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Paper by FiftyThree

Paper by FiftyThree

wikichen/sketch-android-kit Object moved El Pensamiento Visual o Visual Thinking es un proceso que consiste en volcar y manipular ideas en un dibujo o mapa mental, utilizando elementos relacionados entre sí para tratar de entenderlo mejor, identificar problemas, descubrir soluciones, simular procesos y descubrir nuevas ideas. Contar historias mediante dibujos, pinturas, pictogramas, jeroglíficos… cualquier técnica representativa es buena para fomentar ideas. Es una herramienta que consiste en volcar ideas a través de dibujos simples y reconocibles, con el objetivo de definir objetivos, identificar problemas, encontrar soluciones o generar nuevas ideas. El sector educativo necesita incorporar estas disciplinas de pensamiento visual porque necesita más que nunca formar a los alumnos desde la reflexión y la comprensión de un mundo que cada vez corre más deprisa. Estamos acostumbrados con nuestros alumnos a aprender utilizando el leguaje verbal, pero este lenguaje es secuencial, lo que no ayuda a entender relaciones que no lo son.

Why Some Teams Are Smarter Than Others Individual intelligence, as psychologists measure it, is defined by its generality: People with good vocabularies, for instance, also tend to have good math skills, even though we often think of those abilities as distinct. The results of our studies showed that this same kind of general intelligence also exists for teams. On average, the groups that did well on one task did well on the others, too. In other words, some teams were simply smarter than others. We next tried to define what characteristics distinguished the smarter teams from the rest, and we were a bit surprised by the answers we got. We gave each volunteer an individual I.Q. test, but teams with higher average I.Q.s didn’t score much higher on our collective intelligence tasks than did teams with lower average I.Q.s. Instead, the smartest teams were distinguished by three characteristics. First, their members contributed more equally to the team’s discussions, rather than letting one or two people dominate the group.

iPhone App Wireframe (.psd) Photoshop isn’t certainly the best tool for wireframing your application, there are cases though when you want to show something cool to your clients. This set comes in handy when you need to put together some ideas and you need pre-built elements to do so. Just play with the elements from the library and create in minutes the wireframe of your next mobile project. All the elements have been created using Photoshop vector files. The source includes a retina version for designers working on high-res displays. Free License Feel free to download and use this item for both personal and commercial projects with attribution back to MediaLoot. Attribution is required for free items. More from User Interface » Mobile

Tawe: Videos made easy from a simple image 6 Mistakes that Can Get Your Emails Marked as Spam (Even if You’re Not a Spammer) You’re not a spammer. You value customer relationships and work hard to build trust with your customer base. But even with all the work that you’re doing, you’re still seeing a handful of spam complaints when you send out your email marketing campaigns. What are you doing wrong? Because spam reports are often a matter of opinion — someone receives your email, decides it is unwanted, and clicks to “report as spam” — it can be difficult to figure out what you’re doing wrong. While there’s no foolproof system for avoiding spam reports completely, there are certain warning signs you can watch out for as you prepare to send your next email campaign. Let’s take a look at 6 common mistakes that you’ll want to avoid: 1. People open email from people they know, and they delete or mark as spam email from people they don’t recognize. Permission-based email marketing is the best route to developing long-lasting email marketing relationships. 2. 3. Pay attention to what’s working with your audience. 4.

TETHR – The Most Beautiful iOS Design Kit Ever Made – by InVision Beautiful iOS templates at your fingertips. We're talking $80 worth of Photoshop, Sketch, and Craft Library templates... totally free. Source Files Templates UI Elements Make it minimal Clean, modern designs match the flat iOS interface. Mix + match Drag-and-drop elements make it easy to concept any iPhone app. Retina-ready So there’s no need to worry about optimizing your assets. Where should we send your kit? Get free UI kits, icon packs, mockups, and more Receta para cocinar un #mapavisual... - Garbiñe Larralde untitled This coffee shop branding is by Ipek Eris for the coffee shop, pizzeria and book/design store Prototype No.1. Ipek is a self employed art director and graphic designer based in Istanbul and specializes in corporate identity and branding. The branding was created using materials such as; kraft paper, rope, stamps and natural paper, all signs are also hand painted. Using simple forms – a square, a circle, a triangle and a hexagon- and combining them with handmade typography the idea was to create a friendly, warm and inviting restaurant and cafe. The combination of the four forms inadvertedly also has symbolic aspects- such as the Philosoper’s Stone- and sets the tone for the branding inside the store. via: Ipek Eris Coffee Shop Branding: Gawatt Take-Out Coffee This coffee shop branding project for Gawatt take-out coffee shop was created by art director Stepan Azaryan, graphic designer Karen Gevorgyan, and Illustrator Armenak Grigoryan. August 18, 2014 In "Graphic Design" September 21, 2013

Répertoire des applications gratuites de dessin 3D : 26 applications - Révéler le créateur en vous Pour imprimer en 3D, ça prend un dessin 3D. Même si vous pensez n’avoir aucune compétence en dessin et encore moins en dessin 3D, ce répertoire des applications gratuites de dessin 3D pourrait bien vous faire changer d’idée. Vous avez déjà joué avec de la plasticine ? Vous pouvez alors faire du dessin 3D. Vous pouvez aussi le réaliser sur votre tablette ou téléphone. Mais n’allez pas croire que toutes ces applications soient offertes par grandeur d’âme et passion. L’avenir est encore plus prometteur. Récemment, un sculpteur de monuments en bronze me décrivait comment son travail se transforme. Pour nous, ce sont surtout des résines et même de la pâte alimentaire, dans le cas de l’imprimante à patisserie. Voici de quoi commencer. Répertoire des applications gratuites de dessin 3D 123D - Série Autodesk 123D Catch Génère des modèles 3D à partir de photos 123D Circuits Permet de générer et de tester des modèles de circuits électroniques 123D Creature Créer des formes 3D. Niveau : Populaire

Fragmento de <em>Tu mundo en una servilleta</em> Lápiz negro, subrayador amarillo, lápiz rojo: ¿Quién es «nosotros»? Siempre que le digo a la gente que yo ayudo a solucionar problemas empresariales mediante dibujos, la reacción es una de tres. Dicen: «¡Qué bien! ¿Me podría mostrar cómo se hace?», o: «Suena interesante... pero ¿sí funciona realmente?» El primer grupo está conformado por el tipo de personas «Pásenme el lápiz». El segundo grupo se caracteriza por «No sé dibujar, pero...», y también es conocido como el de las personas del subrayador amarillo, porque estas suelen ser muy hábiles para identificar los aspectos más importantes o interesantes de lo que otra persona dibujó. El último grupo es el que denomino: «No soy visual» o las personas del lápiz rojo. ¿De qué color es su lápiz? AUTOEVALUACIÓN PARA DETERMINAR «EL COLOR DE SU LÁPIZ» Seleccione a continuación la respuesta (una sola) que mejor responda a cada una de las situaciones: 1. Cuando una persona me entrega una hoja de cálculo muy compleja y de varias páginas, primero: 1.

How to Send Better Email - Without Second-Guessing a Single Word Have you ever received an amazing email, one that you’d like to print out and pin to your wall, one that made you grin from ear to ear or slow-clap in appreciation and reverence? When I come across these gems, I drop them into a “Snippets” folder. I study them, I swoon over them, and I borrow bits and pieces of them to send better email. Now imagine that every email you send is as great as these occasional all-stars you receive. Impossible? Worth shooting for? At Buffer, we strive for 100 percent awesomeness in the emails we send to customers, and that pursuit of excellence carries over to the emails we send to teammates, colleagues, friends, and family. So I’m happy to share some of my sources of email inspiration. An email template for shaving 20 hours off your work week Author Robbie Abed took to LinkedIn to share a pair of emails that he had used successfully to shave his workweek from 60 hours to 40 hours. Here is email number one, which is to be sent on Monday. Empty words (Do not use)

A Simple iPad Add-On That Helps You Draw Flawlessly The simple but brilliant iPad accessory known as Osmo, which takes real-world objects and movements and transforms them into onscreen gameplay, has a new trick up its sleeve. Its new “Masterpiece” app deploys the same clever attachment to help even the most art-challenged feel like a regular Raphael. Masterpiece uses the Osmo’s clip-on mirror and an iPad’s front-facing camera to help you draw almost anything. The process is as simple as the proposition. Once you select an image source and place a piece of paper in front of the iPad, the tablet’s screen shows a detailed outline of your subject and a live-video view of the surface in front of it. There are a few levels of detail you can toggle on and off for your tracing. The result feels like a hybrid of tracing paper and the Matrix. In an interview, Osmo co-founder and CEO Pramod Sharma told WIRED that the app was originally conceived as an “endless coloring book,” and additional features tossed in and honed from there.
