git Within Sublime Text Commit vs Quick Commit More Advanced Usage

Novena A new open-hardware computing platform, flexible and powerful, designed for use as a desktop, laptop, or standalone board. Novena is a 1.2GHz, Freescale quad-core ARM architecture computer closely coupled with a Xilinx FPGA. It’s designed for users who care about Free Software and open source, and/or want to modify and extend their hardware: all the documentation for the PCBs is open and free to download, the entire OS is buildable from source, and it comes with a variety of features that facilitate rapid prototyping. Premiums & Pledge Levels We are offering four variations. All configurations will come with Debian (GNU/Linux) pre-installed, but of course you can build and install whatever distro you prefer! This is not a machine for the faint of heart. Stretch Goals After the campaign launched, we decided to offer four stretch goals. Case Design Features The first thing you’ll notice about the case design is that the screen opens “the wrong way”. “Just the Board” Spec Sheet Features: Mashable

Banana Pi : Un clone de la Raspberry Pi sans la framboise Cloner la Raspberry Pi ? Si la carte de la fondation Raspberry n’a pas de prétention commerciale, cela ne l’empêche pas de subir les assauts de la concurrence et cette nouvelle venue qu’est la Banana Pi est une drôle de surprise qui traduit bien le succès de la petite carte mère open-source. Il faut dire que les millions d’exemplaires vendus ont du attiser les appétits de nombreux fabricants.. On pourrait croire que l’arrivée d’un clone aurait pu faire baisser le prix déjà très bas de la carte Raspberry Pi. On passe d’un processeur Broadcom BCM2835 ARM11 cadencé à 700 MHz sur un seul coeur à un Allwinner A20 double coeur cadencé à 1 GHz. Cet avantage de performance est t-il un bon pari ? Autre nuance de composant, là où la Framboise propose 256 ou 512 Mo de mémoire vive suivant les modèles, la Banana Pi affiche 1 Go de Ram. Source : CNX software

Recipe-Website-Tutorial/jquery-and-ajax.rst at master · pigeonflight/Recipe-Website-Tutorial OLinuXino - Open Source Hardware Boards What is OLINUXINO?OLinuXino is Open Source Software and Open Source Hardware , low cost Linux computer which could be manufactured in Industrial-40+85C and commercial 0-70C temperature grade. OLinuXino is completely open source hardware and open source software, which means you have access to all the CAD files and sources and you can reuse them for your own personal or commercial projects. OLIMEX Ltd has agreement with Allwinner for longevity support. OLinuXino design is improving continually, the other Linux boards have one or two revisions, our boards have many revisions (some of them 12 or more) as we listen to community feedback and implement new and new improvements, but keeping backward compatibility, so once you choose your OLINUXINO you can be sure you will get them always in same specs, just better and better with time. OLinuXino is available in any quantity. The project is hosted at Github The development discussion group OLinuXino forum

Banana Pi | A New Generation Single-board Computer Qu'est-ce que Banana Pi ? C'est un ordinateur libre mono-carte. Il peut fonctionner avec les images Android 4.4, Ubuntu, Debian, Rasberry Pi, ainsi qu'avec l'image cubieboard.Il utilise AllWinner A20 SoC, et possède 1GB DDR3 SDRAM Que peut-on faire avec Banana Pi ? Construire... Un ordinateurUn serveur sans filDes jeuxDes musiques et sonsDes video HDUn hautparleurAndroidScratchBeaucoup d’autres choses car Banana Pi est libre A quelle personne s’adresse-t-il ? Banana Pi peut être utilisé pour tous ceux qui veulent créer avec technologie – et ne pas seulement consommer.

AJAX with jQuery — Flask 0.11-dev documentation jQuery is a small JavaScript library commonly used to simplify working with the DOM and JavaScript in general. It is the perfect tool to make web applications more dynamic by exchanging JSON between server and client. JSON itself is a very lightweight transport format, very similar to how Python primitives (numbers, strings, dicts and lists) look like which is widely supported and very easy to parse. It became popular a few years ago and quickly replaced XML as transport format in web applications. Loading jQuery In order to use jQuery, you have to download it first and place it in the static folder of your application and then ensure it’s loaded. Another method is using Google’s AJAX Libraries API to load jQuery: <script src="//"></script><script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='jquery.js') }}">\x3C/script>')</script> Where is My Site? Do you know where your application is? The HTML

knitic | Open hardware knitting machine Beaucoup parleront d'un simple clone du Raspberry Pi mais il serait plus pertinent de le définir comme un cousin. Le BananaPi n'a pas la prétention de révolutionner le monde des SBC (Single Board Cumputer) mais d'y apporter les améliorations attendues : de la modularité, de la simplicité et de très bonnes performances. Avec 1Go de RAM les soucis de rapidité de certaines cartes sont oubliés, son processeur ARM A20 offre une multitude de possibilités en terme d'applications et un excellent rapport entre puissance de calcul et performance énergétique. Il possède également une prise SATA pour brancher un disque dur qui nous permettra aussi de stocker plus de données que sur une simple carte SD. Nous pourrons aussi y installer l'OS pour un démarrage et un accès aux données plus rapide. Grâce à ses atouts, le BananaPi pourrait devenir un des mini-ordinateurs les plus utilisés.

If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel Mercury Venus Earth You Are Here Moon Mars Jupiter Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Saturn Titan Uranus Neptune Pluto(we still love you) That was about 10 million km (6,213,710 mi) just now. Pretty empty out here. Here comes our first planet... As it turns out, things are pretty far apart. We’ll be coming up on a new planet soon. Most of space is just space. Halfway home. Destination: Mars! It would take about seven months to travel this distance in a spaceship. Sit back and relax. When are we gonna be there? Seriously. This is where we might at least see some asteroids to wake us up. I spy, with my little eye... something black. If you were on a road trip, driving at 75mi/hr, it would have taken you over 500 years to get here from earth. All these distances are just averages, mind you. If you plan it right, you can actually move relatively quickly between planets. Pretty close to Jupiter now. Sorry. Lots of time to think out here... Pop the champagne! We're always trying to come up with metaphors for big numbers.
