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Human Anatomy

Human Anatomy - All the Photo References and Textures Comic Artist Wants Human Anatomy for Artist - Ultra-high resolution human photo references – We have exciting news. With our new stereoscopic 3D references you can get one step closer to having a real nude anatomy model for your drawing in your living room anytime you need. Each pose is taken from 8 angles, which you can see either in 2D as 2 photos side by side (3840 x 1140 px) or in 3D on your 3D TV or 3D monitor as a standard 1920 x 1080 px resolution MPO file. First, before the suggestions, some feedback: Great site. David Merchant Director of Integrated Technology

CG Texturing + Zbrush Work | AmazingBeggar | Page 2 Its going to be a fairly long update…Reason its near completion =) Lets get started with how this Samurai Helmet begin! Fig 01 Indicates sets of UVs needed for the Geometry by assigning different color on it,giving an idea to Texture Artist – LookDev Artist – Lighting Artist and even Lead/Supervisor knowing how the Geometry is partly separated. A good practice to keep with individual during UV Unwrap stage. There are 14 sets of UVs prepared for the Samurai Helmet. Once finished Unwrapping the Geometry,UVs were laid in tiles in UV Editor Fig02. Reason - *To check is there UVs overlaying on top of each other* *Allow a bit of border on each side of the UV sets in its on UV space,this is to make sure Various Maps prepared are not cut off from it* *Always remind oneself to recheck the UVs over and over again to make sure it is perfect. Once the UVs are checked and locked down,usually Ill have two separate files. Mel Script There are a few tools and ways to Unwrap UVs. COL – Color / Diffuse

Design Spartan : Art digital, digital painting, webdesign, ressources, tutoriels et inspiration… | Le blog de tutoriels, ressources et inspiration sur l'art digital, l'illustration et le digital painting et le webdesign Female Anatomy for Artist - Ultra-high resolution female photo references – Prime Portal - The Military Enthusiast & Modeler's Reference Site Psykopaint - Create and paint amazing art from photos Chapter 2. Human anatomy and figure drawing Chapter 2. Human anatomy and figure drawing Before we start, I'd like to point out that knowledge of human anatomy is not a replacement for studying the body from real life or photos. We'll start with the largest bones and muscle masses. I would also like to apologize in advance for using the Latin names of the bones and muscles. (All illustrations in this chapter are referenced from photos that were taken from large distances, x-ray images, and [Gold], [Gray], and [Barc]) Figure 2.1. The human body is usually measured in units of heads. Unless you are drawing an adult that is standing up straight, you can't use this diagram directly. Arms are 3½ heads long.When the arms are hanging down, the elbows line up with the bottom of the ribcage, and the fingertips reach halfway the upper leg.The navel is positioned roughly halfway between the nipples and the crotch, and halfway between the bottom of the ribcage and the top of the pelvis.

Snark Out Horse Anatomy Pictures-Think Like a Horse-Rick Gore Horsemanship Heart Rate: 30-44 beats per minute, too fast could mean recent exercise, pain, fever, heat stroke, shock or anxiety; too slow could mean shock, hypothermia, reaction to poison plants or medication. Temperature: 99-101 degrees, high temp could be heat stroke, infection, recent exercise; low temp could be shock, hypothermia or unable to produce heat. Capillary Refill Time: Press on a horse's gum's, they will go white or blanch, then they should return to pink or normal color within 1-2 seconds. If color returns too fast it could be high blood pressure, anxiety or nervousness. If color returns too slow it could be shock or poisoning. Digital Pulse: This is found on the foot on the inside of the ankle, below the fetlock. Gum Color: The gum's should be pale or pink. Gut Sounds: You should hear long and short rumbles and some gurgles.

Good Reference Gallery | has moved to a NEW domain! Figure Drawing Reference (Scroll down for Head Drawing Reference Gallery) Photography credits below Do you want more images? Subscribers get exclusive access to my personal library of reference images, including scans of Pose File 7 and premium images from Head Drawing ReferencePhotography Credits I’d like to thank the following photographers named below. There is no malice, ill-intent or for-profit commercial use here. Here’s the partial list. Sudoksa, Danny St, G_S_H, Zamario, ZenMotion, Joji, Wing Shiya, Rafael Dorantes, Rich Crimilio, Greatest Dancer, MJ Ranum Do you still want more?

Portrait Drawing References Les Runes : Origine & Usage Parmis la multitude des alphabets « magiques » il en est un que l’on retrouve à toute les sauces : cinéma, jeux vidéos, animation japonaise et bijoux de toutes sortes. Pour le profane, les runes sont le vecteur d’une mystique pure et authentique, un alphabet sorcier parfait ne pouvant cacher en son sein que la plus puissante des magies. Suivant ce principe les groupes de musique hard rock, métal et indus nous les servent donc à toutes les sauces. Mais qu’en est-il vraiment ? Les runes c’est quoi en fait ? Origine des Runes Les runes sont l’écriture des anciens peuples Germaniques, Scandinaves et Anglo-Saxons. L’assimilation progressive par différents peuples fit évoluer le nombre des runes ainsi que leurs formes. Certains auteurs pensent que les 24 runes primitives sont le résultat d’un mélange d’alphabets issu du « Viel Italique ». D’autres pensent plutôt qu’elles représentant les 24 constellations visibles des anciens Scandinaves. Système magique Outil divinatoire Apprendre les Runes
