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A part of the comments plugin is a powerful moderation tool. This tool makes it easy and fast for your community management team to moderate multiple comments at once. Setup To use the comments moderation tool, you need to complete the moderation setup instructions. Moderation Setup Instructions Please note that you cannot use the Graph API to reply to comments made via the Comments Plugin. Dashboard There are 2 ways to navigate to the moderation tool: 1. 2. Moderation View We show both moderation views in the screenshots below. In the moderation table, you can either approve or hide comments depending on their status. 1. In this moderation view, all comments for a specific url will be displayed. 2. In this moderation view, all comments for your application will be displayed. 3. Comments that have been flagged by users or Facebook will be displayed here. Settings For each app, you can define custom settings. Moderators You can promote other people to become the moderator of your comments. Public

Login Button How do I use this to log users in? How To Add Facebook Comment Box To Blogger Blogs Facebook comment box is one of the useful tool for bloggers to increase conversations. Recently Facebook has launched many social plugins for bloggers and web developers and one such is improved Facebook comment box. So here in this post I will teach you how to add/integrate Facebook comment box to blogger in simple steps. Before getting into the process I recommend you to back up your template and previous comments in blogger wont be visible if you use Facebook commenting system. Step 1: Visit Facebook developer page and enter your blog name, URL and click on Create application. Now copy the App ID and save it in a notepad Step 2: Login to you Blogger dashboard and navigate to Layout > Edit HTML and check on Expand Widget Templates. Change the APPID on the code with your APP ID provided from Facebook and save the template. Step 3: Now you need to hide default blogger commenting system. Live Demo

Registration Custom Fields You can use custom fields in this plugin to request any data from people that isn't present on Facebook. To do this, you can use JSON in the fields attribute instead of the values mentioned above. Any standard fields are included in this JSON by simply using a name attribute, with the standard field type as the JSON value. Example Uses the following value for fields: Validating Fields If you want to add validation to any of your fields during registration, you must use the XFBML version of the plugin, since iframes can't do cross domain communication. Use the onvalidate setting to specify a JavaScript function that is loaded on your webpage. Your function should return an object with keys matching your field names, and values being any error messages as a string. function exampleValidation(form) { errors = {}; if ( ! This onvalidate function can also operate asynchronously, however the registration form will submit successfully after waiting for 20 seconds for a response.

Registration Plugin Custom Fields You can use custom fields in this plugin to request any data from people that isn't present on Facebook. To do this, you can use JSON in the fields attribute instead of the values mentioned above. Any standard fields are included in this JSON by simply using a name attribute, with the standard field type as the JSON value. Custom fields have: Example Uses the following value for fields: Validating Fields If you want to add validation to any of your fields during registration, you must use the XFBML version of the plugin, since iframes can't do cross domain communication. Use the onvalidate setting to specify a JavaScript function that is loaded on your webpage. Your function should return an object with keys matching your field names, and values being any error messages as a string. function exampleValidation(form) { errors = {}; if ( !

Permissions As a general rule, the more permissions an app requests, the less likely it is that people will use Facebook to log into your app. In fact, our research shows that apps that ask for more than four permissions experience a significant drop off in the number of completed logins. Additionally publishing permissions (publish_actions) will prompt a second step in the Login dialog, which can cause fewer people to log in: Here are a few guidelines to use when asking for permissions, both during and after login: Only ask for the permissions that are essential to an app.Ask for permission in the context in which they are required. For example, if your app wants to show places of interest near a person's home, asking for user_location just prior to displaying that information would give the person a greater understanding of why the permission is being requested.Use any available public profile information before asking for a permission. Publishing Permissions

Open Graph Checklist If you request an optional capabilities when submitting your action for approval we will need to be able to reproduce it. Please include all necessary instructions and test user credentials in order to test the specified functionality. Action Tagging There may be scenarios where your users will want to indicate that they took an action with friends. Requirements For Open Graph actions the action tagging capability can only be used when both users are performing the action together. Action tagging should be used when you are performing the action with the tagged user, e.g. The two stories are rendered differently: action tags append “- with John” to the story text, whereas mention tags place the hyperlinked name inline with the user message. NOTE: To allow your users to mention friends and pages in the message parameter, please see the mention tagging docs Submit for Approval Tagging requires additional approval before you can use it. User Messages Submit for Approval User Generated Photos Place

FBJS (Facebook JavaScript) All Docs Web SDKs Docs/Web SDKs/JavaScript SDK/ On This Page Facebook SDK for JavaScript A rich set of client-side functionality for adding Social Plugins, Facebook Login and Graph API calls. Guides Frameworks Termination of SHA-1 Support
