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What did the Knights Templar Do

What did the Knights Templar Do
The Knights Templar were created by the pope to escort and protect "tourists" going to the Holy Land, and to fight Muslims there. There were originally only a handful, but there were thousands by the time they were disbanded in the 1300's. They were the first bankers. A person could deposit money at one Templar institution, receive a voucher, and turn it in at any other Templar institution. Though charging interest was illiegal at the time, the Templars were permitted to get away with charging a "fee" for the transaction. Eventually they became so wealthy, and so many royals owed them so much money, that they became a target. Interestingly, at the time the Templars were disbanded, the Swiss people (right across the border from France, of course) were mainly farmers with little or no military training.

Ancient Astronaut Theory, Ancient Alien Theory Ancient Astronaut Theory Most people believe in aliens - from ancient visitors to modern day extraterrestrials who visit Earth with an agenda. Clearly the creation myths of each ancient civilization discuss alien gods who descended from the sky for any number of reasons, some of who allegedly mated with human woman to create bloodlines, or created humans through biogenetic experiments. In the duality of physical reality, there would be good aliens and bad aliens - who would have great battles, just as we do while visiting here. Ancient aliens, as we envision them based on endless physical evidence found across the planet, does not actually refer to a group of extraterrestrial beings who came here once upon a time, but is more about those who create the consciousness hologram in which we experience and learn. One must never forget that if there are indeed extraterrestrials who are physical beings after a fashion, and that creation continues beyond their agendas. Physical Evidence Vimanas

Top 10 Unusual Ancient Weapons Weird Stuff Mankind always has, and always will, fight wars. And in order to fight said wars, man needed weapons. Used by the Māori tribes of New Zealand, this simple-looking, yet solid, club was built from nephrite jade. Perhaps the most well-known on this list, the Chinese hook swords were wielded by the normally passive Shoalin monks of northern China. The kpinga was a throwing knife that was used by experienced warriors of the Azande tribe. The macuahuitl was basically a large, sword-shaped piece of wood, with razor-sharp pieces of obsidian embedded in the sides. This rather odd-looking weapon was used in the arenas by the gladiators of the ancient Roman Empire. Don’t be fooled, the chakram is not something you would want to play frisbee with. Another Chinese weapon, the chu ko nu was basically an ancestor to the automatic rifle – it sacrificed range and power for a quick reload time. Now I have to hand it to the Chinese, their weapons have made four entries on my list.

Tiahuanaco: Gatway to the Gods by Dan Eden for viewzone Ask most people who are the oldest civilization or where the oldest civilization lived and you'll here answers like Mesopotamia (Iraq), Egypt or Iran. While these cultures can be traced back to 4000 B.C., the mysterious ruins of Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia, could be 14,000 years old! If you think the Great Pyramid in Egypt is a technological marvel, wait until you see what artists and engineers were doing in Tiahuanaco. The most famous icon of the archaeological site at Tiahuanaco is the Sun Gate. This calendar sculpture, though it undoubtedly depicts a "solar year," cannot however be made to fit into the solar year as we divide it at present. Some researchers have attempted to explain this as being a ritualistic calendar while others have claimed that, 14,000 years ago, the length of a year was somehow different from today. [Left:] Entrance to the temple, showing the characteristic stone construction of the site. [Center] Carved stone block at Puma Punku. Comments:

The major world religions The information provided below is intended to provide a short introduction to the major world religions as defined classically. Each description has been kept very short so that it is easy to read straight through all of them and get a general impression of the diversity of spiritual paths humanity takes to live the kind of life God wants. As a result, a great many things have been omitted. No omissions are intentional and readers are encouraged to consult other resources on the web as well as books for more in-depth information. For an excellent introduction to Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, Christianity, and Judaism, Huston Smith's "The World's Religions" is highly recommended. The origins of Hinduism can be traced to the Indus Valley civilization sometime between 4000 and 2500 BCE. Hindus follow a strict caste system which determines the standing of each person. If you are looking for information on "OM" you can find it here. More Resources on Hinduism More Resources on Shinto

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