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Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect the Pineal Gland, Limiting Human Consciousness?

Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect the Pineal Gland, Limiting Human Consciousness?
By Dylan Charles As humanity continues into the new millennium, technology and communication continue to play an increasingly important role in human life. Today, most people in developed countries are completely connected through cell phones, tablets and computers. Today’s households have an increasing array of electrical devices, from wireless modems to intelligent appliances to smart meters. Where 50 years ago, 1 electrical outlet per room was sufficient, today, homes have at least 1 outlet per wall on every wall of the house. People are always connected, and figuratively, the world is getting smaller each day. As the Information Age unfolds, so does information about our exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields (EMF) that many believe can be quite harmful to the human body. Volunteers using conventional electric blankets showed no variations in 6-OHMS excretion as either a group or individuals during the study period. Most recently, Malka N. Related:  Consciousness & Awakeningméridiens

5 Attachments to Release on the Path of Enlightenment 25th June 2015 By Wes Annac Guest Writer for Wake Up World You probably don’t need me to tell you that spirituality isn’t all about feeling positive or uplifted. The enlightenment path requires us to sacrifice things that hold us back and keep us from making spiritual progress, and maybe this is where the literal notion of religious sacrifice first originated; from the external and even internal sacrifices we have to make on the enlightenment path. Why do we have to make sacrifices on the spiritual path? The purpose of self-sacrifice isn’t to boss ourselves around or give up things we cherish, unless they cause serious damage – it’s to detach from things that are destructive or which hold us back, so we can make room for more wholesome elements in our life, that accelerate our evolution. Here, I’ll discuss five things you’ll want to consider releasing from your life, if your goal is to walk a spiritual path without falling back into limiting habits and mindsets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Shift Is Happening! iTV Show-Episode 5~Pineal Gland Activation, St. Germain, Alchemy, I AM Presence | Shift is Happening Community Blog Celebrating the Crumbling of the Banking System…And Activating Your I AM Presence!! It’s Time to Get this Party Rockin’! “Live” Activation transmissions Begin during this Show!! Most people haven’t been able to transform into higher vibrational states of being because of several current factors that have been playing out. THAT is about to CHANGE — right here and right now. Today’s show will: Begin Activating Your “I AM Presence”Give You Tools to Powerfully Reclaim & Command Your Energetic SovereigntyProvide Mental Awareness of Key ElementsShow How St. Plus… Putting the Pieces Together: What is The Shift? Several things are occurring simultaneously right now:End of 26k year cycle – same as when Lemuria & Atlantis experienced destructionEarth ChangesAtlantis Masculine / Lemurian FeminineBringing everything into balance inside of ourselves so we can experience the balance outside of ourselves – the mass consciousness shiftOld Paradigm infrastructures are crumblingCelebrating this St. Including:

Why Love And Light Is Only One Side Of The Awakening Story | Wake Up World - Part 2 What else do you do to keep thriving in Crazy Town? What are you doing to help transform your outer world?Let us know on Facebook or comment below! Previous articles by Phillip J. Watt: About the author: Phillip J. Phil has a degree in Social Science and Philosophy and has been trained extensively in health services. DÉTARTRER LA GLANDE PINÉALE REMETTRE EN FONCTION SA GLANDE PINÉALE 4ème partie La glande pinéale est le centre recevant les rayons du soleil qui, une fois reçus sont réfléchis dans différentes directions du corps. En outre, elle est le récepteur de la couronne d’énergie, et elle détient une quantité incroyable d’informations à propos de notre passé, celui de notre âme, tout comme pour notre avenir, pour notre évolution, et toute l’histoire de l’univers. Tout est stocké à l’intérieur de notre Soi supérieur dans la conscience universelle. Il serait impossible de recevoir toutes ces informations en une seule fois. Ainsi la glande pinéale est une antenne radio de coordination, recevant les rayons les plus forts à venir par le biais de toutes les sources de lumière. L’influence première en est une d’un plan magnétique, ce n’est pas une lumière électrique, mais l’énergie gravitationnelle. Le macrocosme contient notre planète, l’univers, les galaxies et les différents systèmes stellaires. Points précis de la pinéale

Mind Control Researchers Create Fake Link Between Unrelated Memories Advancements in genetics and neuroscience are undoubtedly leading toward direct methods of mind control, albeit only with good intentions ... if government and establishment science can be believed. However, an array of hi-tech methods have been announced which show clear potential for negative manipulation. Bold claims have been made by scientists that they now can use "neural dust," high-powered lasers, and light beamed from outside the skull to alter brain function and even turn off consciousness altogether. But it is memory research that might be among the most troubling. As I've previously suggested in other articles, our memories help us form our identity: who we are relative to where we have been. Research has commenced into many facets of how memory can be restructured, whether it is erasing memories, the implantation of false memories, or triggering memories of fear when none previously existed. Once again, memory tinkering is making the news. Press Release You Might Also Like

Pourquoi et comment détartrer votre glande pinéale La glande pinéale pourrait être la partie la plus importante de votre système nerveux tout entier. Il s’agit essentiellement d’une antenne spirituelle, votre équivalent physique d’un troisième œil. Il est essentiel pour atteindre des niveaux plus élevés de conscience tout en restant dans un corps physique. La glande pinéale se trouve au centre géométrique du cerveau. Elle est creuse et rempli d’un fluide contenant des cristaux. La calcification fait en sorte que les cristaux dans la glande s’attachent aux dépôts de minéraux. Les effets de la calcification sont la dépression, l’anxiété, la boulimie/anorexie, la schizophrénie et d’autres formes de maladies mentales. La mélatonine, souvent dénommée hormone du sommeil, est surtout connue comme étant l’hormone centrale de régulation des rythmes chronobiologiques, et d’un certain point de vue, de pratiquement l’ensemble des sécrétions hormonales.(…) Elle est sécrétée par la glande pinéale en réponse à l’absence de lumière. Calcification … ?

Gregg Braden – Manifesting The World You Want To See Through The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Gregg Prescott, M.S.Editor, In psychology, the subconscious is the part of consciousness that is not currently in focal awareness. Carl Jung believed there is a limit to what can be held in our conscious focal awareness, adding that an alternative storehouse for knowledge and prior experience is needed. In regard to the subconscious mind, Jung is quoted for saying, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate.” The subconscious mind is a composite of everything one sees, hears and any information the mind collects that it cannot otherwise consciously process to make meaningful sense. The subconscious mind stores information that the conscious mind may not immediately process with full understanding, but it stores the information for later retrieval when ”recalled” by the conscious mind. The power of the subconscious mind can be tapped into through the power of intention and emotions. Intention + Thoughts + Emotions = MIRACLES!

Pourquoi et comment détartrer votre glande pinéale La glande pinéale pourrait être la partie la plus importante de votre système nerveux tout entier. Il s’agit essentiellement d’une antenne spirituelle, votre équivalent physique d’un troisième œil. Il est essentiel pour atteindre des niveaux plus élevés de conscience tout en restant dans un corps physique. → Activer la pinéale pour accéder aux mondes parallèles, un mécanisme naturel qui fera passer l’humanité à l’ère spirituelle La glande pinéale se trouve au centre géométrique du cerveau. La calcification fait en sorte que les cristaux dans la glande s’attachent aux dépôts de minéraux. Les effets de la calcification sont la dépression, l’anxiété, la boulimie/anorexie, la schizophrénie et d’autres formes de maladies mentales. La calcification de la glande pinéale est causée principalement par le fluorure qui circule dans notre sang. Calcification …? Malheureusement, pour la plupart des gens, la glande pinéale est fortement entartrée. Eau, alimentation et mode de vie Zéolite Chlorella Coriandre

Short Lived – Why Constant Thinking Is Our Only Enemy 23rd September 2015 By Harry Krueger Guest Writer for Wake Up World The enemy of my enemy (the mind) is my friend (pristine consciousness). The design of all species is to function in concordance with life’s universal laws. Over eons of time a part of one of our most sensitive instruments (the memory-senses complex) took a mis-leading turn when it deceived its co-dependent partner (the pristine consciousness) into believing that the decisions being made by pristine consciousness are self-generated. The consciousness that we are presently experiencing is not our natural state. It is not possible for mind to correct what it is part of. We are designed to do little thinking and only when there are utilitarian challenges. Society tells us that mind is a terrible thing to waste. When a challenge is discerned by the pristine consciousness, it will either respond or not. There was a time when the pristine consciousness never had to doubt its responses to life’s challenges. About the author:
