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Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Welcome To Our Website

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Welcome To Our Website

Grant Museum of Zoology The Grant Museum of Zoology is the only remaining university zoological museum in London. It houses around 68,000 specimens, covering the whole Animal Kingdom. Founded in 1828 as a teaching collection, the Museum is packed full of skeletons, mounted animals and specimens preserved in fluid. Many of the species are now endangered or extinct including the Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine, the Quagga, and the Dodo. What's on at the Grant Museum

Oldest Known Flowering Plants Identified By Genes Oldest Known Flowering Plants Identified By Genes By William J. Cromie Gazette Staff It’s a nondescript shrub with small, unimpressive flowers, and it’s found in only one place in the world – New Caledonia, a minor tropical island in a remote corner of the southwest Pacific. But it has suddenly catapulted to botanical eminence as a key piece in the puzzle of the origins of flowering plants. Home — The Plant List Drift Seeds and Drift Fruits Imagine yourself floating helplessly on the open sea, thousands of miles from land, your destination at the mercy of the wind and currents. Perhaps eventually you may drift ashore on the coral sand beaches of a remote tropical island or distant continent. This is precisely what happens to countless thousands of tropical drift seeds and fruits, a remarkable flotilla of flowering plants that travel the oceans of the world. The following map shows the path of some drift seeds and fruits in the world's oceans:

15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers Posted by admin on Thursday, February 18, 2010 · 68 Comments Here are 15 plants that could clean your air for just the price of a few drops of water each day. First lets check some of the evidence behind the claim that plants can purify your household air: How to grow orchids at home The Phalaenopsis orchid is among the world's best-selling indoor flowering house plants because the exotic blooms can last for as long as three months, and the plants are often priced at less than $20 in groceries and box stores. (Photo: Alex/Flickr) You went to the grocery to get a quart of milk and came home with an orchid. How did that happen? An even more pressing question might be, "What do I do with it?"

Understanding Evolution The bacteria that changed the world - May, 2017 The make-up of Earth's atmosphere, once the domain of Earth science textbooks, has become an increasingly "hot" news topic in recent decades, as we struggle to curb global warming by limiting the carbon dioxide that human activity produces. While the changes that humanity has wrought on the planet are dramatic, this isn’t the first time that one species has changed Earth’s atmosphere. Three billion years ago, there was no free oxygen in the atmosphere at all. Life was anaerobic, meaning that it did not need oxygen to live and grow.

The City Of The Future Will Be Covered In Lichen home
