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Mean by linnovate

Mean by linnovate
Related:  Node.js

InK - Interface Kit Dynamisez vos sites web avec JavaScript ! Bienvenue à toutes et à tous, Qui n'a jamais entendu parler du JavaScript ? Créé dans les années 90 en tant que simple langage de script, JavaScript est désormais un des poids lourds du développement Web ! Qui plus est, il se démocratise au sein d'autres environnements comme les serveurs avec le célèbre Node.js, les applications pour smartphones et tablettes, avec PhoneGap d'Adobe, les applications pour Windows 8, mais aussi les logiciels multiplateformes. Bref, JavaScript est partout ! Mais avant de se targuer de créer des applications pour serveurs, tablettes et Windows, il faut d'abord apprendre la base et s'intéresser aux origines : le JavaScript au sein des pages Web. Voici quelques exemples de ce qui est réalisable grâce au JavaScript : Sur ce, bonne lecture !

How to Plant Tomatoes in Raised Beds Growing your own tomatoes can be a fun and rewarding experience. Even if you’ve had less than a stellar experience with tomatoes in the past, every spring we are afforded a new opportunity to learn from your previous mistakes and get your tomato plants in the garden off on the right foot. Below are some tips on how to plant tomatoes in a raised bed that will put you on a path to a delicious and ripe harvest come summer. If your tomato plants were slow to get started in previous years it may have been as a result of cool temperatures. Direct seed sowing tomatoes. Tomatoes are usually started from seeds indoors weeks before they are going to be planted in the garden. Photo via Shutterstock/basel101658 Planting tomato seedlings. You probably have be warned not to plant your plants too deep. Alternately, you can plant a tomato seedling on its side and angle the tip of the plant to grow up out of the soil. Every garden is different and there really isn’t a “wrong” way to grow tomatoes.

Manual de AngularJS Listado de los capítulos Introducción a AngularJS Esta es una introducción de manera conceptual al framework Javascript AngularJS. Explicamos por qué cada vez tiene más importancia el desarrollo de aplicaciones web con alta carga de Javascript y por qué son esenciales este tipo de librerías para una programación más sencilla, rápida y de fácil mantenimiento. Completaremos la introducción con una práctica en la que podremos experimentar con un primer ejemplo en Angular. 1.- Por qué AngularJS Cómo los frameworks Javascript en general y AngularJS en concreto nos sirven para solucionar las necesidades actuales de la informática, en cuanto a desarrollo multiplataforma de aplicaciones grandes o enormes que se asemejan a las de escritorio. 2.- Qué es AngularJS Descripción general sobre AngularJS, el framework Javascript, así como los principales componentes que tiene y los conceptos que debemos conocer antes de poner manos en el código. 3.- AngularJS Vs jQuery ¿Complementarias? Descargas Comentarios

NSA's PRISM: Protect yourself with these alternative services loops7 Afraid someone is watching? Try these services for a little privacy. If you're at all like me, the announcement that the NSA's secret PRISM program was collecting and analyzing data from pretty much every major Internet service, and thus could potentially be listening in on my phone calls, reading my emails and looking at my documents stored in the cloud, made you feel icky. Sure, the NSA said they weren't intentionally looking to spy on Americans, but just the possibility of this happening feels like a breach of privacy. Fortunately, there's a whole cottage industry around encrypted versions of popular Internet services, most of which don't need any technical knowledge to set up and operate. An important caveat: No encryption scheme is entirely secure, and this is the NSA, one of the most advanced signal intelligence agencies the world has ever known. Web browsing Jon Xavier is the technology reporter at the Silicon Valley Business Journal.

Build a real-time polls application with Node.js, Express, AngularJS, and MongoDB Recently while lecturing on HTML5 to a large group of students, I wanted to poll them and display their voting results, updating in real-time. I decided to quickly build a polling app for this purpose. I wanted a simple architecture and not too many different languages and frameworks. So I decided to use JavaScript for everything — Node.js and Express for the server-side, MongoDB for the database, and AngularJS for the front-end user interface. “This MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) may one day surpass the simplicity of the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) for web application development and deployment.” I chose to use DevOps Services (formerly JazzHub) to manage the source code for my project. What you'll need to build your app A basic familiarity with Node.js, and a Node.js development environmentThese Node.js modules: Express framework, Jade, Mongoose, and socket.ioAngularJS JavaScript frameworkMongoDB NoSQL databaseThe Eclipse IDE, with the Nodeclipse plug-in installed

My Work At Home World: mTurk. Simple, Legit Way To Make Money Online. I have been a worker for Amazon mTurk for over 6 months now. As a worker you have the opportunity to choose from over 1000s of different, simple tasks (HITs) and work whenever is convenient for you. As with every online job, there are pros and cons to this site. The pros? You can work whenever. You get to see exactly what it is you'll be working on before you choose to accept the task or not. The cons? Another pro is that I can guarantee that they pay! You can see here that I've made over $100 using this site! If you are interested in mTurk, head HERE to learn about how to sign up! CSS > Typography Angular Material provides typography CSS classes you can use to create visual consistency across your application. Reference the Material Design specification for Typography. To preserve semantic structures, you should style the <h1>- <h6>heading tags with the styling classes shown below: Selectors Output .md-display-4 Light 112px .md-display-3 Regular 56px .md-display-2 Regular 45px .md-display-1 Regular 34px .md-headline Regular 24px .md-title Medium 2.0sp .md-subhead Regular 16px Example Note: Base font size is 10px for easy rem units (1.2rem = 12px).

Deep dive into the murky waters of script loading Introduction In this article I’m going to teach you how to load some JavaScript in the browser and execute it. No, wait, come back! For starters, here’s how the spec defines the various ways a script could download and execute: Like all of the WHATWG specs, it initially looks like the aftermath of a cluster bomb in a scrabble factory, but once you’ve read it for the 5th time and wiped the blood from your eyes, it’s actually pretty interesting: My first script include Ahh, blissful simplicity. Unfortunately, the browser blocks further rendering of the page while all this is happening. This is why the great and the good of the performance world recommend putting script elements at the end of your document, as it blocks as little content as possible. Thanks IE! Microsoft recognised these performance issues and introduced “defer” into Internet Explorer 4. Like a cluster-bomb in a sheep factory, “defer” became a wooly mess. Thanks IE! It giveth, it taketh away. 1.js 2.js console.log('3'); Enough!

Premiers pas avec Grunt Nous vous conseillons aujourd’hui d’utiliser un gestionnaire de tâches qui nous paraît être mieux sur bien des points: configuration plus souple, lisible et facile et rapidité vous attendent avec Gulp. Vous avez sûrement déjà entendu parler de Grunt à droite à gauche, en conférence, voire votre boite l’utilise déjà mais vous ne savez toujours pas trop ce qui se cache derrière ce terme saugrenu digne d’un personnage de Warcraft. Soit, ce n’est pas bien grave. Grunt est simplement un JavaScript Task Runner, un outil vous permettant de créer des tâches automatisées en JavaScript. Forcément ce n’est pas très parlant mais c’est tout l’intérêt de cet article, vous expliquer ce qu’est Grunt et pourquoi il peut vous être utile dans un workflow de front-end dev. Vous est-il déjà arrivé de devoir régulièrement lancer, lancer et relancer des processus tels que Sass, LESS, uglify - en somme des préprocesseurs ou des minifiers - régulièrement à la main ? Voici un workflow assez classique : $ npm init

A Victorian RV Step one is the removal of all of the seats. I invited a bunch of friends over for a mid-winter barbeque and we finished in a couple of hours. An angle-grinder with a cut-off disk made short work of the rusted and frozen bolts and let us get the seats out without having to crawl around underneath the bus. We striped the seats down and I re-used as much of them as I could and separated the rest of the components for recycling. Once you get the seats out the space will seem HUGE and you'll imagine that you can fit all sorts of things in there. This is an illusion! There's a ridge down the length of most buses that supports the outer edge of the seats. One we got the bus partially completed we put it on the road and did some camping in what we called our "steel tent." Here's a shot of the painting process before re-installation of all of the trim and lights. If you look carefully you can see the window screens I made. Potable and septic tanks were hung underneath.
