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Showcase Infinite Realities Full body & face capture / Infinite Realities provides 3D scanning services using a specially developed multi camera rig with 360 degree coverage. Agisoft PhotoScan is used as a primary processing solution. Geoscan Aerial Survey / Culture Heritage / In June 2014 Geoscan company in cooperation with ITMO University performed aerial photo survey of the Naval Cathedral of Saint Nicholas in Kronstadt using quadcopter UAV. Kronshtadt Naval Cathedral from GEOSCAN on Vimeo. Aibotix Aerial Survey / Culture Heritage / Aibotix GmbH applies combined mapping workflow to create 3D model of Castle Spangenberg (Germany) using data acquired with multirotor UAV Aibot X6 and ground surveying equipment post-processed with the help of Agisoft PhotoScan. Imasgal Archaeology / Culture Heritage / In September 2015, the restoration work on cubes XXI and XXII of the Roman Wall of Lugo began. Stephen Gienow

Photoshop backgrounds at PSD Graphics trueSKY for Unreal Engine 4 – Simul trueSKY for Unreal Engine 4 Roderick Kennedy 2015-07-31T13:40:05+00:00 Simul trueSKY is now available as a plugin for Unreal Engine 4. It comes in two versions: for professional developers, the full-featured trueSKY comes with full source code on PC, Xbox One and PS4. For independent and amateur developers, trueSKY Alpha comes as a subscription for Windows PC. trueSKY Alpha Unreal Editor IntegrationBinary trueSKY Unreal Editor IntegrationSource Code Day-night cycle based on latitude, longitude, time-of-yearDynamic volumetric atmospherics and fogFully volumetric clouds – no sprites, impostors or billboardsReal time weather changes – create keyframed weather sequencesRain and snow – define movable precipitation areas.Full integration: drive Unreal Engine’s lighting from trueSKY trueSKY works with Unreal Engine 4.8 and above. The instructions for installing trueSKY in the Unreal Engine can be found at Contact Simul on

Tileables - Never Ending Patterns SpeedTree® Modeler for UE4 Subscription | SpeedTree Store ( Windows MacOSX ) SpeedTree® for Games, the vegetation software making AAA games great since 2003, has come to Unreal Engine 4 Subscription! Featuring our unique, award-winning combination of procedural plus hand-modeling approach, SpeedTree is a design package powerful enough to meet virtually any vegetation modeling requirement, from architectural backgrounds to Academy Award®-winning visual effects. Feature highlights (hyperlinks go to relevant SpeedTree docs pages): UE4-specific lightmap UV generation; create tunable, flawless lightmapsScalable wind effects, including Wind WizardSeamless LOD tuningCreate unlimited variations with one clickBranch seam blendingSub-division surface modelingAdd collision primitives automatically or manuallyModeling with mesh forces (e.g. grow trees around or through 3D meshes)Sample broadleaf (desktop & mobile resolutions), conifer, palm, and mesh force example trees includedMuch more! See our online Modeler documentation for complete details

Free Resources for Web Designers Tutorial Complex, slot-based inventory system EDIT:Started the series. Scroll down to get a link to the newest episode!Introduction:2 years ago i started using Unreal Engine 4 and learned a lot watching different tutorials and the livestreams. However, i noticed that there are many tutorials about basic stuff (e.g. navigating in the viewport) but few about the more complicated things like building a turn-based combat system or a dialogue system. I know that there are a lot of tutorials about inventories as well but i think that most of them are on a really basic level and therefore can't be used in a real game. How to create a distinguishable textured web layout in Photoshop In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a textured web layout, starting from the concept on paper to Photoshop design. We will discuss about site structure and will use the 960 grid to organize our contents. Also you will learn how to use layer styles to create an engraved text effect. Give it a try! Preview Become a Premium Member and get unlimited access to source files and premium resources for only 7$/month. Introduction To create a web layout is never simple. After have sketched on paper for a while, I had in mind how to structure the layout. Another important feature is to have always in mind that a layout design shall be turned into a coded layout. The final result is not too light, because of the use of textures and the huge amount of details, but fortunately today internet speed connections allow us to give “less” attention to a site page weight. After established the main structure of the layout, I started surfing css galleries finding for inspiration. Step 2: the header

Pick Up Physics Object Tutorial Overview This tutorial will show you how to create a blueprint that will allow a player to pick up physics objects, move, and throw them by using Physics Handles. To do this you will need to follow this logic: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Here is the setup that I am currently using. Setting up the blueprint 1. a. 2. a. 3. 4. a. 5. a. 6. a. ABOUT COLLISION RESPONSE CHANNELS: Basically what is happening here is when the physics object is picked up; we set the Collision Response Channel for the Pawn to ignore (covered in section #7). 7. a. 8. a. UPDATE #1: When an object is held and comes to a complete rest, then released; it will stay in the air due to the physics object being put into 'Sleep Mode'. In order to fix this, add a 'Wake Rigid body' node just after the 'Release Component' node in step #1. Thanks to ShenmaKid for finding and helping troubleshoot this error! And that is about it. NOTE: This tutorial has been tested and works correctly with versions 4.5.1, 4.6.1, & 4.7.0 of the editor. Cheers,

Design a Sleek Textured Blue Portfolio « PSDFan Final Image As always, this is the final image that we’ll be creating: Step 1 Create a new document (1080X1200px). We’re going to use guides in order to set out our layout. To start with we’re going to set out our main content area’s width, and so set vertical guides at 90px and 990px. Step 2 Now we’re going to lay out the rest of our layout’s guides. 20px 170px 200px 650px 1000px 1165px You can see the final canvas with all guides visible below: Step 3 Now we can start building up the design! You can see the basic layout below: Step 4 Create a new layer called ‘main content area’. Create this rounded rectangle so that the bottom starts from the 1000px guide, going upwards, and that the top of the shape disappears beyond the top of your canvas. Step 5 Now apply the following blending options to your ‘main content area’ layer: Drop Shadow – 25% opacity, distance 3, size 0, color: black Outer Glow – Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity: 5, Spread: 40, Size: 30, Color: black Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10

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