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Alpha Geek: Whip your MP3 library into shape, Part II - Album art

Alpha Geek: Whip your MP3 library into shape, Part II - Album art
Best way to find artist info and album art is to use Wikipedia. It's not easy or automatic in the least bit. But it will always have high quality album art, artists, and song info when other applications or sites fail to find what you need. Secondly, I would like to point out the solution offered for Mac users was lame. If you don't know how to copy and paste album art into your songs ..... If you want an easy way of converting ID3 tags, use iEatBrainz. Also, another helpful way of adding music to songs and albums is using a widget for OS X Tiger called: Album Art. If you want an easy way to find CoverArt when you are done converting those tags, then download CoverScout.

The Stupid Things You Do Online (and How to Fix Them) The omnipresent and largely unchallenged 'facebook uses personal information to deliver targeted adverts to you and therefore is evil' argument must be the dumbest thing that I'm subjected to on a regular basis, on practically every single consumer tech site. Do these sites have a '1 in every X posts has to slag off facebook for something' policy or something? Or is their schedule of facebook-privacy-FUDding merely tied to whenever facebook releases an update? I appreciate that this post points out that advertising isn't always bad, mainly because of how conspicuously uncharacteristic it is for a post on Lifehacker. Seriously, who *doesn't* want targeted adverts? Apparently the rest of the tech-blog-reading-world doesn't share my opinion. Seriously, screw untargeted adverts.

Mineways – De Minecraft vers le monde réel Mineways – De Minecraft vers le monde réel Vu que vous êtes tous en train de vous amuser sur notre serveur Minecraft, je me suis dit que vous aimeriez peut être garder un petit souvenir (physique) de vos oeuvres dans le jeu ?! Et bien, maintenant c'est possible avec Mineways, un petit soft qui permet d'extraire une construction ou un relief (montagne, village...etc) de Minecraft, pour obtenir un fichier 3D (VRML, OBJ, STL) capable d'être utilisé par une imprimante 3D ! Magique non ? Mineways est open source (je ne connais pas la licence exacte), peut être compilé sous Windows, Linux et OSX et le binaire distribué sur le site pour Windows uniquement semble bien se comporter sous Wine. Si vous voulez voir plus d'exemples du rendu de Mineways, je vous invite à faire un tour sur le Flickr Mineways. Et pour mieux comprendre comment tout ceci fonctionne, voici un exemple d'utilisation filmé. Source Vous avez aimé cet article ?

The Future Of The Internet's Here. And It's Creepy In Gary Shteyngart's 2010 novel Super Sad True Love Story, ordinary Americans are glued to superpowered iPhone-like devices while authority figures monitor their every move. Two newly released research papers on the Internet's future, it seems, prove the author did a good job of predicting things. One Pew study has found that text messaging is growing more quickly than anyone has imagined, while a new Brookings paper is predicting cheap and total monitoring of all electronic communications by authoritarian governments in the next few years. First, the dystopian future. The same technological advances that enable amazing consumer gadgets like iPhones also help fuel ominous government surveillance projects. According to the Brookings paper, rapidly falling data storage costs are being combined with massive innovations by repressive regimes in Internet monitoring and censorship--that are often aided and abetted by American firms. [Image: Flickr user Mixer1, top: fss]
