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The Ultimate List of HTML5 eLearning Authoring Tools

The Ultimate List of HTML5 eLearning Authoring Tools
There isn't any doubt that the eLearning industry is evolving. Curriculum is becoming more interactive and, at the same time, an increasing number of learners are using mobile devices to access eLearning courses. As a consequence, the way that eLearning Professionals design, create, and deliver eLearning courses is rapidly changing, or at least it should be. Nowadays, HTML5 is being used by eLearning Professionals from all around the globe, thanks to its versatility and its variety of features. The primary reason for the shift to HTML5 eLearning authoring tools is the massive usage of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets (namely the iPad and iPhone) in almost all aspects of our everyday lives. In addition, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) support is on the rise. Historically, eLearning courses have been designed using Adobe Flash, which has allowed eLearning Professionals to deliver content that was more immersive and effective. Are you a Top eLearning Software Vendor?

Technology SAMR Model for Administrators - Part 1: Staff Presentations The introduction of wireless networks and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs in classrooms has increased the demand for teachers to effectively utilize technology worldwide. We have seen an emphasis placed on technology-centered professional development to ensure that classroom educators are best prepared for these challenges. Throughout this process, teachers may feel that they are at the forefront of professional development while administrators may feel a little behind the power curve. Throughout this series, I will focus on the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) model highlighting different tasks that school-based administrators may face during the school year. Part 1: Staff Presentations Part 2: Community Interaction Part 3: File Management Part 4: Classroom Evaluations Part 5: Staff Input Google Apps for Education (GAFE) will be the primary software that I reference, but other programs could be substituted. Lead by Example Staff Presentations

Regarding the `LMS is Here to Stay’ Versus the `LMS Will Go Away’ Debate | Absorb LMS Blog Last week, Tony Bates wrote a Blog post titled “Why learning management systems are not going away.” He cited the following reasons for his conviction that LMS are likely here to stay: Most instructors and students need a structure for teachingInstructors and students need a private place to work onlineThe choice is not either an LMS or web 2.0 tools. Web 2.0 tools can be used not only outside an LMS, but also with an LMS (through links) and can even be embedded within some LMSs…institutions are becoming increasingly reliant on LMSs … to integrate data from teaching with administration, to provide data on student performance, for appeals against grades, and for reporting and accountability purposes David Jones presented a rebuttal in a post titled “Why learning management systems will probably go away.” David agrees with Tony that there’s a need for structure in learning… But there’s debate to be had around whether the LMS is the tool for this structure to be provided. Here’s what I think:

Accompagnement à distance des apprenants Si le « stage » de formation impliquant le rassemblement d’un groupe restreint (5 à 20 personnes) constitue encore une des formes les plus répandues de l’accès à la formation professionnelle, si les universités s’ingénient encore et toujours à investir dans l’immobilier et la construction de vastes amphis, le développement des formules de formation à distance et hybrides tant initiale que continue préfigure notre futur proche où l’unité de temps et de lieu, le regroupement des apprenants en un espace physique, dit d’apprentissage (en fait, le plus souvent d’enseignement), ne seront qu’une étape remarquable mais révolue de l’évolution des formes éducatives. A cet égard, le nouveau cadre défini par la loi sur la formation professionnelle du 7 mars 2014 constitue une avancée prometteuse. De nombreux facteurs poussent au changement mais je n’en évoquerai ici que deux qui me paraissent les plus puissants. Du groupe restreint au réseau social d’apprentissage Proposition 01. Proposition 02.

How To Use Bloom’s Taxonomy To Write Learning Outcomes By: Scott Davis Business Analyst, Pearson It is often quite difficult to relate inputs to outcomes in the world of education. Traditionally, much work has been done to develop and provide inputs into the process of education. These inputs, such as a textbook, an assessment, a learning technology or platform, a course, a qualification, a high-stakes test or professional development for teachers are put into the hands of an educational leader, a skillful teacher, or an eager student. If we are going to really understand how we might be impacting student learning we must do two things. It may be difficult to know where to start in writing a student learning outcome. The committee identified three domains of educational activities or learning (Bloom, 1956): - Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge) - Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude or self) - Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills) Various researchers have summarized how to use Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom, B.

Using the Right Graphics to Spruce up Your eLearning Engagement: Series1 “A picture is worth a thousand words” aptly characterizes that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single graphic. Visualization makes it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly which shows why we happily share a child’s first drawings and cards with our friends and family. One of the many Cognitive Biases is the Picture Superiority Effect which states that concepts that are learned by viewing pictures are more easily and frequently recalled than concepts that are learned by viewing their written word form counterparts. Auditory images and motor images help memory. Aesthetics have not only been proven to improve usability, but also to increase retention. Effective eLearning deliverables require more than just text and a few random graphics.

Les secrets des bons cours en ligne Combien pour développer un nouveau cours ? Pour la plupart des institutions, le choix de développer un nouveau cours représente un risque financier. Que ce cours soit populaire s’impose. Quand la production du cours est subventionnée ou est une affaire de passion bénévole, on ne se soucie guère de sa rentabilité, mais on appréciera quand même la reconnaissance publique. Quel est le point commun des cours à succès ? Jeanine O’Neill-Blackwell a rencontré plusieurs créateurs de cours en ligne qui ont généré des revenus de plus de 100 000 $ et elle-même en a produit qui ont atteint les millions en revenus. Les cours à succès : Résolvent un problème très spécifique. Fondamentalement, il s’agit de fournir une réponse aux questions que votre clientèle se pose pour qu’elle obtienne des résultats concrets. Ces quatre caractéristiques rejoignent celles qui ont été recueillies auprès de milliers d’étudiants de Moocs et de cours en ligne. Références

84 Tips on New Instructional Design for New Instructional Technology June 10, 2014 Contributing Editor, Karen Forni Today’s learning professionals have myriad technology options for designing, developing, and delivering content, from virtual labs and graphic novels to social media and wearable devices. Even artificial intelligence promises to be an effective learning technology in the near future. But no matter how powerful and fancy the technology, we must use effective instructional design. So how do you effectively design instruction for new instructional technologies? In this eBook 21 learning professionals who have successfully melded new instructional design with new instructional technologies give us their best tips. Complete the form below and download the report today! All fields are required

NéoPass@ction - un outil pour la formation des enseignants 20/04/16De nombreuses académies signent avec l'IFÉ des conventions d'utilisation de nos clés USB Néopass qui intègrent une formation de formateurs sur site.Si vous êtes intéressés, le calendrier d'accompagnement 2016/2017 est en cours de finalisation. Voir la carteContactez-nous 13/11/15Tout Neopass sur une clé USB : c’est maintenant ! Nous proposons de nouvelles modalités de collaboration aux rectorats et directions académiques qui souhaitent équiper leurs formateurs d’une version autonome de Neopass. Contactez-nous 25/09/2015Deux nouveaux parcours disponibles Conçus par le centre Alain-Savary et utilisant les ressources de la plateforme Néopass@ction, découvrez ces deux parcours de formation hybrides : 07/09/2015Nouveau : Le thème 8 : Débuter comme formateur, tuteur, conseiller pédagogique est en ligne Faut-il aider l’enseignant à faire classe ou à apprendre à faire classe ? Découvrir ce nouveau thème

Se former sur NéoPass@ction Genèse de Néopass@ction Depuis 1993, l'INRP s'intéresse à l'articulation entre la recherche et la production de ressources pour la formation. En 2010, la plateforme Néopass@ction est devenue un projet prioritaire de développement de l'INRP puis du nouvel Institut Français de l'Éducation. Lire la suite... Finalités de Néopass@ction La plateforme de formation en ligne Néopass@ction répond à la volonté de proposer des référentiels partagés sur le travail réel des enseignants comme ressources pour la formation des débutants selon des modalités autonomes et/ou avec l’appui d’un formateur universitaire ou d’un tuteur. Lire la suite... Présupposés théoriques La formation est envisagée comme une action sur autrui, individuelle ou collective concrétisant une intention explicite pour favoriser des apprentissages et du développement professionnel. Lire la suite... Outils d'analyse Lire la suite... Effets produits en formation Lire la suite... Valorisation et diffusion - Communications, publications
