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61 Best Social Media Tools for Small Business

61 Best Social Media Tools for Small Business
4.5K Flares 4.5K Flares × Banana Republic and Susan’s Neighborhood Shirt Shop could be using the same social networks—Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.—but their marketing plans and their marketing tools are likely quite different. Small businesses are eager to find valuable tools that take a lot of the time and trouble out of social media marketing and that do so without costing an arm and a leg. Well, I went searching for just this kind of simple, easy, cost-effective tool, and I came up with 61 that made the cut. Hopefully you find one or two here that you can use in your small scale marketing that can get you big results. Social Media Tools for Small Business Sixty-one is a lot of tools to browse through, so I thought I’d help out by categorizing all of them into a clickable table. Buffer Before we get in too deep, I wanted to plug a social media tool I’m quite partial to (for obvious reasons). Okay, now on with the lists… Dashboards / Management Tools SocialBro Tweetdeck Tweepi Related:  Réseaux sociaux

Content Sharing: The Essential Guide to Content Sharing 36 Flares Twitter 13 Facebook 6 Google+ 3 LinkedIn 4 in Share 4 Buffer 10 36 Flares × If you don’t have a good content sharing strategy there is no point in writing content! Do you have a really effective content sharing strategy already in place? In this article we look at how you can come up with an effective strategy and what content sharing tools can be used to help. 1. When you post your content you need to share to platforms that you are active on Some of this has to be done manually and some can be automated. There are various content sharing tools that can help automate the delivery of some of your content. In the example below any new content from RazorSocial is automatically shared using to: My personal twitter account My business twitter account Delicious (bookmarking site) (competitor to twitter) Google + business page LinkedIn Profile (Status Update) will pick up new content from the source and deliver to the destination 2. 3. 4. a. b. c). d). 5. Summary

5 redes sociales que actúan como clubes de lectura Tecnología 5 redes sociales que actúan como clubes de lectura 4 de diciembre de 2013 Dejando atrás el mito de que la lectura es un hábito solitario, en el último tiempo han surgido diversas redes sociales que actúan como clubes literarios e invitan a compartir este sano hobby. En esta nota, 5 redes sociales para contagiar las ganas de leer. Además de ayudar a conciliar el sueño, estimular la actividad cerebral y ser un potente factor anti estrés, un reciente estudio científico del New School for Social Research ha concluido que la lectura (en este caso, de novelas de ficción) ayuda a desarrollar la empatía e identificar las emociones ajenas. Lee también: ¡Conoce a Youvity, la nueva red social! A continuación, repasamos algunas de las más destacadas (en español e inglés): 1. Bukear es una red social argentina que estima que lo importante no es lo que lees, sino las sensaciones que te provocan esas lecturas y lo que piensas de lo que has leído. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Free Ebook: Tune Up Your Social Media Marketing Many business owners feel that social media has little impact on revenue, but when used correctly, it's proven to drive more traffic to your website and generate quality leads. In our newest Ebook, “The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media,” we have thoroughly detailed the best practices for generating value through social engagement. Social media is no longer a luxury. It's a necessity. In this interactive guide, learn how to: Generate engaging, more shareable contentAttract followers and extend your social media reachDrive landing page conversions through link sharingIdentify the most profitable social platforms for your company Download this essential guide and learn how to transform your social media marketing efforts from a routine to a critical component in achieving your business goals.

15 Mejores herramientas para gestionar las Redes Sociales 597 Flares Twitter 185 Facebook 186 Google+ 166 LinkedIn 39 inShare39 Buffer 21 597 Flares × Herramientas para Gestionar las Redes Sociales Cualquier Community Manager sabe la importancia que tiene utilizar buenas herramientas para gestionar las Redes Sociales, ya que son facilitadores del trabajo diario y pueden ayudarle tanto en la gestión diaria como en la medición. El boom de las Redes Sociales ha hecho que cambiemos nuestros hábitos en el uso de Internet. Aunque, una de los principales dificultades que se encuentran las empresas en su primera andadura en las Redes Sociales es su falta de estrategia, organización y principalmente de gestión, ya que gestionar correctamente las Redes Sociales va mucho más allá de publicar algún post en Facebook o algún tuit en Twitter. Para utilizar las Redes Sociales de forma correcta y lo que es mejor, de manera eficiente, es importante que dispongamos de las mejores herramientas para gestionar las redes sociales. 1.- Hootsuite 2.- SocialOomph 7. 8.

16 Blogging Resources to Improve Your Blog Do you blog regularly? Are you looking for tools to make the process easier? Blogging is hard work and it takes a lot of time to do it well. In this article, you’ll find a list of tools, apps and advice you can use to find your groove and take care of blogging business. #1: Brainstorm Blogging Ideas When you need inspiration for your next blog post, where do you go? How to Use Quora to Cook Up Great Content: Adrienne Erin writes a pretty inspiring post about scanning Quora to find popular conversations and using those topics to create blog content. Don’t Know What to Write About? Let HubSpot help you find a topic to write about. Need a Google Alerts Replacement? shares Google Alert alternatives. #2: Get Organized to Be Productive You have ideas, but now what? How to Use Evernote as a Blogger: Michael Hyatt kills it in this timeless post where he shares his personal workflow using Evernote. walks you through using Evernote. #3: Optimize Your Content

Biilink, le 1er réseau social qui soutient les femmes dans la concrétisation de leurs projets 15 avril, 2014 0 commentaire Culture RP a rencontré Ludivine Cherif-Cheikh, Consultante communication chez Opinion Valley. Un nouveau réseau social est né en octobre dernier. Biilink est le premier réseau social qui met en lien les femmes porteuses de projet entre elles, et avec des professionnels engagés en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat. Aujourd’hui, moins de 3% des françaises ont créé leur entreprise. A l’origine du réseau, il y a l’initiative d’une femme, Stéphanie Cassin. Elles peuvent ainsi être en contact avec des femmes qui, comme elles, ont des projets et cherchent à être guidées. Biilink se présente comme un écosystème propice au développement de projets au féminin. est un réseau social destiné à l’entrepreneuriat féminin. Et n’est pas fermé aux hommes. A ce titre, il y a un autre chiffre qui, dès le début, a retenu l’attention de Stéphanie Cassin : 38% des femmes entrepreneures avouent éprouver le besoin d’être conseillées. Articles en relation :

The Life of a Social Media Manager: How to Spend Time on Social Media You spend part—maybe all—of your day on social media, hopping from network to network, checking analytics, planning ahead, and performing the sundry tasks of a social media manager job. Would it help to know that you’re not alone with keeping such a varied schedule? That your time on social media is shared by others? I was curious for myself whether my social media marketing manager workload and workflow were similar to someone else’s. Here’s what I found. Inside a Social Media Manager’s Schedule Social media tool Socialcast compiled the times and tasks of a typical social media manager schedule and placed them into this interesting infographic. Morning: Check emailReply and retweetPost to social mediaPublish a blogpostCurate contentFollowup with internal team on ideas Afternoon: Write a blogpost, create contentInform team of importance of social media and toolsRevisit and followup on social media sites and profiles Evening: Does this to-do list resemble yours? Here’s how it works: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Plan de Social Media: el contenido es el rey (IV) | Seed Social Media Blog Plan de Social Media: el contenido es el rey (IV) Dentro del Plan de Social Media tienes que definir el tipo de contenidos que vas a compartir, cuáles van a ser tus fuentes, así como la periodicidad con la que participarás en los diferentes medios. Piensa que todas las acciones que emprendas debes dirigirlas a cumplir los objetivos que ya has planteado previamente. Además, debes tener en cuenta a quién te diriges, es decir, cuál es tu público objetivo y qué le interesa. ¿Cómo vas a captar la atención de tus clientes potenciales? ¿Qué les puedes ofrecer que les resulte interesante? ¿Verdad que no hablas de la misma manera con un profesional de tu sector, con tus hijos, con tus amigos ó con tu pareja? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frecuencia: ¿Vas a publicar dos veces al día? ¿Preparado para crear tu plan de contenidos de Social Media? Ros Megías

4 Social Media Tools to Improve Your Social Media Marketing Are you struggling with day-to-day social media marketing tasks? Are you looking for tools to speed up your social tasks? In this article, I’ll share four social media tools and tips to help community managers save time, show creativity and streamline community management for their companies. Why Social Media Tools Community managers for organizations of all sizes are tasked to cover everything from curating content to creating it. The sheer volume of tasks can be overwhelming. Keep reading for four social media tools that will make your social media tasks much easier. #1: Manage the Appearance of Links to Your Website With Facebook Debugger We all know Facebook updates that include pictures and snippets of their content do unbelievably better than ones that publish bare links. Has this ever happened to you? If Facebook has trouble finding an image to include with your link, the preview can take a long time to show up. This link leads to a page that hasn’t been debugged. Here’s how it works.
