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Ubuntu Edge

Ubuntu Edge
Thanks for being part of the biggest crowdfunding campaign ever, and look out for Ubuntu on smartphones in 2014. Find out more Exclusive to Indiegogo backers. The Edge will NOT be available to buy at launch.Specs to be finalised as late as possible to ensure the best available components.Dual-boots into Ubuntu mobile OS and Android; converts into a full desktop PC.Works with LTE and GSM networks, including Verizon and Sprint.Perks include all charges for US and UK, including VAT and delivery.Standard manufacturer warranty will apply once manufacturer is selected.Zero cost to backers if the campaign is unsuccessful. CPU/GPU, screen technology to be finalised before production. * Apple Store ** Best Buy “If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room. “By this time next year, there could very well be one very elegant looking, monstrously powerful smartphone that can actually become a computer”– Silicon Angle “Apparently the Ubuntu community is nuts about this idea.

MonkeyPotion : Do you know #Taiwan is the... Chen Guangcheng visits Taiwan | World news The blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng is due to arrive in Taiwan on Sunday, a week after he suggested New York University was forcing him to leave because of pressure from Beijing. Chen's trip to address the Taiwanese parliament and speak at universities was overshadowed when a row broke out about the end of his tenure at NYU, where in 2012 he took up a one-year fellowship that allowed him to leave China. Chen has written that soon after his arrival NYU began to come under "great, unrelenting pressure" from Chinese communists in US academia to force him out. Bizarre claims then emerged that supposed supporters of Chen had given him a phone and iPad loaded with spyware and tracking capabilities when he started at NYU. The heads of NYU strenuously denied they were bowing to pressure because they want to open a campus in Shanghai and said the deal for the university to host Chen had simply come to an end. The Taiwanese presidential office said Ma had not scheduled a meeting with Chen.

Memoto Lifelogging Camera by Memoto » Weekly update: Special report from Yomura Dear Backers, Factory direct! We've got Linus and Johan back from Taiwan. As we've mentioned in previous updates, they have been visiting our factory, Yomura, to oversee the production of the Memoto camera. Chuck, Ming, Linus and a few innocent bystanders. A busy intersection in Taipei with Taipei 101 in the distance. The conference room, setup for our visit, with an incoming continuous flow of water, coffee and enthusiasm from the Yomura team. The production test software testing a Memoto PCB through USB. Johan and the team. This is an imposing complicated machine with lots of levers and wheels, used to produce parts of the Memoto camera. The box used for testing the camera's color and focus properties. Load testing the clip and plastic strength. This is one of the production lines used for assembling the surface-mounted components onto the printed circuit boards and the associated reflow soldering. Weekend break in the mountains at Yangmingshan National Park. Have a great weekend!

kaxing : 這個網站太有 sense 了。 kaxing : Jawbone UP 這個月臺灣要開賣了!? #taiwan... CubieApp : Taiwan celebrates 101 years,... Cubie ˋ(°▽ ° )ノ - Chat can be so much FUN! London 2012 Olympics: Table tennis player makes Taiwanese Olympic history Taiwanese table tennis player Chuang Chih-yuan (莊智淵) made history on Tuesday when he defeated good friend Adrian Crisan of Romania to advance to the semi-finals of the men’s singles at the Olympic Games in London. Chuang, seeded fifth in the tournament, whipped the 15th-seeded Crisan in straight sets, 11-3, 11-4, 11-4, 11-5, to become the first male Taiwanese player ever to advance to the semi-finals at the Olympics. China-born Chen Jing (陳靜) won a silver medal representing Taiwan in the women’s singles in Atlanta in 1996, but no Taiwanese male has ever made it past an Olympic quarter-final. Chuang reached the quarter-finals in the men’s singles at the Athens Games in 2004 before falling to Wang Hao (王皓) of China in six sets, and it is second seed Wang who Chuang must face again in the semi-final at 6pm today. “I’m very happy, but the tournament isn’t over,” said the 31-year-old Chuang, reflecting a maturity that may have been missing in the past.

[Jolla Tablet] Which additional countries should we make it available to? - asked 30 hours ago This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it. Dear Jolla Community, The Jolla Tablet Indiegogo Campaign is now live! For the campaign, we are currently shipping to EU countries, Switzerland, Norway, Russia, China, Hong Kong, India and the United States. However, we are interested to know how much desire there is for the Jolla Tablet in more countries. check if your country is already listed as an "Answer" in this topic, if it is, vote for it! We will keep an eye on this post, and will look into the most voted countries to see if we can add them to the applicable countries list. Thanks for doing this together with us! Jolla Tablet team

嘖嘖 × Atom 2.0 - 你的下一台3D印表機 嘖嘖 zeczec × 讓美好的事物發生:台灣的群眾集資(Crowdfunding)平台 登入 Facebook 登入 關於探索提案故事牆 Atom 2.0 - 你的下一台3D印表機 科技 類 . 播放 Atom 團隊2013年底以全亞洲第一台Delta的3D印表機成功的在嘖嘖募資成功, 並且一天不差的準時在2014年2月底和4月底將兩批回饋配送到贊助者手中。 Atom 2.0 最大的躍進就屬於它的全金屬機身。 一個好的列印件的特徵之一是其光滑的表面,整齊的出料寬度在正確的溫度下完美的堆疊。 Atom 2.0 的核心噴頭總成中包涵了全新設計的三風扇系統。 懸吊式的機型關鍵的零件之一是這12個關節。 Atom 團隊在模組化也下了不少功夫,位於機器核心的移動平台扮演著一個非常重要的角色。 皮帶是傳動動力的重要一環,Atom2.0 搭載了鋁合金的皮帶鬆緊調節器,讓皮帶的調整與安裝變成非常輕鬆。 有了這些精心設計的零件再加上對品質的嚴格控管,Atom 2.0 能夠達到一般FDM無法達到的列印水平。 Atom 2.0 仍然堅持我們的理念-託付一個強大的工具給愛動手做的大眾。 Atom二代延續一代的優點,讓你保留寶貴的桌上空間,達到最大的列印尺寸。 自己動手做是我們團隊的另一個堅持。 過去一年我們不只一次聽到國內外的玩家驚嘆「這是我們看過最美的說明書!」。 Atom 團隊喜歡舉辦組裝工作營,透過兩天的教學,濃縮精簡組裝的步驟,帶領著學員一起將 Atom 印表機組裝完成,不只帶著學員們組裝,更傳授學員們軟體操作技巧,讓大家第一次列印就上手! 影片中我們實際探訪了幾位 Atom一代用戶,拍攝他們實際使用情形。 過去曾經贊助過Atom一代的朋友們我們沒有忘記各位。 Atom能夠印出品質絕佳的列印件,除了仰賴精密製作的所有零件之外,當然PLA料的品質也是能夠印出好物件的必要條件,透過原廠認證的PLA,讓大家能夠安心的使用。 詳細問與答請至專頁上方的連結! 網址:www.atom3dp.com粉絲專頁: 已經募得 已完成目標的 剩餘 43 天 計畫於 2015/01/20 開始,已經達成集資目標,確定成功! Tweet 登入會員後就可以傳訊息給提案人 嘖嘖,一起讓美好的事物發生 關閉 贊助 $3,990 7 個支持者 [ 雷射噴頭套件 ] 內容包含: 1. 預計送出日期: 2015 年六月 1.

讓舉家來台創業的香港人,告訴你為什麼台灣做 Startup 有很大的優勢 (photo by NASA) 作者:Bernard Chan,ALPHA Camp 創辦人,TMI 駐場創業家,曾任 Yahoo!亞太區廣告業務總監。出生香港、美國 MIT 麻省理工學院 MBA 畢業,加拿大 University of Waterloo 電機工程與經濟學雙學士。芝加哥 Ruby on Rails 課程研習、在美國,北京,香港有多次 Startup 經驗 最近被幾家媒體採訪時,都被問到這個問題,不知道是不是我的錯覺,台灣的媒體喜歡拿國外的創業環境跟台灣做比較,尋找台灣的不足。 謙虛是一種美德(創業也會讓你變得 humble),但我身邊的年輕人太容易去思考自己的不足之處,而忽略了自身的優勢。 我希望藉由這篇文章分享一下我在台灣 Startup 圈的觀察 - 我聽台灣人說台灣是個鬼島,不過我可是舉家從香港搬到台灣來開設 ALPHA Camp (整理111箱行李不是鬧著玩的,超累),在我眼裡,台灣的 Startup 環境其實是有很多優勢的: 是沒有資源還是充滿機會? 跟亞洲其他已發展國家如香港,韓國,新加坡等相比,台灣工資低、物價低這事相信大家都不會陌生。 (1) 創業機會成本低 因為物價低,個人生活成本也低,跟其他已開發國家的人民比起來,台灣人創業或冒險的機會成本也比較低。 另外一個例子,新加坡的公民福利非常好,當公務員是人人稱羨的工作,政府會把優秀的人才送到如 Harvard Business School 等美國頂尖的學府進修。 台灣在這點上,壓力明顯比較低,有經濟空間來冒險與嘗試,尋找不一樣的路。 (2) 創業資金門檻低 台灣工資、租金的低水平,也讓創業的資金門檻相對較低。 (3) 好的 Startup 較有能力招攬到優秀人才 台灣沒有太多的跨國企業,一些還不錯的人才,受限地域限制,在本土企業的薪資水平和成長都很有限,這些本土企業的薪資水跟 startup 從幾年前很遠的差距,到這幾年已經相去不遠。 你該做什麼: 大膽跨出舒適圈,承擔適當風險去冒險吧! 技術型經濟的優勢 新加坡和香港都是以貿易起家的港口城市,他們的優勢是地理環境好,社會國際化,金融架構穩定,稅率低,英文普及等等。 過去的台灣以硬體代工起家,強調「硬體規格」、「B2B業務模式」、「成本控管」和「資本規模」。 友善的本土市場 (Home Market) 很多人都覺得台灣市場太小無法養活大企業。 結論

A (weird) mixture of business,... - Wei-Po Weber Wang One year to go | Get involved Choose Event men + 100kg (heavyweight) men + 100kg (super heavyweight) men + 108kg (super heavyweight) men + 110kg (super heavyweight) men + 71.67kg (heavyweight) men + 73kg (heavyweight) men + 79.38kg (heavyweight) men + 80 kg men + 80kg (heavyweight) men + 81kg (heavyweight) men + 82.5kg (heavyweight) men + 82.5kg (super heavyweight) men + 82.5kg, one-two hand 3 events (heavyweight) men + 82.5kg, one-two hand 5 events (heavyweight) men + 82kg (super heavyweight) men + 87kg (heavyweight) men + 87kg (super heavyweight) men + 90kg (heavyweight) men + 91kg (super heavyweight) men + 93kg (heavyweight) men + 93kg (super heavyweight) men + 95kg (heavyweight) men + 97kg (heavyweight) men +105kg (superheavyweight) men - 47.63kg (flyweight) men - 47.6kg (light-flyweight) men - 48kg (light-flyweight) men - 50.8kg (flyweight) men - 51kg (flyweight) men - 52.62kg (bantamweight) men - 52kg (flyweight) men - 54kg (bantamweight) men - 55kg men - 56kg (bantamweight) men - 58 kg men - 58kg (bantamweight) men - 60 kg men -54kg (flyweight)
