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Web 2.0 Design Guide - Web Design

Web 2.0 Design Guide - Web Design
In this tutorial, I describe various common graphic design elements in modern web “2.0” design style. I then attempt to explain why they work (i.e. why they have become common), as well as how, when and where you might use each element in your designs. It follows on from my Current Style article, and analyses in greater depth the design features of the current “Web 2.0” design style. To learn how to design Web2.0 sites yourself, you must read “Save the Pixel – The Art of Simple Web Design”, which is a comprehensive guidebook to the principles and techniques of Web2.0 design. Summary of Best Web Design Features The list below is a summary of many of the common features of typical “Web 2.0” sites. Clearly, a site doesn’t need to exhibit all these features to work well, and displaying these features doesn’t make a design “2.0” – or good! I’ve already addressed some of these factors in my introductory Current Style article. Best Website Design? Web 2.0 ?! Best Web Design Features 1. When? Always! 2.

7 Free Tools to Identify A Font So you’re browsing through your favorite website and found a site that uses a font you love. You want that font too, (and must be as quickly as possible!)… so how do we go about finding out what that font is called? Sounds familiar? Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners By Chris Riedel02/02/09 ##AUTHORSPLIT## <---> Gail Lovely is adamant about the nature and potential of Web-based learning tools. "Web 2.0 is about trust," she said at a recent talk. "It's about sharing and collaborating."

Spell with flickr Please send me comments, suggestions or questions, I love getting emails about Spell with Flickr - and all my programming projects. It was just a few hours ago that I posted my Goals for 2008 and I'm releasing my first project of the year. It's nothing big, but it was a fun little distraction. The hide-an-image-in-text-with-css3-creator-thing Helpful distortion at NYC &amp; London subway maps Eddie Jabbour, graphic designer for Kick Design, is obsessed with replacing the confusing NYC subway map (below: originals on left and Kick maps on right — click for larger versions). The logic behind the changes“Can He Get There From Here?” profiles Jabbour’s quest. Here he explains the reasoning for his changes: Mr. Jabbour pinned two maps to the wall, then pointed to the different renderings of the Atlantic Avenue terminal in Brooklyn, which he says is the most difficult station to represent because so many subway lines converge there.

Create a nice web design with a lovely textured background I love using subtle and soft textures to create clean web designs with an impressive visual impact. The right texture with a good use of typography can generate in simple way (saving your time) unique and absolutely creative web designs. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to realize a nice web site layout using a nice texture. 5 Simple Ways to Improve Web Typography Type is one of the most-used elements of the web. Think about it. Unless you are YouTube or Flickr, chances are your site visitors are coming for your text content – not the fancy packaging that surrounds it. So why are web designers still treating text like a secondary element?

Teachers' Favored Web 2.0 Tools At 14.2 tweets/minute, #EdTechChat was moving on Monday, August 19. (When school’s in session, #EdTechChat can log up to 2,000 tweets during the hour with several hundred participants.) Susan Bearden, Sharon Plante, and I co-moderated this week’s discussion on Web 2.0 tools, asking tweeps to share the benefits and challenges of using Web 2.0 tools, which ones are their favorites, and where they go to find new resources. One of the most retweeted tweets captures why educators incorporate Web 2.0 tools into their classrooms: “@julnilsmith: Web 2.0 tools make students MAKERS - not just MEMORIZERS. “ Many other participants echoed that these kinds of tools can expand opportunities for students-- particularly by providing them with an authentic audience and allowing them to collaborate with peers worldwide. When choosing which tools to try, @MrStaubSTEM summed it up best: “The best edtech is the one you can use effectively that meets the needs in your classroom.” · Animoto

100 Excellent Free WordPress Themes Advertisement High-quality WordPress themes always come in handy. Whether you are looking for some design inspiration or professional coding solutions — in both cases you can learn a lot, you can apply them and you can build customized designs upon them without reinventing the wheel all the time. In this article we present 100 free high-quality WordPress themes. Together with hundreds of other designs, these themes have been manually selected, installed and tested over the last weeks.

Stop Writing Project Proposals Advertisement Many companies try to create a great experience for customers. But few are willing to make the changes required to deliver on that promise. In fact most don’t even realize just how bad their experience can be. This is why we made a new book called “User Experience Revolution,” a practical battle plan for placing the user at the heart of your company. Get the book now! 25 Examples of Geometrical Shape Usage in Web Design I really like the way Wikipedia defines web design: “Web design is a broad term used to encompass the way that content is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web…”. And we have to say that web design is really all about the way you deliver content, so taking good care of shaping your website is something that’s very important. Websites are pretty much based on grids and columns, where geometrical forms are the main elements. Here we will show you some examples of how circles, squares, rectangles and triangles are used to better create beautiful and inspiring websites. Circles

Web 2.0 Backpack: Web Apps for Students Earlier today, Richard took a look at the state of e-learning 2.0, which got me to thinking about how school might be different if I were in college today because of the influx of new Web 2.0 apps aimed and students. I went to a school that utilized a Virtual Learning Environment called WebCT (since absorbed by the Blackboard company), and it really wasn’t very fun to use. Note taking meant writing on paper, study groups meant face-to-face meetings, and if you were struggling through Shakespeare, your best bet was to turn to the library, not the Internet. When I was in college most of the tools in this round up didn’t exist.

Retro Futurism At Its Best: Designs and Tutorials Advertisement Concepts of the future for the way we live our lives have been expressed in forms of art, design, movies, comics, and even cartoons. For many decades before man even landed on the Moon, people have been fascinated with space and the endless possibilities it could bring.
