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Web Equation

Apophysis What every computer science major should know Portfolio versus resume Having emerged from engineering and mathematics, computer science programs take a resume-based approach to hiring off their graduates. A resume says nothing of a programmer's ability. Every computer science major should build a portfolio. A portfolio could be as simple as a personal blog, with a post for each project or accomplishment. Contributions to open source should be linked and documented. A code portfolio allows employers to directly judge ability. GPAs and resumes do not. Professors should design course projects to impress on portfolios, and students, at the conclusion of each course, should take time to update them. Examples Technical communication Lone wolves in computer science are an endangered species. Modern computer scientists must practice persuasively and clearly communicating their ideas to non-programmers. Unfortunately, this is not something fixed with the addition of a single class (although a solid course in technical communication doesn't hurt). Java

玩具烏托邦: HTML 網頁內嵌 MathML 數學式及 SVG 向量圖 廿年前讀博士班時, 我那份有點像是數學系產品的論文是用 LaTeX 寫的。 LaTeX 的排版真的超讚; 不過它也很龐大。 相對地, 改用 HTML 製作講義, 就輕簡很多, 而且不論走到哪裡, 幾乎每一部電腦都可以讀寫。 至於數學式, 幾年前曾經試著把 MathML 內嵌到 HTML 裡面, 沒成功。 今年又教到微積分, 於是再試一下, 竟然就發現 firefox 支援 HTML 網頁內嵌 MathML 數學式及 SVG 向量圖! 首先看一頁 「SVG 內嵌到 HTML 裡面」 的展示: 「函數的凹凸及反曲點」。 下載 sin4.gpt 這個 gnuplot 指令檔, 然後在 gnuplot 裡面執行: load "sin4.gpt" 會產生 sin4.svg 。 指令檔 sin4.gpt 裡面, 前面隨便你改; 最重要的是最下面這幾句話: set output "sin4.svg" # 把輸出改導向 "sin4.svg" 檔案 set term svg # 採用 svg 格式輸出 replot # 重畫一次 set output # 把輸出改導回螢幕 set term wxt # 採用螢幕的驅動程式 replot # 重畫一次 再來看一頁 「MathML 內嵌到 HTML 裡面」 的展示: 「微積分小考題」。 至於這個 mml 檔是怎麼來的呢? html + svg + mathml 排版美觀固然不能跟 LaTeX 相提並論, 但我個人卻選擇完全拜倒在她的 「輕巧」 魅力之下。

Top arXiv papers ← Previous123456789…21462147Next → Apophysis 7X | Free software downloads My vi/vim cheatsheet Cursor movement h - move leftj - move downk - move upl - move rightw - jump by start of words (punctuation considered words)W - jump by words (spaces separate words)e - jump to end of words (punctuation considered words)E - jump to end of words (no punctuation)b - jump backward by words (punctuation considered words)B - jump backward by words (no punctuation)0 - (zero) start of line^ - first non-blank character of line$ - end of lineG - Go To command (prefix with number - 5G goes to line 5) Note: Prefix a cursor movement command with a number to repeat it. For example, 4j moves down 4 lines. Insert Mode - Inserting/Appending text i - start insert mode at cursorI - insert at the beginning of the linea - append after the cursorA - append at the end of the lineo - open (append) blank line below current line (no need to press return)O - open blank line above current lineea - append at end of wordEsc - exit insert mode Editing Marking text (visual mode) Visual commands Cut and Paste Exiting

LaTeX Equations and Graphics in PHP It's safe to say that the world of Weblogs and wiki Web sites are here to stay. Although such systems are great for journals, general text posting and even photography, their limitations become apparent when working in environments that require the use of features more advanced than simple text entry and images. In particular, technical Weblogs need support for graphs, mathematical expressions, diagrams and more. Using external applications such as dia, xfig and Microsoft Equation Editor is equally difficult, as the poster first must create the figure or mathematical equation and then upload an image representation to a Web site. In this article, I demonstrate the use of LaTeX, a typesetting tool and language designed specifically for technical document preparation, from within PHP to address these demands. The rendering system takes a string of text and extracts segments enclosed in [tex] and [/tex] pairs for future substitution.

Conference Calendar for Computer Vision, Image Analysis and Related Topics Organization and Updates of the Conference Entries File Last Updated: 05/19/2016 00:08:17 Copyright © © 2016 Jump to the Current Week All underlines are links. The short name is linked to the conference web site, which should have the most up to date information for that meeting. The Call for Papers entry is usually linked to a local copy of the text based version of the call for papers. Conference information is reliable to the extent it is provided. Home Page. Search the conference listings by conference name, topic, or other keyword. Schedule for current conference deadlines from approximately the current date through the next 3 months. Full Conference Calendar by Year. Direct links to the next meeting of regular major conferences: [ICCV | CVPR | ECCV | ACCV | ICIP | ICPR | WACV | The current Week]Google KMZ file for historic conference locations -- Including ICCV, CVPR, ICPR, ICIP, ACCV, BMVC, CRV, etc. The complete Computer Vision Conference RSS feed. or 3 subsets: Current Meetings.

Convert HTML to PDF | Save web pages as PDF | HTML to PDF API JIProlog ServerUsage - A Java package to display LaTeX code in mathematical mode Simple usage to produce images Here is a simple fragment of Java code that renders the given formula and places the result into BufferedImage b: import org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.TeXConstants; import org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.TeXFormula; import org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.TeXIcon; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.JLabel; (..) String math = "\\frac {V_m} {K_M+S}"; TeXFormula fomule = new TeXFormula(math); TeXIcon ti = fomule.createTeXIcon( TeXConstants.STYLE_DISPLAY, 40); BufferedImage b = new BufferedImage(ti.getIconWidth(), ti .getIconHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); ti.paintIcon(new JLabel(), b.getGraphics(), 0, 0); This fragment runs on a server side with good performance and stability. If you want, please visit our Free online encyclpedia to see it in action. We license this fragment of code public domain.

Jailbreaking the NeoTV Today we’ll be jailbreaking the Netgear NTV300 set top box…with a TV remote. The Netgear NeoTV 300 Negear’s NeoTV set top boxes are designed to compete with the popular Roku, and can stream video from all the usual sources (Netflix, HuluPlus, Youtube, etc). The NTV300 is one of the least expensive NeoTV models, and while a GPL release is available, it contains only copies of the various standard open source utilities used by the NTV300. Inside the NTV300 we find a Mediatek ARM SoC, a 128MB NAND flash chip and 256MB of RAM: Inside the NTV300 The four pin header in the top right corner of the PCB is a serial port (115200 baud 8N1), and while it provides access to the U-Boot boot loader, it does not provide a root shell. Luckily, the firmware updates for the NTV300 aren’t encrypted. While the firmware update does not appear to contain a complete file system, most of the interesting stuff appears to be in the first SquashFS image. Printf’s reveal original function names How not to stat a file
