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Protonotes: HTML prototyping collaboration tool.

Protonotes: HTML prototyping collaboration tool.

Top 10 social media dashboard tools Hootsuite: Among the best of breed. How to manage the torrent of social media conversations — and increase your productivity! By Kim Bale Socialbrite staff One of the things we often hear from nonprofits and social enterprises is: How do I manage the torrent of social media conversations coming at me? The answer used to be: Painstakingly and one conversation at a time. But a new crop of social media tools aims to tamp down the social media gusher by letting you update, monitor, manage and maintain several communication outlets at once. When selecting a dashboard for personal or professional use, you should consider such items as cost, analytics and which social networks they support, among other things. Here are 10 of our favorite social media dashboard tools: Threadsy: Unify your email, social networks 1Threadsy is an intuitive, easy-to-use dashboard that allows organizations to connect through multiple email accounts as well as Facebook and Twitter. 2Haven’t heard of Myweboo?

your online notebook based on wiki Navigating Change: Applications for Managing Social Media Social media thrives on real-time interactions and current content making management of multiple social media outlets a real challenge. Luckily, the digital world has a variety of applications to handle all of your social media streams in a unified way. Here is a look at some of the tools you might want to explore: - AtomKeep focuses on keeping your social media profiles synced. Rather than updating your profile information in every single social media outlet, AtomKeep does it for you making it simple to implement an address change, include a new service, add a website, etc. - Hootsuite is a social media aggregator which allows you to create a social media dashboard to look at a variety of media all at once. - TweetDeck is a personal real-time browser that connects you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more. - Hellotxt is an aggregator designed to be used via web or mobile--so it is especially sleek and easy to use. Upload, Annotate, Share. Online document review and collaboration - PDF, Word and HTML HOW TO: Manage Multiple Social Media Profiles Start counting the number of social media websites you have a profile with, right now. Out of fingers yet? Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube are just the start of it - for people active on social websites, you could have several dozen social media profiles, half of them using a really old picture of you. While inbox spam and old pictures may not be the end of the world, keeping up a consistent image across the web and keeping your content fresh is vital to good business and strong relationships. Step 1. The first step is to exactly know where you have a social media profile and where you do not. Tip: Always keep note of other people using your most common username. Step 2. People may disagree with me, but I believe you should sign up for the most popular social networks regardless of whether you are going to use them all. This doesn't mean you should be active on all of these services. Step 3. This is the most important step! Step 4. Step 5. Go Forth and Network!
