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Tuto Scrapebox - Soft SEO Black Hat

Tuto Scrapebox - Soft SEO Black Hat
12 déc 2010 by Papilouvein seo, tuto, vidéo Tags: black hat, référencement, Scrapebox, seo, tutoriel, vidéo Aujourd’hui c’est tuto outil SEO Black hat chez Papilouve (enfin…chez moi ) et on va parler de SCRAPEBOX. - Edit 13 déc : Merci à @frenchtouchseo qui vient de m’envoyer un lien avec une version de Scrapebox à non pas 80, ni 70 mais bien 57$ ! ) ce qui le met aujourd’hui à 43,19 € !! Scrapebox version BHW à 57 $ Depuis quelques temps, j’utilise ce soft SEO qui sert à scraper les serp’s (via Google, Yahoo, Bing etc) pour obtenir des urls, vérifier le PR, le dofollow ou nofollow, etc, mais aussi pinger et commenter automatiquement, bref, un outil Black Hat très complet. Le truc avec les outils Black hat, c’est qu’ils sont toujours en anglais…et que les tutos et les explications, et ben c’est pareil, et c’est pas toujours glop ! Bref, j’en reviens au tuto, le process est simple, on ouvre Scrapebox et on y va : 2. 3. Et puisque vous avez (enfin j’espère ) ou remarques .

Open Source Social Platforms: 10 of the Best As social sites grow in popularity, so does the desire for smaller niche-based networks that cater to smaller groups of people. Just look at the rise of social networks for chess players and wine. What's more, with the latest open source software, smaller sites can be built in a matter of days or weeks. Here are 10 open source software platforms on which to carve out your niche. If there's one site people love to emulate with their own niche versions, it's Digg. Fortunately, there are good platforms to do just that. Pligg It seems that every hour, a new Pligg-based site is born. NewsCloud NewsCloud is another content management system that has a story ranking feature. Drupal with Vote up/down module Most know Drupal as one of the more popular open source content management systems available. Dolphin Dolphin, from Boonex, is a popular free community-building application that is being used for a number of dating sites. PHPizabi Elgg Mugshot AroundMe GetBoo Scuttle More suggestions?

Top 40 Free Downloadable Open Source Social Networking Software | Vivalogo Resources This is Vivalogo's list of best free, downloadable, open source social networking software / scripts (kinda hard to say all these words :) ). Unlike some other lists you may find on the net, this one contains only really downloadable and functional software.Note: listed in no particular order. SocialEngine SocialEngine is social networking software powered by PHP and Zend. iSocial is a free social networking script platform that allows you to create your own Friendster and Orkut like sites. Mahara is fully featured electronic portfolio, weblog, resume builder, and social networking system for connecting users and creating online communities. This is a Social Network module for xoops CMS. Create Your Own Software, Free Software and More... No programming required to create your own applications. The PeopleAggregator Appleseed Appleseed is (augmented) social networking software, ie Friendster, only distributed. Web 2.0 bookmarking system, both social (with tags) and private (with folders).

E-Commerce Copywriting: The Guide to Selling More - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Quality product descriptions can transform e-commerce conversion rates — it’s common to see increases of 30-100%. As well as converting more visitors, search traffic increases drastically when unique copy is written for each product. Essentially, your copy must achieve two goals: Establish trust andConvince visitors that your product is right for them. Potential customers cannot see or touch the product since it’s not physically there in front of them. You must establish the right tone, a mix between informative and engaging, while showcasing your product’s usability, practicality and benefits. Formatting E-commerce websites should usually opt for a combination of bullets and paragraph form. Running Warehouse uses both bullet points and a short paragraph to describe the product. Basics of Good E-Commerce Copywriting To keep your writing as simple and readable as possible, think about these rules while you write and proofread your copy. Avoid long sentences Achieve clarity. (vf)

HTML5 from a Mobile Perspective « Cloud Four I’ve read with interest the controversy following the W3C’s decision to not renew the XHTML 2 Working Group charter. For those unfamiliar with the jargon of standards organizations, this means that XHTML 2 is effectively dead. In its place as the future of web development stands HTML5. The comments about HTML5, and the potential for its future have been surprising. I hadn’t realized how working on mobile has changed my perspective. At the risk of being accused of wearing mobile-tinted glasses, HTML5 is going to big a deal and it will be relevant much sooner than people think. Lack of Extensibility The main complaint against HTML5 is the lack of extensibility. The need for this meaning is what created microformats which describe standard ways of presenting information like addresses in markup so that they can be understood programmatically. The best description of this extensibility problem can be found in John Allsop’s article from A List Apart. This is not simply a theoretical problem.

C SVG Working Group SVG is a widely-deployed royalty-free graphics format developed and maintained by the W3C SVG Working Group. This is a public group, which works on an open mailing list and which welcomes your feedback. Upcoming Events The Graphical Web 2014 – Winchester, England, August 27–30, 2014 The Graphical Web will showcase SVG, as well as related technologies like Canvas, WebGL, CSS, Javascript, and HTML5 video and audio. News CSS-SVG Effects Task Force Started The CSS and SVG Working groups have started a joint task force to discuss and develop mutual features such as gradients, transforms, filters, and animation.

Google Chrome Extensions Main Page Interfaces riches > 2011 sera-t-elle l’année de la 3D grâce à Chrome et Firefox (et Flash) ? J’ai déjà eu l’occasion de vous parler de 3D dans le navigateur ainsi que de WebGL. Mais à l’époque, j’en parlais au futur. Il semblerait pourtant que cette spécification d’affichage 3D dans le navigateur soit sur le point d’être généralisée grâce aux toutes dernières versions des navigateurs Chrome (Chrome 9 Sandboxes Flash and Adds WebGL Support) et Firefox (WebGL introduced in Gecko 2). Pour mémoire, WebGL est une spécification développée par le Khronos Group qui permet d’animer des objets 3D dans votre navigateur en utilisant directement la puce graphique et non le processeur. Ça, c’est la théorie, car dans la pratique une animation conséquente monopolise toujours une bonne partie des ressources du processeur. Ceci étant dit, rappelons que cette spécification est encore en développement et qu’elle va encore subir de nombreuses améliorations afin d’optimiser son mode de fonctionnement (qui sollicite à la fois le DOM via javascript, l’API WebGL et le pilote OpenGL). Alors ça y est ?

Chrome 9 Sandboxes Flash and Adds WebGL Support Google Chrome 9 beta is now available and, unlike the previous two versions, it comes with a lot of new features. The built-in Adobe Flash plugin is now sandboxed, just like Chrome extensions and tabs. "The sandbox adds an additional layer of protection to further guard against malicious pages that try to hijack your computer or steal private information from your hard drive. Based on this groundwork in the beta, we'll be bringing the sandboxed Flash Player to Chrome for Mac and Linux in future releases as well," explains Google. Right now, the sandboxed Flash plugin is only available if you use Windows. Google Chrome 9 enables WebGL support by default. Chrome doesn't have many opt-in features. To enable Chrome Instant, go to Options > Basic and check "Enable Instant for faster searching and browsing". Chrome Instant is not just annoying, it's also buggy. If you want to hide the button added by a Chrome extension, you can do it by right-clicking on the button and selecting "Hide button".
