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Semantic Web Patterns: A Guide to Semantic Technologies

Semantic Web Patterns: A Guide to Semantic Technologies
In this article, we'll analyze the trends and technologies that power the Semantic Web. We'll identify patterns that are beginning to emerge, classify the different trends, and peak into what the future holds. In a recent interview Tim Berners-Lee pointed out that the infrastructure to power the Semantic Web is already here. ReadWriteWeb's founder, Richard MacManus, even picked it to be the number one trend in 2008. The Semantic Web means many things to different people, because there are a lot of pieces to it. The disagreement is not accidental, because the technology and concepts are broad. 1. We have written a lot about the different approaches to the Semantic Web - the classic bottom-up approach and the new top-down one. A big win for the bottom-up approach was recent announcement from Yahoo! Another recent win for the bottom-up approach was the announcement of the Semantify web service from Dapper (previous coverage). 2. At present, most use of RDF is for interoperability. 3. 4.

Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process. The so called Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web, is going to change this. What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites are going to be transformed into web services - and will effectively expose their information to the world. The transformation will happen in one of two ways. Some web sites will follow the example of Amazon, and Flickr and will offer their information via a REST API. The Amazon E-Commerce API - open access to Amazon's catalog We have written here before about Amazon's visionary WebOS strategy. Why has Amazon offered this service completely free? The rise of the API culture The API offering today is different from Amazon's one, because it does not open the database to the world.

Tools This page gives an overview of software tools related to the Semantic Web or to semantic technologies in general. Due to the large amount of tools being created in the community, this site is always somewhat outdated. Contributions and updates are welcomed. See also: Tool Chains Adding your own Adding your own tool is as easy as creating a page. Do not forget to use a suitable category to classify the tool, otherwise it will not appear below. If your tool is an OWL 2 implementation or a RIF implementation not yet listed here, please consider to add it. Current tools on The following tools are currently recorded in this wiki. RDF2Go (Version 4.8.3, 4 June 2013) Bigdata (Version 1.2.3, 31 May 2013) Semantic Measures Library (Version 0.0.5, 4 April 2013) HermiT (Version 1.3.7, 25 March 2013) Fluent Editor (Version 2.2.2, 20 March 2013) The following is a list of all tools currently known (use the icons in the table header to sort by any particular column)

Semantify - Automate Your Semantic Web SEO in Five Minutes The timing couldn't be better for the release of Semantify, a new service from Israel/San Francisco's One week after Yahoo! announced that it will begin indexing the semantic markup and meaning of content on the web, Semantify offers a remarkably simple way to get your website marked up semantically. Automatically, forever. Once you learn how to use Dapper's basic interface, it can take less than five minutes to set up the Semantify service. Just a Few Steps Here's what it takes: 1. 2. 3. 4. And then you're done. Dapper GUI + Semantic Web vocab list + PHP embed code = automated Semantic Web markup for your site. It's The Early Days It's as simple as that, or at least it will be once all the little kinks are worked out. You can go through those steps above today, I have, and whenever the Yahoo! Historical Context Many people have questioned the viability of the Semantic Web vision, asking who will do the markup. The Semantic Web could change the world.

Enhancing documents with annotations and machine-readable structured information using Notate Summary Textensor Limited is developing tools for improving the communication and exploitation of text based information. Our main product, Notate, is a web based system that enables authors and readers to layer structured annotations on top of documents so that the resulting combination can be reliably processed automatically while maintaining the integrity of the original source and the provenance of all annotations. The system has a wide variety of applications including attaching sticky notes and discussions to web pages, sharing documents and notes within a small group, on-line document review and sophisticated data curation tasks. This white paper describes the origin of the underlying ideas for Notate in hypertext and web research communities, and places our work in the context of other recent advances in web technologies such as semantic wikis and 'Web 2.0'. Notate starts with documents. Origins This concern is not, however, only a recent developmment. and continued: Structured Data

Facebook Open Graph: The Definitive Guide For Publishers, Users and Competitors Facebook just shook the tech world by announcing several major initiatives that collectively constitute an aggressive move to weave the social net on top of the existing Web.The rumors were that the leading social network would launch a "Like" button for the entire Web. Instead, Zuckerberg & Co. unveiled a bold and visionary new platform that cannot be ignored. The bits of this platform bring together the visions of a social, personalized and semantic Web that have been discussed since pioneered Web 2.0 back in 2004. Facebook's vision is both minimalistic and encompassing - but its ambition is to kill off its competition and use 500 million users to take over entire Web. Whether we like it (pun intended) or not, we have to understand what this move means. It impacts users, publishers, competitors and, of course, Facebook itself. Facebook Open Graph: Publisher Plugins The Open Graph is a set combination of publisher plugins, semantic markup and a developer API. Checkmate?

Facebook's Graph API: The Future Of Semantic Web? “There are two important themes behind everything we're delivering today.” says Bret Taylor, head of Facebook’s platform products in the facebook developer blog, about the recent announcements at the f8 conference in San Francisco. Facebook introduced Open Graph protocol, and the Graph API as the next evolution in the Facebook platform. First, the Web is moving to a model based on the connections between people and all the things they care about. Second, this connections-based Web is well on its way to being built and providing value to both users and developers — the underlying graph of connections just needs to be mapped in a way that makes it easy to use and interoperable. Facebook introduced three new components of Facebook Platform two of which the Open Graph protocol, and the Graph API. Excerpted from the Graph API page are some examples of URI’s for accessing facebook obects (resources) using their identifiers. All objects in Facebook can be accessed in the same way:[…]

rdf - open source semantic web project Home · semsol/arc2 Wiki C ACL System Abstract The HTTP protocol is a network resource access protocol that leaves user authentication and access validation entirely up to the server. There is no guarantee that authentication realms are related to directory or even consistent over time. The World Wide Web Consortium site takes advantage of this flexibility with a dynamic, file-level access control system. This document describes the ACL storage and query mechanisms used by W3C, as well as the availability and use of this data on the semantic web. Status of this Document This document is a description of the W3C ACL system, but does not consitute an endorsement or recommendation of any sort. The exact revision of document may be identified by the CVS version $Revision: 1.30 $. Table Of Contents Goals ACLs are designed to express access rules in a logical, unambiguous, machine-accessible format. Structure An access system may be divided into: Identity Management Maintaining identity information. Group Association Privilege Management

Annotea project RDF SQL HOWTO This document describes how to set up a MySQL datastore as part of installing a W3C-Perllib Annotation server. 1. General The RDF persistent database uses an SQL store. The code has been tested with MySQL. It is likely the code will work with other SQL databases. 2. MySQL is available via HTTP from 3. The MySQL documentation describes the MySQL authentication scheme. mysql -u root mysql INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password,Select_priv,Insert_priv,Update_priv,Delete_priv,Create_priv,Drop_priv,Reload_priv,Shutdown_priv,Process_priv,File_priv,Grant_priv,References_priv,Index_priv,Alter_priv) VALUES ('%','AnnotateUser',password('AnnotatePassword'),'Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N'); 4. The Perllib Rdf bin directory (W3C/Rdf/bin) contains a shell script to tell MySQL how to create the Rdf database. mysql <W3C/Rdf/bin/RdfObjects.mysql 5. The RDF annotate script agent needs a configuration file for the database related properties.

语义网 1概念编辑 语义网的概念是由万维网联盟的蒂姆·伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)在1998年提出的一个概念,实际上是基于很多现有技术的,也依赖于后来和text-and-markup与知识表现的综合。其渊源甚至可以追溯到20世纪60年代末期的Collins、Quillian、Loftus等人的研究,还有之后70年代初R.F.Simon、R.C.Schamk、Minsky等人陆续提出的一些理论上的成果。其中Simon在进行自然语言理解的应用研究时提出了语义网络Semantic Network(不是现在的Semantic Web)的概念。当时人们甚至发明了以逻辑为基础的程序设计语言Prolog。 蒂姆·伯纳斯-李在2006年普林斯顿大学演讲和后期接受媒体采访时公开表示,他最初将这种智能网络命名为语义网或许不够贴切,也许更准确的名称应该是数据网(外语:Data Web)。 语义网就是能够根据语义进行判断的智能网络,实现人与电脑之间的无障碍沟通。 语义网的建立极大地涉及了人工智能领域的部分,与web 3.0智能网络的理念不谋而合,因此语义网的初步实现也作为web 3.0的重要特征之一,但是想要实现成为网络上的超级大脑,需要长期的研究,这意味着语义网的相关实现会占据网络发展进程的重要部分,并且延续于数个网络时代,逐渐转化成“智能网”。 2基本特征编辑 类似于Web 2.0以AJAX概念为契机,如果说web 3.0以语义网概念为契机的话,同样会有近似于AJAX的一种技术,成为网络的标准、置标语言或者相关的处理工具,用来扩展万维网,开创语义网时代。 语义网不同于现在WWW,现有的WWW是面向文档而语义网则面向文档所表示的数据,而语义网更重视于计算机“理解与处理”,并且具有一定的判断、推理能力。 3区别编辑 如何理解与判断? 语义网“不同于现存的万维网,其数据主要供人类使用,新一代WWW中将提供也能为计算机所处理的数据,这将使得大量的智能服务成为可能”;语义网研究活动的目标是“开发一系列计算机可理解和处理的表达语义信息的语言和技术,以支持网络环境下广泛有效的自动推理”。 目前我们所使用的万维网,实际上是一个存储和共享图像、文本的媒介,电脑所能看到的只是一堆文字或图像,对其内容无法进行识别。 在浏览新闻时,语义网将给每一篇新闻报道贴上标签,分门别类的详细描述哪句是作者、哪句是导语、哪句是标题。 第一层

Semantic Technology: The Basics
