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openfootage Labtop : architectural rendering at work - Thomas Sériès - Aural Jourknow Reinventing personal information management via our scattered bits Jourknow is no longer under active development by the research team; we are in the process of open-sourcing the project. In the meantime, many of the research ideas are being carried over into the Firefox extension. Information scraps are the small notes and thoughts we deal with every day: they are scribbled on Post-it notes, scrawled on corners of sheets of paper, buried inside the bodies of e-mail messages sent to ourselves, and typed haphazardly into text files. The Jourknow project is re-envisioning how you live and work with information scraps. Papers Van Kleek, M., Bernstein, M., Karger, D.R., and schraefel, mc. Bernstein, M., Van Kleek, M., Karger, D.R., and schraefel, mc. Bernstein, M., Van Kleek, M., schraefel, mc, and Karger, D.R.. Bernstein, M., Van Kleek, M., Karger, D.R., and schraefel, mc. Bernstein, M., Van Kleek, M., Karger, D.R., and schraefel, mc. Releases For more information Acknowledgements

Creating Smoke In Photoshop From Scratch (Noscope) - StumbleUpon Using Photoshop and a specific technique, it’s rather easy to create something that looks like smoke or fog—from scratch. It’s not as good as actual smoke photographed on a black background, but it’s much easier to come by. Here’s the trick… Doodle Draw a doodle. Preferrably keep the doodle in its own layer with a black background beneath. Distort Use the Liquify tool to distort the doodle. Once you’ve applied the liquify transformation, select Edit > Fade Liquify.... Repeat Now repeat the process until you’re satisfied: LiquifyFade Liquify to 50% If you enjoyed this tutorial, you might also enjoy my Creating Microworlds in Photoshop tutorial. Like this: Like Loading...

ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide » MS-Project : suivi de projet en 30 secondes (fr) Beaucoup d’utilisateurs de Microsoft Project ne savent pas à quel point c’est parfois un outil très simple pour réaliser des opérations qui seraient horriblement complexes autrement. Un exemple typique que j’ai rencontré récemment : après avoir planifié un projet, il s’agit d’en assurer le suivi (pour comparer la réalisation avec la planification, une opération bien utile). En fait, c’est assez simple à condition de savoir par quel bout prendre le sujet. Cliquer sur l’imagette pour l’agrandir A partir de ce moment-là, si vous demandez à afficher le Gantt suivi (menu Affichage, option Gantt suivi), vous verrez se superposer deux barres : celle du bas ne peut plus être modifiée, elle garde l’information de planification initiale ; celle du haut permet de faire apparaître les dates et durées de réalisation. Plus d’information

Theater Architecture: 10 Modern Music Hall Masterpieces Theater Architecture: 10 Modern Music Hall Masterpieces If it is a building’s job to host and contain performing art, the structure itself must reflect this in its design. While most of the world’s theaters are standard, columnic and republican, some architects have stepped forward to create truly wonderful, unique works of architectural art. JS Bach Chamber Music Hall by Zaha Hadid Architects Much like the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, the JS Bach Chamber Music Hall by Zaha Hadid is a twisting, mathematic display of carefully calculated rhythms. Singapore Civic and Cultural Center The Singapore Civic and Cultural Center will span a staggering 24,000 sq.m. of space in Singapore’s One-North precinct. The Sydney Opera House Easily the world’s most recognizable concert hall, the Sydney Opera House could also be the world’s most beautiful. Taipei Performing Arts Center by NL Architects Hylton Performing Arts Center National Grand Theater of China Bengt Sjostrom Starlight Theater St.

19 Color Palette Generators to Help You Design Like A Pro When building a site or working on a graphic design project, make sure your color pallet has the right colors in them. Use colors that complement each other. For me, finding the correct colors for a project can be hard. I understand color theory but, when choosing those colors for a design, my mind goes blank. Generally I either pick a color or if I am presented an image or a logo and I need to use colors from the image, I will use a color generator to do this. A color generator or color scheme selector is a tool for anyone in need of a color scheme. 1. This generator is a simple tool that creates a color scheme from an image. Image Source: Old Car 2. Color Scheme Designer is the color generator that most designers use the most. 3. kuler Color Generator by Adobe Adobe® Kuler™ is tool for generating color themes. Theme created from an image. Theme created from a color. A them created by a community member Image Source: Image random pulled by website from Flickr 4. 5. 6. Image Source: old car 7.

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