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Digitala resurser – digitalt lärande

Digitala resurser – digitalt lärande

7 Excellent Free Blended Learning Resources – Understanding the Whys and Hows... “Blended Learning” has many definitions. Here’s one I really like, “Blended Learning is … a shift to online delivery for a portion of the day to make students, teachers and schools more productive. Learning in multiple modalities yields more and better data that creates an integrated and customizable learning experience.” This is from the Blended Learning Implementation Guide (discussed further below). In this article, we offer a curated set of resources that can equip any educator to better understand how Blended Learning (a.k.a. 1. This PDF takes the reader through a linear progression that starts with creating conditions for success and then works through planning, implementation, and finally, working to assess and improve. One of many great sets of information imparted in this document is this list of 10 Drivers of Blended Learning: 1. If this piques your interest, download the paper and read on! 2. 3. “We’ve learned a great deal along the way. 4. 6. What is Blended Learning? 7.

26 Tips for Teaching with Google Apps This guide will teach you to be as tech-savvy as your students. It is meant to acquaint you with Google Apps’ major features and is loaded with best practices and lots of helpful, actionable tips to optimize your investment in Google Apps and improve your students’ learning experience. It’s appropriate for school IT admins, teachers, principals, and anyone else interested in learning more about Google Apps for education. Start implementing these tips today! Gmail Using Gmail, you can easily send messages to students & parents. Tip #1 – Use Google Translate to convert emails to & from non-English speaking parents or between your students and international pen pals *Google Translate is not a tool for learning another language, but can help cut the language barrier between people who speak different languages. Calendar Calendar helps keep track of events in an organized way and is accessible to anyone from the desktop or a mobile device. Docs Spreadsheets Presentations Hangouts Forms Sites Groups

Canva och årshjul Har nu testat Canva ett par gånger och är helt såld! Har tittat på Canva tidigare men inte hunnit med att kika vidare utan den blev liggande i min "testa-sen"-mapp. Men för några veckor sen tipsade Niclas Vestlund i fbgruppen "IKT-verktyg", som jag har startat, om Canva och jag kikade på hans instruktionsvideo och kände genast att jag fick flytta upp denna på prioritetslistan =D är grymt! Man kan göra posters, inbjudningar, facebookcovers osv, det finns färdiga mått att välja mellan, men man kan också välja egna mått på bilden. När man sedan valt kan man utgå utifrån färdigdesignade för inspiration eller skapa från noll. Det finns hur mycket gratisobjekt som helst att använda för att göra sin grafiska design riktigt proffsig. När man är klar med sitt projekt kan man ladda ner det antingen som .png eller .pdf Jag har under det senaste veckorna skapat massor av olika saker; Facebookcovers, Twitterheader, posters till vår filmfestival på skolan osv Så jag skapade denna: 1. 2. 3.

Handbok för IKT-pedagoger ”Förbättra resultaten i skolan genom att kasta ut datorerna från lektionerna” I mer än två decennier har politiker sett datorisering som en avgörande åtgärd för att förbättra skolans resultat. Avsevärda ekonomiska medel har avsatts. Redan på 1990-talet hämtades stora summor ur löntagarfonderna till IT i skolan och senast i påskhelgen gick moderaterna ut med förslaget att programmering ska bli obligatoriskt redan från första klass. Men trots enorma satsningar har skolresultaten sjunkit. Under de senaste åren har allt fler skolor valt att ge varje elev en egen dator, främst inom gymnasiet men även på högstadiet. En direkt, och kanske oavsiktlig, följd är att elever i dag använder datorn inte bara i situationer där dessa möjliggör nya arbetsmetoder eller ny pedagogik, utan också som ersättning för penna och papper. Under de senaste åren har det presenterats flera vetenskapliga undersökningar som studerat hur prestationerna förändras med datorn som anteckningsblock. Datorn fungerar förödande dåligt som anteckningsblock. Jag har varit gymnasielärare i 20 år.

Hannes IKT-verkstad Pdf + ljud urn:nbn:se:su:diva-106851: Didaktisk design med digitala resurser : En studie... In digital-classroom practices, pupils design their learning processes in collaboration with their peers, employing different semiotic resources when representing signs of learning in a constant flow. There still remain differences, however, between learning practices and the way pupils are formally tested. During tests, knowledge is regularly represented individually and often by delimited resources in contrast to digital learning practices where technologies enable redesign with a broader mix of written text, images, colours, graphs etc. In this thesis I investigate the increased access to and the frequent use of digital resources in schools and how these challenges contribute to tensions between and among school practices. In addition I discuss how digitalised learning environments can be studied in educational research. My theoretical understanding draws on a design-oriented multimodal perspective on learning.

25 Ways to Ask Your Kids 'So How Was School Today?' Without Asking Them 'So H... This year, Simon is in fourth grade and Grace is in first grade, and I find myself asking them every day after school, "So how was school today?" And every day I get an answer like "fine" or "good," which doesn't tell me a whole lot. Or at least get a full sentence. So the other night, I sat down and made a list of more engaging questions to ask about school. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. So far, my favorite answers have come from questions 12, 15 and 21. And the answers we get are sometimes really surprising. As my kids get older, I know I am going to have to work harder and harder to stay engaged with them -- but I know it's going to be worth the work. This post originally appeared on Simple Simon and Company. Like Us On Facebook | Follow Us On Twitter | Contact HuffPost Parents Also on HuffPost: Alamy By the afternoon, I can get pretty frazzled. 1.
