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What is Fargo?

What is Fargo?
Friday, August 23, 2013 at 3:55 AM Fargo is a simple idea outliner, notepad, todo list, blogging tool, project organizer. # It's an HTML 5 application, written in JavaScript, runs in any compatible browser, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft IE 10 Files are stored in Dropbox, using the Dropbox API. How much does Fargo cost? There is no charge to use Fargo. Where can I try it? What outliners are used for Notetaking. What is an outliner? It's an editor that works with hierarchic structures. How does it relate to Little Outliner? Fargo is our full-featured outliner. Screen shot Fargo screen shot with several tabs open. Competition There are desktop outliners, and those that run in browsers. Roadmap Fargo is Small Picture's primary product. Company Small Picture, Inc. is a Delaware corporation, founded on December 19, 2012. Related: