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Jacob Aue Sobol

Jacob Aue Sobol

Photographes - Olivier Metzger - Portraits Olivier Metzger 26 / 26 - Portraits Olivier Metzger OPENING / CEREMONY – HART LESHKINA Detroit - Bruce Gilden Background My work on foreclosed homes in Detroit has actually been a continuation of a project that started in Fort Myers, Florida in September 2008. For me the major concentration of the work is on the houses or what’s left of the houses. I chose to photograph them mostly straight on like my street work in a very blunt fashion. To let the houses speak for themselves. After going to Florida and continuing in Detroit I realized that foreclosure is one part of a circle. Certain areas look like Berlin after World War II or like Beirut. What was really sad for me in Detroit was that many of the destroyed houses were well made and beautiful houses at one time, they were like Grande Dames.

lesbian a la mode. Happy birthday to my most favorite girl! She’s my complete opposite and I’d be completely lost without her. Favorite, I love you beyond words. Someday, you will find someone, who won’t sigh at words like commitment, and whose jaw won’t clench, when you ask them to stay. Someday, you will spit out the word ‘love’ so often, that it will follow water down the drain and into the earth, and you’ll see your work shining on the pavement. Someday, you will be able to make your rent, and still have a few bucks left over to waste on this month’s boyfriend; waste it on yourself. Someday, you will believe in something so deeply, that it alone will be enough to make your feet touch the hardwood floor every morning. Someday, you’ll laugh at all the moments, which at the time, made you feel as if there was nothing to live for, the moments where tomorrow’s chances of occurring, seemed slim to none. Someday, the thoughts that lied in between your hair and the pillow sheets will finally reach your reality.

Глубины ада: серия шокирующих фотографий о тюрьмах Южной Америки Присоединяйтесь к нам в Facebook и ВКонтакте Лос-Текес, Каракас, Венесуэла, 2009 год. Автор фото: Валерио Биспури (Valerio Bispuri). Любое место лишения свободы несет в себе страх, ужас и отчаяние. «В своих работах я придерживаюсь традиций документальной фотографии. Тюрьма Пенитенсиариа-де-Сантьяго, Чили, 2008 год «Это одна из самых старых тюрем в Южной Америке. Пенитенсиариа-де-Сантьяго, Чили, 2008 год. Тюрьма Пенитенсиариа-де-Сантьяго, Чили, 2008 год. Женская тюрьма Кито Гуаякиль, Эквадор, 2004 год «Пожалуй, эта тюрьма одна из самых жутких мест, которые мне довелось повидать. Женская тюрьма Кито Гуаякиль, Эквадор, 2004 год. Чоррильос, женская тюрьма, Лима, Перу, 2007 год Чоррильос, женская тюрьма, Лима, Перу, 2007 год. Лос-Текес, Каракас, Венесуэла, 2009 год «Не верьте тому, что видите в американских фильмах, где тюрьмы напоминают курортные зоны с гостиничными номерами. Лос-Текес, Каракас, Венесуэла, 2009 год. Тюрьма Lugarincho, Лима, Перу, 2007 год Понравилась эта статья?

​alec soth: in the pool of images Represented by the Magnum agency, collected by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, commissioned by the New York Times and The New Yorker and head of his own publishing house, Little Brown Mushroom, Alec Soth is about as credible as a contemporary documentary photographer can get. His new exhibition, Gathered Leaves, at London's Science Museum (they're partnered with the National Media Museum in Bradford, hence their Media Space, focusing on photography and film) includes the span of his four major bodies of work from his first book, Sleeping by the Mississippi (published in 2004), until now. Shown chronologically, it reveals the evolution of his work, and the constant exploration of the vast expanse of the USA. Is it still better to see a photo in an exhibition or a book, rather than online?A book to me is the album, like vinyl, and there's been this resurgence, because people want this tactile thing. The exhibition is like the live show. What do you mean by the authorship?

Epic Gallery: 150 Years Of Lesbians And Other Lady-Loving-Ladies click here for more posts from “the herstory issue” // “the way we were” I really threw myself into Herstory Month, in June, eating every accessible herstory archive on the internet and spending hours in the library, accumulating massive stacks of borrowed books which I stored at the foot of my bed. My girlfriend was not a big fan of the stacks of books at the foot of the bed. I was looking for words but eventually, also, for pictures. So I started collecting them. Four quick disclaimers: 1) Obviously it’s impossible to verify the sexual orientation of some of the subjects of earlier photos I found on tumblr, the pre-1920s photos especially. I’d also like to thank the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco for their permission using photos from their collection here. 150 Years of Lady-Loving-Ladies In The U.S. 1850s Charlotte Cushman and Matilda Hays 1880s sculptor Edmonia “Wildfire” Lewis 1890s photo by alice austen via via 1900s 1910s

Питер Тёрнли. Мгновения человеческого существования. Часть первая « Leica Camera Russia Blog Апрель 27, 2012 «Для меня фотожурналистика – это инструмент общения, способ провоцировать и воодушевлять зрителя, а также документировать историю. Я пользуюсь фотоаппаратом, как голосом, чтобы кричать о несправедливости и, наоборот, рассказывать о прекрасном и добром». Питер Тёрнли – известный фотожурналист; за сорок лет работы он создал множество незабываемых образов, раскрывающих глубину повседневности, ее радости и горести. Он нашел самые точные, выразительные слова для того, чтобы рассказать о своем жизненном пути – пути самовыражения и самораскрытия, который продолжается. Вспоминая свою жизнь в профессиональной фотографии, я понимаю, как мне повезло: я испытал много прекрасных эмоций и, самое главное, постоянно чувствовал, что живу, живу полноценной жизнью. Вскоре я выяснил, что Картье-Брессон пользовался Leica, и в 1972 году на деньги, заработанные на строительстве шоссе, купил мою первую Leica М4, юбилейную модель, с объективом 50 мм f/1,4 Summilux. Питер Тёрнли

Photographs - Colin O'Brien, Photographer, London On Pointing a Glock Handgun Directly at Ted Cruz’s Head June 22, 2015 Brietbart News is up in arms about a run of AP photographs showing the barrel of a Glock handgun pointed directly at Ted Cruz’s head. Even if you don’t align yourself with the pro-gun position of Ted Cruz, in this case it’s morally obligatory to say that these photographs are not okay. But to leave it at that would be to miss an opportunity for the public to think more closely about the way narrative framing works in news photography. In terms of their frankness, these photographs of Ted Cruz are outliers only by matter of degree. Typically, symbolic content in news photographs is not so straightforward: Against Brietbart’s partisan spin—according to whom these photos need to be circulated as hard evidence of ‘liberal bias’ at the Associated Press—the public value of these images derives from their capacity to help citizens better understand how news photographs comment on issues of the day. – Philip Perdue

Olivier Duong » Insights gleaned from Lee Friedlander’s photography Photograph Copyright Lee Friedlander [I] eat, drink, sleep photography, but due to constraints, I have been loosing my inspiration lately. Theologians back then called this “Dark night of the soul”. My partner-friend-self appointed grandpa Don suggested I learn about the past, I reluctantly accepted. He’s turning senile but he occasionally is the voice of wisdom…ish. I am starting with Lee Friedlander, as I feel that I understand where he is coming from. Who’s Lee Friedlander in a nutshellIt’s really something to see a photograph appear in developer. This early spark lit his passion for photography and is credited for being one of the photographers that developed photography as an art form. His career was propelled when he had an exhibition alongside Garry Winogrand and Diane Arbus called “New Documents”. Influences: Eugene Atget, Robert Frank, Walker EvansClick here to read the article on influence Why he’s known:He documented the common in an uncommon way. Copyright Lee Friedlander

Two Rivers 2007-11 - Carolyn Drake Photography The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers stretch from the western edge of China across Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, spanning a distance of 2,500km. They are the lifeblood of the vast, landlocked region between China, Russia, Iran and Afghanistan. The Greeks knew the two rivers as the Oxus and the Jaxartes. An islamic hadith holds that they are two of the four rivers that flow into Paradise. After the Soviet government took control of the region in 1917, it began one of the most ambitious engineering projects in world history, diverting massive quantities of water from the rivers to bring cotton production to an area too arid to sustain such a thirsty crop. Two Rivers follows the rivers from their endpoints to the source.
