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AWS Free Usage Tier * These free tier offers are only available to new AWS customers, and are available for 12 months following your AWS sign-up date. When your 12 month free usage term expires or if your application use exceeds the tiers, you simply pay standard, pay-as-you-go service rates (see each service page for full pricing details). Restrictions apply; see offer terms for more details. ** These free tier offers do not automatically expire at the end of your 12 month AWS Free Tier term, but are available to both existing and new AWS customers indefinitely. † The following Windows variants are not eligible for the free tier: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with SQL Server Web, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with SQL Server Standard, Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 64-bit for Cluster Instances and Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 SQL Server 64-bit for Cluster Instances. The Amazon AWS Free Tier applies to participating services across our global regions.

Hébergement web Lorsque les sociétés cherchent une solution pour héberger un site Web, elles sont confrontées à un éventail d'options : acheter et développer leur propre centre de données, externaliser vers une installation de co-emplacement avec des offres de serveur géré ou dédié ou utiliser des solutions basées dans le cloud. Quelle que soit la solution, les sociétés doivent trouver une infrastructure d'hébergement qui assure une sécurité, une fiabilité et une performance maximales. Les coûts, initiaux et continus, et la flexibilité représentent également des considérations importantes pour les sociétés de toute taille. Pour les sociétés qui cherchent à préserver le capital et à réduire les frais initiaux, les solutions dans le cloud sont un choix privilégié. En outre, les solutions dans le cloud permettent aux webmasters et aux propriétaires de site d'augmenter ou de diminuer selon le besoin. Quels sont les coûts initiaux et continus liés à l'hébergement de mon site ? Amazon SimpleDB. Flexible.

Amazon Web Services Blog AWS Elastic Beanstalk makes it easy for you to deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. After you upload your application, Elastic Beanstalk will provision, monitor, and scale capacity (Amazon EC2 instances), while also load balancing incoming requests across all of the healthy instances. Docker automates the deployment of applications in the form of lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers that can run in a variety of environments. Docker's container-based model is very flexible. Today we are enhancing Elastic Beanstalk with the ability to launch applications contained in Docker images or described in Dockerfiles. Beanstalk, Meet DockerWith today's launch, you now have the ability to build and test your applications on your local desktop and then deploy them to the AWS Cloud via Elastic Beanstalk. You can use any desired version of the programming language, web server, and application server. You can launch existing public and private Docker images. -- Jeff;

Understanding Access Credentials for AWS/EC2 Amazon Web Services (AWS) has a dizzying proliferation of credentials, keys, ids, usernames, certificates, passwords, and codes which are used to access and control various account and service features and functionality. I have never met an AWS user who, when they started, did not have trouble figuring out which ones to use when and where, much less why. Amazon is fairly consistent across the documentation and interfaces in the specific terms they use for the different credentials, but nowhere have I found these all listed in one place. (Update: Shlomo pointed out Mitch Garnaat’s article on this topic which, upon examination, may even have been my subconscious inspiration for this. Mitch goes into a lot of great detail in his two part post.) Pay close attention to the exact names so that you use the right credentials in the right places. (1) AWS Email Address and (2) Password. (3) MFA Authentication Code. (4) AWS Account Number. (5) AWS User ID. (8) X.509 Certificate and (9) Private Key.

Amazon EC2 Découvrez gratuitement AWS Le niveau gratuit d'AWS inclut 750 heures par mois d'utilisation d'instances Micro Linux et Windows durant un an. Pour rester dans le cadre du niveau gratuit, vous devez uniquement utiliser des instances EC2 Micro. Voir les détails relatifs au niveau gratuit d'AWS » Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) est un service Web qui fournit une capacité de calcul redimensionnable dans le cloud. L'interface simple du service Web d'Amazon EC2 vous permet d'obtenir et de configurer la capacité avec un minimum de friction. Amazon EC2 vous permet d'augmenter ou de diminuer la capacité en quelques minutes, pas quelques heures ou quelques jours. Vous disposez d'un contrôle total sur vos instances. Vous avez le choix entre plusieurs types d'instances, systèmes d'exploitation et packs logiciels. Amazon EC2 propose un environnement hautement fiable, dans lequel les instances de remplacement peuvent être rapidement mises en service et ce, de façon prévisible.

Amazon Web Services - Webmaster Sicuramente conosciamo tutti quanti Amazon come uno dei più grandi negozi di commercio elettronico del mondo. Iniziò la sua attività di vendita libri online nel lontano 1995 per finire ad oggi che vende praticamente di tutto. Amazon per raggiungere questo obiettivo a livello mondiale non ha dovuto affrontare solo piani di sviluppo che riguardano marketing, logistica e trasporti, ma ha dovuto investire pesantemente sul sistema informativo e la struttura hardware necessaria a gestire l’enorme volume di traffico che veniva generato ogni giorno a livello mondiale. Se vogliamo capire bene i servizi messi a disposizione per l’ambiente IT, dobbiamo assimilare bene due concetti, uno legato agli Amazon Web Services detti AWS e l’altro sulla struttura di networking mondiale. Definizione di cloud computing La nascita degli Amazon Web Services Struttura di networking mondiale Amazon Web Services Compute & Networking Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Amazon Route 53 Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

Managing Your AWS Credentials (Part 1) Anyone who has deployed a production system in the Amazon Web Services infrastructure has grappled with the challenge of securing the application. The majority of the issues you face in an AWS deployment are the same issues you would face in deploying your application in any other environment, e.g. In fact, some of the tools provided by AWS such as the distributed firewall in EC2 can actually make the process even more secure because everything can be controlled via API's. This series of articles focuses on an aspect of security that is very specific to AWS: managing your AWS credentials. AWS Account CredentialsThese are the credentials you use to log into the AWS web portal and the AWS Management Console. AWS Account NumberThis is the unique 12-digit number associated with your AWS account. The Account Number is a public identifier and is used mainly for sharing resources within AWS. Once you are logged into the AWS portal, you will see a page titled "Access Identifiers".

Amazon RDS Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) est un service Web qui facilite l'installation, l'exploitation et le dimensionnement d'une base de données relationnelle dans le cloud. Ce service fournit une capacité économique et redimensionnable tout en gérant les tâches fastidieuses d'administration des bases de données, vous permettant de vous consacrer à vos applications et à votre activité. Les nouvelles instances de base de données M3 vous offrent 50 % de capacité/cœurs supplémentaires, à un prix inférieur de 6 % à celui des instances M1. En savoir plus » Amazon RDS vous donne accès aux capacités d'un moteur de base de données classique MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server ou PostgreSQL. Les instances DB Amazon RDS peuvent être mises en service avec un stockage standard ou de type IOPS dimensionnés. En outre, Amazon RDS facilite l'utilisation de la réplication dans le but d'améliorer la disponibilité et la fiabilité pour les charges de travail de production.

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