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Brooms, broom jumping wedding brooms witches brooms - BroomMagic Lofty Thoughts, Pagan Articles, RSS Feed Here is where we place articles on magical and spiritual matters. We hope you enjoy what we have to offer. Unless otherwise noted all of these articles are copyrighted material and may not be reproduced in any form, be it material or electrical, without written permission from Raven Grimassi.

Alchemy Works Oils, Incense, Herbs and Seeds for Magic Satanism and Devil Worship; The official website of Aleister Nacht Magickware Book Review & Emporium amberandjet : Amber and Jet Amber and Jet was created and designed specifically for exploring British Traditional Wicca paths and traditions. The list is a forum for both sincere seekers to Traditional Wicca and initiates of British Wicca traditions. Amber and Jet is an intermediate-level list -- participants should already have a working knowledge of the basics of Paganism and Witchcraft. Do not expect the revealing of oathbound material here, but rather the sharing of ideas on Wicca from a Traditional point of view, honest and mindful answers to questions, and most importantly, community and fellowship with those of like mind from around the World. All who are sincerely interested in the essence and workings of British Traditional Wicca and its discussion are welcome to join. We would like this list to be an open, intelligent, and topical forum for initiates, elders, and sincere seekers of modern British Traditional Wicca.

Beth's Pagan Stuff Welcome to my pagan home on the Web! This page includes my own resources (marked with a * ) as well as links to other people's resources.About Paganism & Witchcraft:Witchy Thoughts:Music and Fun:Gods/ Goddesses/ Deity/ the Divine:*Virtual Altar to Hekate*My thoughts on Pagans and Theology*My Queer Pagan Page - young but growing...*Is Biology Destiny?: Men and Gods, my essay on the masculine divine. You know you love it.Pagan Deism: Three Views: Different beliefs held by pagans and their impact on the community.GodChecker: an irreverent, somewhat goofy guide to the world's mythologies.Recommended Reading:*Pagan Non-Fiction: More than just Wicca 101. Today's Moon Phase (Thanks to the U.S.

title goes here Obsidian I apologise if the title of this essay may be a little misleading. I am not making a direct observation of morons in the Craft; in fact, some of the examples I mention below may even be anything more substantial than broad generalizations. In fact, this entire essay is just going to be one seemingly baseless opinion, but it's my chance to bitch you, the average nameless faceless Neopagan, out for being a fucking moron. If you happen not to be a moron, and prefer not to read this tirade, feel free to skip this essay and delve into one of the many other essays that populate this site. But you may want to read ahead anyway, just to make sure you're not one of the target audience of this piece.

Witchy Thoughts: Fluffy Bunnies? A new trend within the Pagan and Wiccan communities - especially on the Internet - is to bash so-called "fluffy bunnies", typically in the most rude and offensive terms possible. "Fluffy bunnies" are usually defined as those who fit one of the following criteria: - they persist in believing inaccurate information about Wicca; - they focus on the "light" side of Wicca to the exclusion of the "dark" side; - they push their beliefs on others and/or claim persecution constantly; - they practice in an ostentatious, pretentious manner (such as calling oneself "Lord"/ "Lady" or wearing eighteen pentacles at once), usually because they are into Wicca for the shock value. I agree with many of the criticisms voiced by these folks - for example, dissemination of inacurate information, a "victim" mentality, and pretentiousness are problems in our community.

Magical Wood Properties and the Magical Properties of Wood by DragonOak Feminine energy. Elder is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 25 November to 23 December. The Elder is also said to be the tree used in the crucifixion of Christ. Associated with the Celt Goddess Cailleach Beara and the Raven. Some have considered this tree to be unlucky due to its association with the crucifixion, or it may one of those nasty rumors started by the church in order to combat belief systems outside their on scope of a limited belief system.
