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How a Math Genius Hacked OkCupid to Find True Love - Wired Science

How a Math Genius Hacked OkCupid to Find True Love - Wired Science
Mathematician Chris McKinlay hacked OKCupid to find the girl of his dreams. Emily Shur Chris McKinlay was folded into a cramped fifth-floor cubicle in UCLA’s math sciences building, lit by a single bulb and the glow from his monitor. It was 3 in the morn­ing, the optimal time to squeeze cycles out of the supercomputer in Colorado that he was using for his PhD dissertation. (The subject: large-scale data processing and parallel numerical methods.) McKinlay, a lanky 35-year-old with tousled hair, was one of about 40 million Americans looking for romance through websites like, J-Date, and e-Harmony, and he’d been searching in vain since his last breakup nine months earlier. On that early morning in June 2012, his compiler crunching out machine code in one window, his forlorn dating profile sitting idle in the other, it dawned on him that he was doing it wrong. But mathematically, McKinlay’s compatibility with women in Los Angeles was abysmal. Maurico Alejo

Data Science BrightTalk Prof. Mak Skilton, Warwick Business School Digitization of products and services is changing industry supply chains, markets and jobs. How business companies and the providers of IT services and systems respond is increasingly driven by what digital ecosystems and roles will you play? The explosion of data and the drive for a multiplicity of customer driven experience and choice is creating an increasingly price competitive digital footprint to be mindful of. What characteristics are important to establishing a competitive product and service in a digitalized marketplace and industry? This session will explore these themes · Definitions of what are your digital ecosystems · How to design digital workspaces in your digital ecosystem · Managing change in your organization to align and exploit your digital ecosystem presence · What are the liminality of these digital ecosystem See Mark's forthcoming book – “Digital Ecosystems”.

10 Mr. Rogers Quotes You Need to Read If you haven't seen it, Fred Rogers' acceptance speech for a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1997 Emmys is a fascinating watch. After being introduced as "the best neighbor any of us has ever had," by Tim Robbins, Mr. Rogers takes the stage amidst uproarious applause. A humble, gray Presbyterian minister being heralded as a hero on television's flashiest night—he sticks out, not just by virtue of his age, but also a sort of sheepish grace. This man does not have a false bone in his body. What happens next is probably singular among award shows. At first people chuckle a little—is he serious? Eleven years ago today, Fred Rogers passed away quietly in his Pittsburgh home, and America lost its favorite neighbor. It's hard to know how to approach Mr. There's been a recent backlash against how frequently this generation has heard that it's "special," and maybe some of that is deserved. "One of the greatest gifts you can give anybody is the gift of your honest self" In His Own Words

Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics By Eric Zivot (University of Washington) Learn mathematical, programming and statistical tools used in the real world analysis and modeling of financial data. Get an in-depth insight into the mathematical and statistical tools and techniques used in quantitative and computational finance! In this course, you'll make use of R to analyze financial data, estimate statistical models, and construct optimized portfolios. The material in this course was originally developed as a complement to Prof. This course is for everyone interested in finance.

Can We Be Lovers & Not Have Sex? I want a life of a million lovers. I want to love you. I want to love you if you are male or female, young or old, single or married… When I see you we will embrace and hold a hug long enough to glimpse some insight from each other’s heartbeat. When we walk down the street we shall link arms, pause frequently, and turn our toes and noses towards the other to speak directly without modesty. I would like us to share the couch together, rather than creating a “do not cross” line where we may as well be sitting on brick blocks seated four feet away. I want to show up to you and look into your eyes instead of at your eyes. I would like you to leave our time together feeling loved and free and full of your most vibrant and luscious hue of you-ness. Please do not get confused: I do not want to have sex with you—whether you are male or female. For me, sharing sex with someone requires a certain alignment, and I do not take that lightly. For love is love is love is love, and that is what I want.

Machine Learning - Gibbs Sampling Tutorial — i am trask History and Tutorial of Gibbs Sampling - Markov Chain Monte Carlo This will be discussing Markov Chains, Monte Carlo Analysis, and how they are combined under an application known as Gibbs Sampling. The general purpose of the combination is to use the efficiency of Monte Carlo and the memoryless “random walk” of a Markov Chain to computationally estimate the value of an integral. The need to efficiently integrate is a broad need across many fields of science, with this approach being quite effective in integrating over a probability distribution. This paper will be separating the parts of the algorithm in order to understand both the origins of each part, and how the unique properties of each part contributes to the overall nature of the algorithm. What is the history of the algorithm? Monte Carlo Method Monte Carlo analysis has a very exciting history. Markov Chains The discovery of the Markov chain has an equally exciting yet somewhat less explosive origin. Gibbs Sampling import Math.sqrt

Viewpoint: Five ways the world is doing better than you think Many people don't know about the enormous progress most countries have made in recent decades - or maybe the media hasn't told them. But with the following five facts everyone can upgrade their world view. 1. Fast population growth is coming to an end It's a largely untold story - gradually, steadily the demographic forces that drove the global population growth in the 20th Century have shifted. The demographic consequences are amazing. 2. Fifty years ago we had a divided world. There were two types of countries - "developed" and "developing" - and they differed in almost every way. So much has changed, especially in the last decade, that the countries of the world today defy all attempts to classify them into only two groups. 3. Fifty years ago, the average life expectancy in the world was 60 years. But today's average of 70 years applies to the majority of people of the world. 4. The greatest change for girls and young women in the world today is probably more education. 5.

Visualizing Data with AngularJS The D3 bits but new donut charts will all have the same data... demo demo demo (aka, small multiples) demo but what if our data changes? there's nothing you can do. jk svg.on('mousedown', function(d) { data = d3.range(4).map(Math.random);'d', arc); }); demo demo Wait, WAT? Angular doesn't know the scope changed. how does it know?! var $timeout = function(callback, delay){ setTimeout(function(){ $scope.apply(function(){ callback(); }); }, delay); } it usually knows automatically via: ng-mouseoverng-click$timeout$httpetc... svg.on('mousedown', function(d) { scope. demo sweet rrr.. wait a sec.. now ng-repeat don't work... demo demo awesome rrrr... wait.. what about animation? scope. transitioning arc angles demo whoops... lets try that again. transitioning arc angles demo okay, but things break if the length of our data doesn't remain the same. now what? scope. demo But wait! you're right, it's not svg.on('mousedown', function(d) { scope. demo

Rap Analysis - Kanye West, "Monster" | The Composer's Corner Today's exclusive article will be on beats instead of rap. It's similar to one where I catalogued every instrument Dr. Dre uses on his beats between 2000 and 2009, which you can find here. Kanye never fails to blow me away. That chart describes the entrance and exit of different ideas in Common's "I Used To Love H.E.R." rap beat, which you can hear here This basic structuring of musical ideas to differentiate between different sections of the song is basically what Kanye does on "Monster," but he just takes it to an extremely complex level. This comes across in "Monster." All of this is encapsulated Kanye's production approach to Jay-Z's verse: 1. 2. 3. 4. That's 4 noticeably different layers of musical idea combinations that Jay-Z raps over in a single 20 bar verse, and 5 if you consider his a cappella rapping at the end. As much as it pains me to say it, what Kanye does is also similar to what Dr.

NeuronDotNet - Neural Networks in C# | Free Science & Engineering software downloads Disruptions: More Connected, Yet More Alone ‘I Forgot My Phone’ on YouTube. SAN FRANCISCO — Last weekend, I was watching television with a few friends, browsing the week’s most popular YouTube videos, when a piece in the comedy section called “I Forgot My Phone” caught my eye. As I was about to click play, however, a friend warned, “Oh, don’t watch that. I saw it yesterday, and it’s really sad.” The two-minute video, which has been viewed more than 15 million times, begins with a couple in bed. The subsequent scenes follow Ms. deGuzman through a day that is downright dystopian: people ignore her as they stare at their phones during lunch, at a concert, while bowling and at a birthday party. Ms. deGuzman’s video makes for some discomfiting viewing. “I came up with the idea for the video when I started to realize how ridiculous we are all being, myself included, when I was at a concert and people around me were recording the show with their phones, not actually watching the concert,” Ms. deGuzman said in an interview. Or not.
