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What is Kickstarter

What is Kickstarter
1. Kickstarter is a new way to fund creative projects. We’re a home for everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of projects, big and small, that are brought to life through the direct support of people like you. Since our launch in 2009, 6 million people have pledged $1 billion, funding 60,000 creative projects. Thousands of creative projects are raising funds on Kickstarter right now. 2. The filmmakers, musicians, artists, and designers you see on Kickstarter have complete control over and responsibility for their projects. 3. Project creators set a funding goal and deadline. 4. Backers are supporting projects to help them come to life, not to profit financially. 5. Mozart, Beethoven, Whitman, Twain, and other artists funded works in similar ways — not just with help from large patrons, but by soliciting money from smaller patrons, often called subscribers. 6. 7. We’re an independent company of 81 people based in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Tutorials In this surreal manipulation tutorial I will show you how to create a cute hedgehog made of a dandelion. Read more In this abstract photoshop manipulation tutorial you will learn how to create a simple yet nice abstract artwork using only 3 stock images. In this raw photo editing tutorial I will show you how I edited a RAW photo I took in Dublin in 2015 using Lightroom and Photoshop to enhance it. Learn how to create sun rays in Photoshop using gradients and blend modes and make them look realistic with adjustments. In this quick Photoshop tutorial I will show you how to change the luminosity of colors selectively without affecting their saturation. In this simple photoshop cc tutorial I will show you how to recreate a windshield and create reflections in Photoshop. In this video I will show you how to make a cinematic ambient light effect in Photoshop by creating beams/rays of light In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple yet impressive movie poster in Photoshop CC.

10 Crowdfunding Sites To Fuel Your Dream Project Do you have a dream? No, not the kind you get from eight hours of sleep, a dream dream. Your legacy to leave in this world that people will remember you buy. You know, like creating an epic video game, or recording a great music album, or the next social network to take the world by storm? Never hurts to dream big, right? Alas, in this materialistic world, dreams are expensive – scratch that, dreams need a great deal of money to take off. Pin it Today, driven by our passion to spread this great news among dreamers, we want to introduce to you 10 crowdfunding sites that could be the key to seeing your dream come to life. So cheer up, buck up and fire up your dream project and do your best to convince these angels that the world still needs dreams like yours. What is Crowdfunding Crowdfunding, as its name suggests, is a funding method where common people like you and me, henceforth the crowd, fund your personal or business project with their own money. (Image Source: Fotolia) 1. Fees 2. 3. 4.

Horus Producciones/fotografia y Video en Cordoba horus producciones es un estudio integral de fotografía y video ubicado en córdoba. brindamos todo tipo de servicios audiovisuales para que su empresa o evento se destaque. nuestro set fotográfico con fondo infinito, varios fondos de colores e iluminación nos permiten realizar tomas de productos, books, modelos, publicitarias, croma. contamos con la última tecnología, los recursos humanos y la infraestructura necesaria para cubrir un megaevento, en la ciudad de córdoba o el interior del país. horus producciones le garantiza excelente calidad del producto final, ya que trabajamos permantemente en la búsqueda de la perfección y el crecimiento; realizamos videos de presentación, institucionales, corporativos, documentales, etc. también brindamos la cobertura de eventos sociales, como bodas, fiestas de 15 años, eventos de fin de año, reuniones empresariales, etc. www. horusproducciones. com. ar te 0351 4817947 gracias por confiar en nosotros... Contacto Celeste Fecha de publicacion

Free Online Courses for Aspiring Filmmakers This is a guest post by freelance writer Donna Reish. You don't have to have a bachelor's or graduate degree in film in order to become a successful film maker—but you do need to have talent and knowledge of the industry. Open courseware are online classes that are offered entirely for free. The catch? You can't claim college credit or ask for a professor's assistance. But you do have access to an abundance of educational resources with which you can teach yourself. Video Production and Creation These courses are designed to teach students the in and outs of actually putting their vision on screen and putting their filmmaking skills to the test. Industry A great film maker is also highly aware of his or her target audience and the industry as a whole. Philosophy of Film These courses should help one understand the history and philosophy behind film in order to truly understand and appreciate this art form. [photo by velcr0]

Prêt d'Union - crédit entre particuliers - crédit voiture, prêt travaux, crédit moto… Financez votre projet Empruntez moins cher, sans les banques ! Consultez gratuitement en 3 clics notre taux Un nouveau crédit pour une finance responsable Prix : les meilleurs taux du marchéSécurité : nous sommes agréés Etablissement de CréditRapidité : fonds versés sous 48h *Transparence : n’engraissez plus les banques ! Close Prêt d’Union ne propose pas d’offre pour les montants inférieurs à 2 000€. Prêt d’Union ne propose pas d’offre pour les montants supérieurs à 35 000€. Rachat de crédit : notre solution personnalisée Pour trouver une solution de rachat de crédit, Prêt d'Union vous propose de faire appel à son partenaire, meilleur comparateur de rachat de crédit du marché. Réduisez vos mensualités jusqu'à moins 60% ! Pour faire une simulation gratuite, sans engagement et obtenir une réponse personnalisée en 3 minutes, cliquez sur « CONTINUER ». Benjamin Enfin, j'ai trouvé la solution à mes de crédits :les banques, trop de paperasse, long délai pour l'... 16 avr. Benjamin, fr-FR alexandre

50 Marketing Tips for Photographers: Get More Business Now Are you a photographer stuck in a marketing rut? Are you looking for ideas on how you can market yourself, your photography, and your business? Look no further. These tips below will give you plenty of ideas on how to grow your business. Remember, just as with photography, you need to find the marketing techniques that fit your style. To make it easy, I have divided the marketing tips into categories. Thank yous/Gifts {for word of mouth} Thank you cards – send one after each session.Give customers a set of wallets with their order to use as referral cards. Get out there {for more word of mouth and visibility} Show up at local events, and with permission from the organizers, shoot photos. Get visual Use images on your business cardsHave a website with best examples of your work, and keep it updated periodically.Have different business cards for your different specialties. Pricing Motivation/Other tips and ideas… Believe in yourself!

About At, my aim is to make you awesome in Excel. I do this by sharing whatever little I learn everyday. Our community has an open mind. We are eager to learn and share. I am glad to know that you are here and want to be a part of us. I invite you to join our mailing list. I have launched in year 2004. We get 1,650,000 monthly views with readers from all over the world. You can support this site by, My products are well received by our members. About Me : Chandoo I am your CEO here, Chief Excel Officer. I am married to Jo, my college sweetheart. Thanks for visiting my site. Please learn more about our policies or ask a question in our forums or get in touch with me. How do we run I quit my job in April 2010 and has been my only business ever since. Stuff We use & Recommend Many people ask me what software, tools & services I use to manage a reasonably busy site like Join our community NEW!!!

Buuyers Au sens de l'article D411-1 du Code Monétaire et Financier : Les personnes physiques remplissant au moins deux des trois critères peuvent être considérés comme investisseurs qualifiés: La détention d'un portefeuille d'instruments financiers d'une valeur supérieure à 500 000 euros ; La réalisation d'opérations d'un montant supérieur à 600 euros par opération sur des instruments financiers, à raison d'au moins dix par trimestre en moyenne sur les quatre trimestres précédents ; L'occupation pendant au moins un an, dans le secteur financier, d'une position professionnelle exigeant une connaissance des investissements en instruments financiers. Si vous respectez au moins deux de ces trois critères et que vous n'êtes pas enregistré sur la liste de l'AMF des investisseurs qualifiés, nous vous recommandons d'envoyer le document ci-dessous par courrier à l'AMF. Télécharger le document

20 Myths About Becoming a Pro Photographer (And their solutions!) Hover over this image and click “Pin it” to put this on your pinterest board! Starting out as a pro photographer is very exciting. It’s fun to realize that a photography hobby can also be a great way to earn a little extra money on the side. Sometimes the failure means they simply don’t find enough clients, sometimes that failure means getting sued, sometimes that failure means losing more than you gain, but most often…. that failure occurs when–one year into running the side business–the photographer realizes that it just isn’t bringing in enough money to be worth her time. It is my hope that this list will not discourage anyone from becoming a professional photographer, but I do hope that it will make you aware of the unbelievably common misconceptions that many photographers have about earning money with photography. Before I begin the list, I have to point out that OBVIOUSLY these “myths” are not false in every circumstance. Yikes. Nope. Shocker. Don’t get me wrong. Check it out Ugh!
