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Grocery & Floral - Emergency Kits & Supplies

Vivos - Underground Shelter Network for Surviving 2012 and Beyond Walmart - Office Supplies Home Office Products Cost Less at Walmart Whether you run a serious business from home or just want a comfortable, well-equipped home office to catch up on emails and prepare your taxes, has all the home office supplies and home office equipment you'll need to get set up. You'll find the most useful home office supplies and home office equipment at Our extensive selection of home office products features all the essentials for maximizing productivity without hurting your bottom line. You'll find everything you need for your home office including printers, computers, phones and wireless home network equipment, plus ink toner, keyboards, stationary, and paper shredders. You can shop for your home office products by category, such as printers and ink, accessories, networking equipment, scanners, home safes and so on.

RedLetterMedia What Knot to Use in a Primitive Situation It's been my observation that every practicing abo should have several knots memorized, ready to be used anytime. If you are making primitive cordage, then learn a few knots to go with it. Someone once asked me why one could not use the same knot in every situation. The answer is that different knots will fit different situations. A line may be tied onto its own cord, or a different line, onto a post, ring, fishhook, or animal. What I would like to do here is list some of the knots that I have personally used while practicing primitive outdoor skills. Half hitch and double half hitch: The half hitch can be used for hanging a rope from a branch or post. Timber Hitch: This is used traditionally for skidding logs, sometimes used with an additional half hitch. Bowline tied off with half hitch Bowline: This is a loop that won't slip, or come loose. Sheet Bend: This is used to tie two lines together, to extend a line, or to tie a line to fabric. Overhand knot Constrictor knot Continued

WB Mason - Office Supplies QC Wilderness Survival Skills The fear of the unknown can be a very scary experience. It can make a strong man panic, a brave woman act irresponsibly without thinking and a mature teenager cry. But to feel fear is normal and necessary. The wilderness can be frightening if we got lost, our supplies run low or our gear disappears. Knowledge and experience are the first step to overcoming fear. Twenty five years ago, I proposed to a group of friends a backpacking opportunity to hike into the wilderness with minimal backpacking gear. The final group for the wilderness adventure consisted of 4 men, including myself, and 1 woman. I wanted a location that was not familiar to everyone and the area had to have a source of water. The area selected was a wooded canyon with a stream flowing through it. WATER Your body is 75% water by weight. Thirst is no indication of how much water you need. If water rations are insufficient, then movement should be reduced to the cool times of the day or night. 2. 3. Continued

Primitive Technology, Traditional Skills and Hand-Made Tools Knife Sharpening Tricks There are many ways to sharpen a knife. This method produces a good general purpose edge. Safety note: As my Granddad used to say: "Don't cut toward yourself, and you'll never get cut." Excellent photos by Christy Canida the whale butcher. See what she does with these knives at Skinning and Filleting Catfish People have always cared about sharp tools. This first video shows how to make your own Bog Man stone from a regular sharpening stone, or any soft abrasive stone you happen to find. First we will make a drill bit from a nail, drill a hole in the stone, saw the stone in half, and flatten it. This second video shows how to sharpen a knife for butchering and how to sharpen it for carving wood. Links to the ipod formated videos are at the bottom of this page.

Knife Making Without Tools Here's how to make a hunting knife from a butter knife by rubbing it on wet pavement and wrapping the handle with cord. It looks and feels good in the hand. This project was inspired by a family I stayed with in Kenya. The only utensil they had was a sharpened butterknife shared by about twenty people. Select your "blank": Test your butterknives by bending the blade with your fingers. WARNING: I will be showing a bunch of OPTIONAL steps using tools.

Survival Think Tank How to Survive The Apocalypse » Apocalyptic Farming: Sprouts! Apocalyptic Farming: Sprouts! Sprouting your own seeds is quite economical and very easy, and does not even require a green thumb. If you can rinse your mini crop twice daily, and the temperature is human habitable, you can have fresh, nutrient dense sprouts in as little as 3 to 5 days. The good news is there are many sprouts that do not need the comfort of a countertop. Simply suspend your cloth sprout bag in a plastic bag (which makes a mini greenhouse, being careful to not allow the cloth bottom to lie on the bottom of the plastic baggie) after a quick rinse, and attach it to your backpack. Seeding quality, organic seeds are recommended. Wandering (Can Grow in your Backpack ) Mung Basil Almonds Amaranth Sunflower Pumpkin Cauliflower Peanuts Quinoa Wheat Kamut Barley Oats Millet Lentil Sesame Pea Garbanzo Adzuki Mung Clover Alfalfa OnionGarlicLeekBroccoliCabbageMustardRadish Staying for a week or two: WheatBarleyArugulaCressBuckwheatFlax [/list] Sprouting Containers Tupperware Hemp Cloth bags

How to Survive The Apocalypse » Equipment Checklist Here, for your convenience, we have assembled a checklist of all the equipment we recommend having on hand, just in case today is the day. We will add to it as we add articles. Each item on the list has a number associated with it (1 through 5). If the item is a 1, it is either not that critical, or only useful in unlikely apocalypse scenarios. Of course, this is not just a simple check list one can blindly follow, each item requires careful consideration. If you see something important missing from the list, please let us know. Incoming search terms:
