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The Complete Guide To Custom Post Types

The Complete Guide To Custom Post Types
WordPress has been gaining a foothold in the general content management system (CMS) game for a few years now, but the real breakthrough was the custom post type mechanism which allows for the creation of a wide variety of content. Let’s take a look at how this came to be and all the options that this great functionality offers. 1Some of the custom post types you can create in WordPress. What It Used To Be Like In practice, custom post types have been around for a long time, more specifically since February 17, 2005, when WordPress 1.5 added support for static pages, creating the post_type database field. The wp_insert_post() function has been around since WordPress 1.0, so when the post_type field was implemented in 1.5, you could simply set the post_type value when inserting a post. By version 2.8, the register_post_type() function and some other helpful things were added to the nightly builds, and when 2.9 came out, the functions became available to everyone. Creating Custom Post Types

How To Create Custom Taxonomies In WordPress Ajouter de multiples galeries de médias sous WordPress La gestion des galeries photos sous WordPress est restée très sommaire dans sa gestion. Il est notamment impossible de gérer de multiples galeries associées à un article / page sous WordPress. Pourtant, il existe un moyen simple et rapide pour insérer un nombre illimité de galeries que voici.Un de mes derniers projets consistait à présenter des photos sous forme de galeries simples dans une page WordPress. Entre l’utilisation des fonctionnalités de gestion de base fournies par WordPress et l’installation du plugin NextGen Gallery, il y a un gap comme dirait les anglais ! C’est alors que j’ai trouvé mon bonheur avec le plugin Multiple Galleries. Et oui, pas de code à copier / coller dans un fichier aujourd’hui… Cet excellent module fait une chose et il le fait très bien : il ajoute un système de case à cocher dans l’outil de gestion de galeries de WordPress. N’attendez plus et téléchargez donc ce plugin génial : Multiple Galleries Taille : 68, 4 KiB • Date : 6 novembre 2012 • Hits : 1 797

The Death Of The “How To” Article This is a guest post by Tommy Walker, host of Inside The Mind. The “How To” article is suffocating the blogosphere. One look at Google explains why: “How To” returns nearly 13 BILLION results. In the past hour Google reports 55,100 results & Twitter shows “How to” updating at nearly 200 results/minute. “How to” has saturated the internet. “How To” with it’s Wal-mart instruction manual voice is sucking the life out of your blog. Yes, “How to” is essential to a blogger’s toolbox, but as a tool, it is misunderstood. If you don’t have a large following and you’re not the first to publish the “How to”, you’re wasting your time. In this article, I aim to break you of the mindset that the “How to” article alone will establish you as an authority or a thought leader. I want to encourage you to use your voice and find strength in your stories, because that’s what the social web should be all about right? Showing your Personality While Remaining Informative.Alternatives to the How To Article. “OK!

How To Create Custom Post Meta Boxes In WordPress 14 key WordPress functions to jump-start theme development After a few years (or even months) of designing and developing WordPress themes, especially for clients, you start to realize that a lot of the functionality can be standardized or distilled down into a “starter theme or kit”. This helps get the development process started and moving along apace. The best first step in doing this, I’ve found, is to nail down most of the common functions and include them in the functions.php. This functions.php file will need to be extended to meet the particular theme’s needs as new projects arise, but it will provide a more than awesome starting point for development. There are about 13 key functions that I like to start out with and will add to them as needed… 1. The navigation menu feature, introduced in WordPress 3.0, allows for the intuitive creation and maintaining of navigation menus in themes. At the very least, a standard theme will need a main navigation menu, perhaps in the header and a secondary navigation menu in the footer. <? <? 2. 3. if ( !

Improve Conversion from Visitor to Customer with 3 WordPress Plugins In order to make money online, you need to convert visitors to customers. If you do not know where you are succeeding and failing at transforming non-paying visitors into paying customers, your business has no hopes of reaching its full potential and profitability. Here’s a quick guide to three must-have WordPress plugins that help you convert your visitors into paying customers. First up is a tool designed to help you test new themes. Here’s how it works. Step One: Choose your Themes Click Appearance -> A/B Theme Testing after you’ve installed the plugin. Once you’re set up with Google Analytics, click the checkboxes next to the themes you want to test. You must use a minimum of two themes, but you may use as many themes as you would like at the same time. Step Two: Understanding the Results In order to convert your users to paying customers, you need to understand what themes work best and why. Compare the themes together and see which theme has the highest conversion rate. Tip:

Using the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin to create a custom home page in WordPress { Elliot Condon In this tutorial we will look at how the Advanced Custom Fields plugin can be used to create a professional home page fit for your client. What will I need? General knowledge of making a WordPress themeGeneral knowledge of PHPThe Free WordPress plugin: Advanced Custom Fields 1. A template file is a php file within your theme folder which a page or post uses to display it’s data on the website. template_home.php as you can see, this template file is blank. 2. Now it's time to use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to create our home page's custom fields. Heading Text (text)Hero Image (image)Column 1 (wysiwyg)Column 2 (wysiwyg)Featured Article (post object) To create these fields, we need to install and activate the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Give the ACF a useful name like "Home Page Fields" and add in the custom fields. Title - A human read name for the fieldName - A computer read name for the fieldtype - the type of field to createOptions - some field types have options 3. 4. 5. 6.

Translate a WordPress Theme in 3 Easy Steps | Solostream Last updated on Lately, more and more people are asking us how to translate a WordPress theme into a language other than English. And with an estimated 2 billion people now online, it’s no wonder. Fortunately, it’s a fairly straightforward process, and I’ve boiled it down into 3 simple steps. This tutorial assumes the WordPress theme to be translated has been localized using the the GNU gettext framework. 1. POT stands for “Portable Object Template,” and a POT file (aka .po file) is basically a list of all the English-language text found within the files of a localized WordPress theme. If you’re using a theme other than a Solostream theme (gasp), check with the theme author to see if they offer a POT file. 2. Once you have the POT file, you’ll need to open it in a program like POEdit, and translate the English language into your preferred language. Find a list of language codes at WordPress in your Language. 3. Notice “text_domain” above – it’s called the text domain name.
