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OAuth that just works.

OAuth that just works.

dg/twitter-php OpenTok Quick Start Guide Step 1: Sign-up to get your API key, session ID and token Before you can begin using OpenTok, you must sign up using the developer dashboard. When you are finished and before you start coding, we need to collect a few key pieces of information necessary to create an OpenTok application. They are: API key - This identifies your OpenTok account. Get these from your OpenTok dashboard by following these instructions: Your first project After you login to the dashboard, and click through the Quick Start guide, retrieve your API key from Project A on the Project page. Note: Make sure to copy/paste the whole of the session ID and token. Step 2. To create an OpenTok-powered web application, you first need to add the OpenTok.js library in your HTML document. Step 3: Code! Copy and paste the code below into your HTML document. Remember those values you saved in step 1? Step 4: View your app and share with friends! Load the HTML document onto a web server, and view the application you just created.

MidnightLightning : Coinbase API via OAuth In working on connecting to the Coinbase API for automating Bitcoin merchant transactions, I ran into a few 'gotchas' that aren't well spelled out in their documentation, and worth noting if you're connecting to their API from scratch: Their documentation states "All requests use the application/json content type", and indeed if you send a malformed query to the API, the returned error tells you to double-check your JSON encoding. However, you don't need to use JSON for the request if you use the square-bracket syntax in the query variable names to indicate structure: POST https: Content-Type: application/json } or POST https: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded button[name]=test&button[price_string]=1.23&button[price_currency_iso]=USD Both these queries work, and if you're using an HTTP library, likely the default Content-Type for a POST request will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded for you.

abraham/twitteroauth Accepting Bitcoin Payments with Coinbase - UltraCart Documentation - UltraCart Documentation What is Bitcoin? "Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system and digital currency introduced as open source software in 2009 by pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a cryptocurrency, so-called because it uses cryptography to control the creation and transfer of money. Prerequisites for accepting Bitcoin UltraCart account operating in USD.Coinbase account (signup at )Use the UltraCart regular checkout Configuring Coinbase Once you have a Coinbase account it is easy to configure the UltraCart side. Scroll down the page to the Coinbase section which should look like this: Click on the button "Link to UltraCart with OAuth2" as shown in the screen shot above. After logging in to Coinbase you will see a screen asking if it's OK for UltraCart to perform certain actions on your Coinbase account. Click the Authorize button. How the checkout works During the checkout process the customer will be prompted to select their form of payment as shown below.

jaredhanson/oauth2orize Geocodio | Ridiculously cheap bulk geocoding coinbase/coinbase-php zxing/zxing IP Geolocation API Documentation - Use the IP lookup API to quickly and simply integrate IP geolocation into your script or website. Save yourself the hassle of setting up local GeoIP libraries and having to remember to regularly update the data. Full IP Details When called from the command line or a script we will return a JSON response with all of the IP details that you see on the website. We do a little bit of magic on the server to determine if we should send the JSON response or the webpage. for your own IP for details on another IP Specific fields If you're only interested in specific details you can add a field to get a plain text response that includes just the field you're after. curl AS15169 Google Inc. curl Mountain View You can also specify /geo to get just the geolocation information, which will often be faster than getting the full response. IPv6 Rate limits You are limited to 1,000 API requests per day.

bchavez/Coinbase Little Bird
