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Les styles d'apprentissage, une vaste rigolade ?

Les styles d'apprentissage, une vaste rigolade ?
Depuis 2010, les articles académiques et grand public se multiplient aux Etats-Unis pour dénoncer ce que certains appellent "l'imposture" ou "l'erreur" des styles d'apprentissage. Non que ce concept ne recouvre certaines réalités évidentes : les apprenants n'apprennent pas tous de la même façon, pas la peine d'être diplômé en psychologie ou en neurosciences pour le savoir; mais ce qui est fortement remis en cause aujourd'hui, c'est l'utilisation faite de cette théorie dans la conception et l'animation de formations, en présence ou en ligne. Les éducateurs sont donc les premiers touchés par la remise en cause de l'importance des styles d'apprentissage. Aucune vérification de la théorie par la recherche Quels sont donc les termes de cette remise en cause ? - Ce qui signifie donc que la théorie des styles d'apprentissage n'est pas étayée par des données objectives issues de la recherche. D'après C. Ingénierie pédagogique : on sait ce qui fonctionne Il apparaît que : Sources : Illustrations Related:  Veille à voir, lire

Le projet moteur de l'apprentissage Dans l'industrie, le passage de l'organisation du travail en silos au mode projet s'est effectué lorsque les entreprises ont du s'adapter à des contextes mouvants, à des demandes volatiles et versatiles empêchant toute production standardisée de longue durée. Dans le domaine éducatif, sommes-nous sortis de la production de masse ? La multiplication des filières et options pourrait le laisser penser. Mais la construction (ou plutôt, la transmission) des savoirs, elle, est toujours soumise au modèle dominant de la même matière à la même heure et de la même façon pour tous les élèves de la classe, sans que ces derniers aient un quelconque pouvoir de décision sur ces éléments de contenu. Tout juste peuvent-ils utiliser leurs capacités de blocage de la transmission par le biais de comportements inadaptés. Thot Cursus explore cette semaine plusieurs projets éducatifs de plus ou moins grande ampleur, en veillant à analyser aussi bien les causes d'échecs que de succès. L'apprentissage par projet

Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrong Learning through osmosis didn't make the strategies list image courtesy of Flickr user Taking notes during class? Topic-focused study? Here's what he said. First, think about how you attack a pile of study material. Instead of making an appreciable leap forward with yourserving ability after a session of focused practice, interleaving forces you to make nearly imperceptible steps forward with many skills. Bjork explains that successful interleaving allows you to “seat” each skill among the others: “If information is studied so that it can be interpreted in relation to other things in memory, learning is much more powerful,” he says. There’s one caveat: Make sure the mini skills you interleave are related in some higher-order way. Similarly, studying in only one location is great as long as you’ll only be required to recall the information in the same location. And again, these tips generalize. “Forget about forgetting,” says Robert Bjork.

A More Effective Sprint Review? Do it the Fish! way! Choosing how you will walk through your day, having fun with your colleagues and clients, actively listen and participate in collaborations, and ensuring others also have a great day. I have written a short story a while ago about the basics of the Fish! Philosophy for being an outstanding team member. In other blog posts, I covered how this can make your Sprint Retrospective more effective, and also how it can improve your Sprint Planning. A small reminder from the Scrum Guide: “A Sprint Review is held at the end of the Sprint to inspect the Increment and adapt the Product Backlog if needed. Scenario A: The Scrum Team enters the meeting room - about 10 minutes late which is the standard in the organization. All of a sudden, the Product Owner jumps in between “This is not what I was looking for! Total silence. The session ends on a down note. Scenario B: Then everybody is invited to pass by the different stations. The Product Owner all of a sudden throws a fish (a fluffy bear!) Fish!

Ma sélection des meilleurs outils de Growth Hacking ! Recevez 1 astuce tous les 2 jours par email pour vous aider à attirer plus de clients : Génération de trafic & SEOGrowth HackingEmailing... Des conseils simples à appliquer immédiatement. Faire du Growth Hacking, c’est certes un état d’esprit (voir ma définition du Growth Hacking), mais ce sont aussi des outils de Growth Hacking pour automatiser, tester, produire du contenu… et gagner du temps ! En effet, le growth hacking, c’est être astucieux et savoir mettre de l’humain et de l’émotion quand il le faut. C’est pour cela que j’ai créé cette liste (avec les suggestions des lecteurs du livre “Le Growth Hacking”) afin de vous fournir les outils indispensable pour faire du Growth Hacking ! Voici les différents types d’outils que vous allez trouver dans cet article : A noter : j’ai déjà fait 2 autres top outils, l’un pour les outils de community manager et l’autre sur les outils marketing pour PME et Freelances. Les outils d’automatisation et de scraping dédiés au Growth Hacking UI Vision TexAu

Sprint Goal Template The Sprint Goal is mentioned numerous times in the Scrum Guide, however it can be over looked by many teams or seen as an "oh yeah" moment when teams are finishing Sprint Planning. When I started out in a Scrum Team we never really had a Sprint Goal, our focus tended to be looking at the items in the backlog then saying "Get that done and that one, if not all of them!" One purpose of the Sprint Goal is to provide focus to the Development Team during the Sprint. If the goal is just a set of items to complete then chances are the team will work in isolation from each other, as each person works on an item with potentially the team pulling in different directions. - Not a great place to be in! Teams I have worked in have struggled to create a meaningful goal, i.e. one that people can read and easily understand without it being too prescriptive on what the team needs to do. (This is just a suggestion and not an official thing. The first version was this one.... which then evolved into

Suddenly Remote? Here's How to Regain Your Productivity in Record Time If you think of it in terms of Tuckman’s stages of team development, suddenly shifting to remote en masse throws your team into “storming” mode. Confusion and frustration abound, and everything feels twice as hard as it should. (We know because we’ve been there.) Your goal right now is to get back to the “performing” stage and resume your regularly-scheduled level of productivity. Here are five ways to do that. You may also like: How to Prepare for the Remote-Friendly Future of Work 1. Everyone assumes working from home means kicking your feet up and spending the day in your jammies. A dedicated space for working is ideal. Last, structure your day the same way you would in the office. 2. In the office, your team probably has an unspoken social contract around behaviors and expectations. When you go remote, it’s worth taking the time to get together as a team and actually articulate what your social norms are, and how they might change now that you’re all working from home. 3. 4. 5.

Apps for Remote Working: here is a list of the essentials- 9to5Mac It seems like the Coronavirus is dominating the news as of late. Along with major conferences being canceled, there is news about companies asking workers to go remote to prevent the virus from spreading. For large companies like Apple and Google, they likely have a lot of the tools in place for their employees to go remote since they have offices around the world. For smaller organizations, employees may lack the expertise to know which tools will help their employees stay productive and stay in communication with each other. Zoom Zoom is something I’ve been researching as of late as my school is making backup plans for distance learning if the situation arises. File-Sharing Tools If your organization doesn’t have a tool like Google Drive or OneDrive deployed for file sharing, you might check out Box or Dropbox. Spike I’ve been using Spike as my primary email client for the past few weeks. Basecamp A very popular app for remote working is Basecamp. Slack / Microsoft Teams Klokki Transmit

Top 10 open source tools for working from home If you work from home, you know how important it is to have a great set of tools that stay out of your way and let you focus on what matters. The harder you work during work hours, the more easily you can relax once the workday is through. I've been working from home for years, and here are my top picks for the best tools open source has to offer the remote worker. Jitsi video conferencing When you're away from your colleagues, it's vital to connect a few times a week, even if it's just so you have a human connection as you otherwise toil away in solitude. With an URL that's easy to remember ( and on-demand conference rooms, Jitsi makes it shockingly simple to start an impromptu meeting. In real life, I attend a lot of meetings from the remotest regions of New Zealand, and Jitsi is easily the best video chat experience I've had yet. Drawpile whiteboard Sometimes it's easiest to explain things, or to track ideas, or just hash out crazy ideas, on a whiteboard. Riot team chat Linux

In a Distracted World, Solitude Is a Competitive Advantage Executive Summary Technology has undoubtedly ushered in progress in a myriad of ways. But this same force has also led to work environments that inundate people with a relentless stream of emails, meetings, and distractions. A significant volume of research has outlined the problem with this onslaught of information: Studies show that when we’re constantly distracted, performance decreases. Having the discipline to step back from the noise of the world is essential. To stay focused at work, build periods of solitude into your schedule, as you would for a meeting or an appointment. “Always remember: Your focus determines your reality.” Technology has undoubtedly ushered in progress in a myriad of ways. A significant volume of research has outlined the problem with this onslaught of information. There is no silver bullet to solving the complex problems ushered in by the information age. The ability to focus is a competitive advantage in the world today. Starve your distractions.

5 modèles d'horaires pour bien planifier et organiser son temps de travail— Matthieu Desroches Conditions de succès avec ces horaires Peu importe le type d’horaire que comptez mettre en place, il y a certaines conditions nécessaires à respecter pour que ça puisse être réellement bénéfique pour vous. En voici quelques-unes. ► Planifiez stratégiquement les tâches et projets que vous comptez accomplir dans vos blocs de travail. Ces périodes de temps de travail ont pour but de vous aider à progresser sur vos tâches et projets importants, donc ne travaillez pas sur n’importe quoi. ► Essayez toujours de vous isoler durant vos blocs de travail planifié pour réduire les distractions un maximum. ► N’acceptez aucune réunion pendant vos blocs de travail planifiés. ► Votre profession doit vous permettre de vous isoler pendant quelques heures sans conséquence sur les livrables que vous devez assumer. Conclusion Vous voyez maintenant qu’il y a plusieurs façons d’organiser vos journées de travail, n’est-ce pas? Conditions de succès avec ces horaires Conclusion
