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Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers

Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers

First Image Made of an Atom Spinning Physicists have discovered a way to play with matter on a subatomic scale, reaching into atoms to manipulate the spin of electrons. What's more, the scientists were able to capture the first images of the action with a special microscope. Spin is one of three basic properties of electrons, along with charge and mass. In the new study, researchers figured out how to change the spin of electrons in cobalt atoms (a metallic element with 27 protons and 27 electrons). On scales this small, it's impossible to take a picture using visible light, as the wavelengths are bigger than the objects they would reflect off of. To change the spin of the electrons in the cobalt atoms, Kubetzka and colleagues placed the atoms on a surface made of the element manganese. "By precisely positioning the cobalt atoms on the manganese surface, we can tune the spin-direction of the cobalt atoms," said co-researcher Saw-Wai Hla of Ohio University's Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute.

The 9 Year Old Behind Caine's Arcade Wonderopolis | Where the Wonders of Learning Never Cease NOVA Why Did NASA Kill Cassini? On September 15, 2017 NASA destroyed Cassini—on purpose. Why kill a multibillion-dollar spacecraft? Sep 20, 2017 Death Dive to Saturn Follow Cassini's final days as it skims the cloud tops before plunging into the planet. Commentary: Unsolicited and Unwelcome, Climate Denial Comes to Schools In mid-March of 2017, I saw the first indications of trouble. From Education Blog | Sep 19, 2017 Cassini's Search For Life Is there life beyond Earth? Sep 15, 2017 Amazing Discoveries from Cassini Relive Cassini's greatest hits from its 13 years studying Saturn. Saying Goodbye to Cassini Cassini, a brave explorer that was dispatched to study a distant ringed world, has died. What Saturn Can Tell Us About Earth—and Beyond After Friday’s crash landing into Saturn, NASA scientists are reflecting on the lessons Cassini has imparted.

Free video lectures,Free Animations, Free Lecture Notes, Free Online Tests, Free Lecture Presentations Hunza Hunza Powder supplies Free Electrons to fuel, energize, alkalize and cleanse every organ in the body. In the form of Activated Silica Hydride, Hunza has an alkalizing, energising and antioxidant effect to make Hunza Water. Additional colloidal silver and colloidal gold using our colloidal generators would complete the Hunza process. Benefits of Free Electrons contained in Hunza: Hunza Powder has the highest antioxidant rating (ORP = -800) to neutralize damaging Free Radicals Eight times more antioxidant power than Pycnogenol, Vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10 or Grape Seed Extract Hunza Powder alkalizes the body Hunza Powder Lowers Blood Lactic Acid Levels During Strenuous Exercise Hunza Powder promotes Intra and Extra Cellular Hydration Hunza Powder provides Protection Against Oxidative Stress (free radicals) which cause cancer and aging. · Hunza Energizes Mind, Mood, & Memory. · Hunza reduces chances of Dementia. · Hunza lowers risk of Cognitive Decline by Nearly 50% References:

Visiting Caine's Arcade!!!! Virtual Microscope GK-12 : STEM Activities and Resources for K-12 Teachers and Students For All Grades (K-12) From AAAS BEN (BiosciEdNet) Digital Library Portal for Teaching and Learning in the Biological Sciences Teaching and learning resources for undergraduate and graduate students from collaborating organizations in the biological sciences Science NetLinks Standards-based lesson plans for teachers that incorporate reviewed Internet resources and that are searchable by Project 2061 Benchmarks Science Update A daily, 60-second feature radio show covering the latest discoveries in science, technology and medicine since 1988. From National Science Foundation (NSF) The Secret Lives of Wild Animals Fascinating website for children (and the kid in all of us) that features special creature cams—videos from the animal’s viewpoint. From Other Organizations Practical Uses of Math and Science (PUMAS) A collection of one-page examples of how math and science topics taught in K-12 classes can be used in interesting settings. From NSF GK-12 Projects For Elementary Grades (K-5) St.

Silicon Chips Wired With Nerve Cells Could Enable New Brain/Machine Interfaces It's reminiscent of Cartman's runaway Trapper Keeper notebook in that long-ago episode of South Park, but researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison may be scratching the surface of a new kind of brain/machine interface by creating computer chips that are wired together with living nerve cells. A team there has found that mouse nerve cells will connect with each other across a network of tiny tubes threaded through a semiconductor material. It's not exactly clear at this point how the nerve cells are functioning, but what is clear is that the cells seem to have an affinity for the tiny tubes, and that alone has some interesting implications. To create the nerve-chip hybrid, the researchers created tubes of layered silicon and germanium that are large enough for the nerve cells' tendrils to navigate but too small for the actual body of the cell to pass through. What isn't clear is whether or not the cells are actually communicating with each other they way they would naturally.

Workshops | Inquiry in Action Learn how to incorporate inquiry-based scientific investigations into your elementary or middle school science curriculum through the Inquiry Matters onsite workshop. This hands-on workshop, given by authors of Inquiry in Action engages teachers in the elements of inquiry. What will I learn in the Inquiry Matters workshop? Inquiry Matters workshop participants experience the process of scientific discovery as they contribute their own ideas, help design experiments, and discuss possible explanations for their observations. Workshop participants will: Learn what inquiry is and how to incorporate inquiry into a science curriculum Conduct science investigations that build physical science and inquiry knowledge and skills Get background information and activities highlighting physical properties and change, chemical change, states of matter, and density Receive a printed copy of everything taught in the workshop—and much more—with the book Inquiry in Action. Organize a workshop in your area

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