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Geek to Live: Roll your own timeline

Geek to Live: Roll your own timeline

Não Salvo Kodu Kodu is a new visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone. The programming environment runs on the Xbox, allowing rapid design iteration using only a game controller for input. Programming as a Creative Medium The core of the Kodu project is the programming user interface. The Kodu language is designed specifically for game development and provides specialized primitives derived from gaming scenarios. Key Features Kodu provides an end-to-end creative environment for designing, building, and playing your own new games. High-level language incorporates real-world primitives: collision, color, visionUses Xbox 360 Game Controller for input — no keyboard requiredRuns on XBox 360 and PCInteractive terrain editorBridge and path builderTerrain editor - create worlds of arbitrary shape and size20 different characters with different abilities

Anova Precision Cooker Container | Anova Culinary The Anova Precision Cooker® Container features an integrated cooking rack that keeps your food perfectly positioned and submerged throughout your cook. With its unique 3mm raised base you can rest assured that your countertops are safe during those long cooks. Insoonia - Em pé sem cair deitado sem dormir!

LOTR Timeline Graph The ever-hilarious xkcd featured a comic which was very much a visualization. It was a chart showing the interactions between characters from a handful of movies. The comic was the kick I needed to do a quick experiment with timeline-based graph visualizations. Here's the result. It's a bit of a mess, but what I've done is synchronize three components: a slider, the original comic from xkcd, and the graph visualization. As time passes (or unpasses), the graph automatically shifts to reflect the data for the current time step. There's a lot more work that could be done to make the changes more obvious and less disorienting. ".. and you add places as they appear in groups .. geography reversed" I had a quick back and forth with Dr. The comic's visualization was portraying character interactions but since they didn't have phones in middle earth, it wasn't too hard to associate these interactions with locations. <div class="disqus-noscript"><a href="

Sous Vide Webshop - Maxima Kitchen Equipment Wat is de functie van een Maxima sous vide? Voedsel klaarmaken voor consumptie kan op verschillende manieren. Bakken, frituren, stomen en grillen zijn daar enkele van. Hierbij wordt het kookpunt van 100 graden Celsius doorgaans overschreden. Niet alle kookapparatuur maakt echter gebruik van hoge temperaturen. Hoe werkt een Maxima sous vide? Een sous-videbehandeling is vergelijkbaar met de au bain-mariemethode. Voor welke etenswaren kun je een Maxima sous vide gebruiken? Bij het bereiden van voedsel volgens de sous-videmethode zijn er bijna geen beperkingen. Wat zijn de kenmerken van een Maxima sous vide? Ons assortiment bestaat uit diverse sous-vides, die voor een belangrijk deel dezelfde eigenschappen hebben. Welke Maxima sous vide is voor mij het best? Bij Maxima Kitchen Equipment vind je meerdere toestellen voor sous-videbereidingen.

OCIOSO - Links interessantes para seus momentos de ócio Flare | Data Visualization for the Web ?bltgh=kaPz1LwamS-sVC8tBqlHyQ.1_18.34 Sous Vide is het langzaam garen van ingrediënten in een waterbad dat constant op een lage gereguleerde temperatuur gehouden wordt. Voorafgaand moeten de ingrediënten met behulp van een vacuüm sealer vacuümverpakt worden. Door de vacuümverpakking zullen de voedingsstoffen en smaken niet verloren gaan. Wat kunt u met de Byzoo Sous Vide SV02 maken? De Sous Vide SV02 wordt gebruikt om onder andere vlees, vis en groenten sous vide te bereiden. Sous vide is een eenvoudige kooktechniek. Kortom, de voordelen zijn: MTV Geek | - Comic Books News, Toy News, Tech News, Animation, Video Interviews, Reviews Network Visualization Immersion by the MIT Media Lab is a view into your inbox that shows who you interact with via email over the years. Immersion is an invitation to dive into the history of your email life in a platform that offers you the safety of knowing that you can always delete your data.Just like a cubist painting, Immersion presents users with a number of different perspectives of their email data. It provides a tool for self-reflection at a time where the zeitgeist is one of self-promotion. It provides an artistic representation that exists only in the presence of the visitor. The base view is a network diagram where each node represents someone you've exchanged email with. We've seen views of our inbox before and they usually just show simple time series charts and people who you email most.

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