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This dialog can be used with the JavaScript, iOS, and Android SDKs, and by performing a full redirect to a URL. Here are some example code snippets that can be used to trigger this dialog. JavaScript SDK Trigger a Feed Dialog using the FB.ui function with a feed method parameter. iOS SDK Read our full guide to using the Feed Dialog in iOS or you can read about our iOS Share Dialog which also allows you to publish Open Graph stories. NSMutableDictionary *params =[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"An example parameter", @"description", @" @"link", nil]; [FBWebDialogs presentFeedDialogModallyWithSession:nil parameters:params handler:^(FBWebDialogResult result, NSURL *resultURL, NSError *error) {}]; Android SDK Read our full guide to using the Feed Dialog in Android or you can read about our Android Share Dialog which also allows you to publish Open Graph stories. URL Redirection Related:  TechReference

Frame Animation Plugin for jQuery by Bojmir Martinec Check the examples page Get Frame Animation Plugin for jQuery (v.1.1.2): jquery.frame.animation.1.1.2.js What is it? Wouldn't it be great if you could have a nice animated navigation menu or animated logo on your site, without any use of Flash plugins or such? How it works? Export your animation as stitched frames (filmstrip style) and then it works simply by changing the background position in steps equal to the height of one frame so we get real animation, very similar to a flipbook or a film reel. There are quite a few different options how you can use the plugin.

SearchMonkey - Site Owner Overview SearchMonkey is fundamentally about transforming the way search results are displayed. By sharing structured data with Yahoo!, site owners and content publishers can build more useful, relevant and visually appealing search results, which can increase the quantity and quality of traffic from Yahoo! How it works Currently available for certain content types such as Video, Games, and Documents Add a few lines of markup to your pages and SearchMonkey will use that code to extract structured data from your pages. Step 1 - Share structured data You can share data by embedding microformats, using semantic web standards such as RDF, sharing an XML data feed directly with Yahoo! Step 2 - Build a Yahoo! With your structured data in place, you can now use that data to build a SearchMonkey application. Step 3 - Submit your Enhanced Results for approval and begin promoting them After building your application, you may submit it for inclusion in the Yahoo! Tools & Documentation RDF Documentation

Html5 cross browser polyfills - Modernizr - GitHub The No-Nonsense Guide to HTML5 Fallbacks So here we're collecting all the shims, fallbacks, and polyfills in order to implant HTML5 functionality in browsers that don't natively support them. The general idea is that: We, as developers, should be able to develop with the HTML5 APIs, and scripts can create the methods and objects that should exist. Developing in this future-proof way means as users upgrade, your code doesn't have to change but users will move to the better, native experience cleanly. Looking to conditionally load these scripts (client-side), based on feature detects? See Modernizr.Looking for a guide to write your own polyfills? svgweb by Brad Neuberg & others Fallback via FlashSnap.SVG from scratch by the author of Raphaël (Dmitry Baranovskiy) Abstracted API. FakeSmile by David Leunen Canvas Web Storage (LocalStorage and SessionStorage) Non HTML5 API Solutions Sectioning Elements Video VTT: Video Timed Track (subtitles) Audio Audio Data API IndexedDB Web SQL Database Web Forms Beacon

Date Arithmetic Adding Dates You can add some number of days to a date by simply using the =SUM function. Since Excel stores dates as a number of days, no further work is required. To add a number of months or years to a date, you first need to decompose the initial date into its year, month, and day components, add in the desired offset, and then have Excel put the components back together. Excel will automatically handle the situation which arises when you pass a number greater than 12 to the MONTH function, or a number greater than 31 to the DAY function. For example, adding 6 months and 10 days to 8/25/97, in A1 with the formula gives 3/7/98. Generally, you cannot add two dates that are in serial format. Note, however, that adding a month to a date may give you a result that you do not expect. you will get the date 3-March-2002, because the "31st" day of February, 2002, is 3-March. For example, if A1 contains the date 31-Jan-2002, this formula will return 28-Feb-2002. Subtracting Dates Adding Times

ie7-js - Project Hosting on Google Code IE7.js is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6. Current version: 2.1 beta4. IE7.js Upgrade MSIE5.5-6 to be compatible with MSIE7. IE8.js Upgrade MSIE5.5-7 to be compatible with MSIE8. You do not need to include IE7.js if you are using IE8.js IE9.js Upgrade MSIE5.5-8 to be compatible with modern browsers. You do not need to include IE7/IE8.js if you are using IE9.js The script only fixes images named: *-trans.png If you want the fix to apply to all PNG images then set a global variable as follows: var IE7_PNG_SUFFIX = ".png"; You must set this variable before including the IE7.js script. <script src="IE8.js">IE7_PNG_SUFFIX=".png";</script> The suffix will ignore query string parameters. var IE7_PNG_SUFFIX = ":"; By default, the PNG will be stretched (this simulates tiling). You may link directly to these files if you wish:

Sync Set Up Your iPhone or iPod Touch - Mobile Help Cet article est destiné aux utilisateurs de Google Apps for Business, Google Apps for Education et Google Apps for Government. Les autres utilisateurs trouveront des instructions pour synchroniser leur appareil iOS dans les articles relatifs à Gmail, Google Agenda et Google Contacts. En savoir plus Pour configurer Google Sync sur votre iPhone, iPad ou iPod touch, suivez la procédure ci-après. Configuration requise et sauvegarde de données Google Sync n'est compatible qu'avec les versions 3.0 et ultérieures d'Apple iOS. Premiers pas 1. Saisir les informations de compte 5. 6. 6. Configurer la fonctionnalité "Envoyer des e-mails en tant que" Les utilisateurs de Gmail et de Google Apps ont la possibilité d'envoyer des messages avec une adresse d'expédition personnalisée via le navigateur Web de leur appareil iOS ou de leur ordinateur. Connectez-vous à Gmail via le navigateur Web. Sur votre appareil iOS, accédez au site Supprimer un message 12. 13. 13a. 13b. 13c.

Uniform - Sexy forms with jQuery Code Capers | Building a Url Shortener with the API JSON: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Use It This week I want to cover a topic that I feel has become an important part of any developer’s toolkit: the ability to load and manipulate JSON feeds from other sites via AJAX. Many sites are sharing data using JSON in addition to RSS feeds nowadays, and with good reason: JSON feeds can be loaded asynchronously much more easily than XML/RSS. This article will cover the following: What is JSON?Why does JSON matter? We’ll also use our newfound skills with JSON at the end of this project to build a quick app that loads photos from Flickr without requiring a page refresh. What Is JSON? JSON is short for JavaScript Object Notation, and is a way to store information in an organized, easy-to-access manner. Storing JSON Data As a simple example, information about me might be written in JSON as follows: This creates an object that we access using the variable jason. Storing JSON Data in Arrays Nesting JSON Data

Like Button Why are people seeing a 'Confirm' button when they click on my Like button? There are integrity and spam-prevention safeguards built into social plugins, and this is one of them. If you have been heavily testing a Like button before launching, you may have inadvertently triggered these safeguards. Additionally certain domains on the internet are more likely to contain spam, so will see the confirm step more often. This confirmation adds one extra step to the Like button process, but once the like has been confirmed separately by a number of users, it will no longer appear, and the regular Like button will only appear. Should I display the Like button by itself or the Like and Share buttons together? We recommend that you include both buttons on your website to let people choose the way that they want to share your content. How do I display the Share button without the Like button? To get code to display the Share button by itself, please visit our Share button documentation. For example:

Useful Glossaries For Web Designers and Developers Advertisement In a day in age where there are just as many freelancers as there are university educated designers, developers, and all around web gurus, it is amazing to me how much many of us don’t know or have forgot about our trade. As a self-taught designer, I will admit to you upfront that there is a lot I don’t know when it comes to official jargon or certain aspects of things like typography and graphic design. These glossaries are also especially useful for those of you who are just getting started in the online business world. But glossaries aren’t just for brushing up on old terms or for calling upon while you learn new things. Last week we presented Web Design Industry Jargon: Glossary and Resources1, a general guide to industry terms that should get you well on your way to understanding what web designers are talking about. Typography Glossaries Usability, UX and IA Glossaries Do yourself a favor and start learning as much as you can about usability and design. SEO Glossaries

"I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot." From: George LewisDate: Thursday 2 September 2010 6.51pmTo: David ThorneSubject: No Subject I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot. From: David ThorneDate: Thursday 2 September 2010 8.07pmTo: George LewisSubject: Re: No Subject Dear George, Thank you for your email. While I have no idea what a foggot is, I will assume it is a term of endearment and appreciate you taking time out from calculating launch trajectories or removing temporal lobe tumors to contact me with such. From: George LewisDate: Thursday 2 September 2010 8.49pmTo: David ThorneSubject: Re: Re: No Subject I didnt ask for a photo fag. and I meant faggot you homo. im not a fan so you can shove your signed photo up your ass. From: David ThorneDate: Thursday 2 September 2010 9.17pmTo: George LewisSubject: Re: Re: Re: No Subject While I do not have a boyfriend, I do have a friend who is homosexual and I once asked him "Do you ever think about having sex with me because you are gay?"

How to Get Alerted When Somebody Has Dugg your Article :: the How-To Geek is the absolute biggest source of traffic that most content authors are going to ever see. The “Digg Effect” can cripple your site within an hour, so it’s nice to know if somebody has submitted one of your articles to Digg. Here’s a quick and dirty trick on how to set up an alert. First, go to the Digg Search page at Type in the base URL to your site into the search form: Make sure that you’ve selected ”URL Only”, and “Upcoming Stories”. Looks like I don’t have any upcoming stories… but if you look over on the right, there’s an RSS icon! Subscribe to the RSS feed for this search, and your RSS reader will let you know when you have been dugg, before it ever gets to the front page. If you do want to only be alerted when you get to the front page, you can change the search to “Front Page Stories” and subscribe to that feed instead. Enjoy!
