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Le mythe du sitemap XML Google

Le mythe du sitemap XML Google
Création de site hôtel et restaurant L'hôtellerie est un secteur qui a profondément changé avec l’arrivée d’Internet. Selon les études, en France, entre 70 et 85% des réservations de chambres d'hotel passent par Internet. L'objectif clé de la création d'un site internet d'un hôtel ou d'un restaurant et de son référencement est simple : augmenter le nombre de réservation en direct, sans avoir de commission à donner à un distributeur. Sans site de qualité, ce sont les centrales de réservations qui profite de cette manne avec des commissions allant de 17 à 25 %. Qu’est ce qu’un site internet de qualité pour un hôtel ? Séduire Le site Internet d'un hôtel doit : donner envie de venirdoit mettre en avant les atouts de votre établissementrefléter fidèlement son ambiance Avec une création graphique travaillée et adaptée aux spécificités du Web, nos experts vous proposerons les meilleurs solutions dans le respect de votre budget. Être visible Offrir un contenu utile Un site unique à votre image

Script Google Suggest: détecter les nouvelles suggestions de suggestions J’ai crée un petit script PHP dernièrement qui permet d’être alerté par mail dès qu’une nouvelle suggestion fait son apparation par rapport à un mot-clé dans Google suggest (je vous recommande d’y jeter un oeil pour mieux comprendre cet article et son intérêt). Je me suis dit après réflexion qu’il était trop bête de s’en arrêter là, du coup j’ai rajouté une boucle pour découvrir les nouvelles suggestions de suggestions, sur un niveau de profondeur (aussi un peu inspiré par le script Google Suggest de @seoblackout). Si je veux surveiller les nouvelles requêtes similaires à « poulet roti » (site de recette de cuisine du dimanche), je vais aussi surveiller les suggestions de « poulet roti recette », « poulet roti au citron », « poulet roti cuisson » … ce qui élargit le champ de mots-clés. Un schéma sera peut-être plus clair: Les 58 termes suivants correspondent aux recherches fréquentes des internautes relatives à l’expression « poulet roti »: écrit dans Scripts SEO, SEO par |

7 Excellent Website To Test And Compare Website Speed By Umar Anjum on September 7, 2010 7 Excellent Website To Test And Compare Website Speed Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. Site owners often need to bookmark a number of site-testing web tools. These tests include site loading time testers, optimization testers, site comparison tools, and performance tools. If you are looking for these tools, then look no further. WebWait WebWait is a simple website that tells you the average waiting time each visitor has to face before you site fully loads up. LinkVendor LinkVendor runs tests on your website and reveals the speed and size of the domain, estimated load time for various bandwidths, number and sizes of all found images, CSS and JavaScript files. iWebTool’s Website Speed Test If you own multiple domains or would like to compare load times of different websites, you can use this web tool. SelfSEO’s Website Speed Test WhichLoadsFaster Webpage Test Web Page Analyzer

KNACSS, un framework CSS minimaliste qui claque sous la dent ! How To Track Your Social Media Strategy The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Social media is becoming increasingly important for SEO. Just in the last week we've seen the launch of Google +1 and early correlation data showing Facebook shares are highly correlated with rankings. In this post I'm going to walk through a bunch of different ways of tracking your social media strategy. We'll start with the basic/easy stuff and move up to more complicated things (Google Docs! APIs! 3rd Party Tools There are a million and one social media monitoring/tracking/reporting tools. PostRank PostRank is a neat service that tracks your pages (either through inputting manual pages or via an RSS feed) and gives you engagmenet metrics for your content. There is a free plan or a paid plan that is only $15 / month so it's very easy to get started with PostRank. Topsy Ok, Topsy is cool - we're getting close to analysing our competitors. Sharedcount

10 Twitter Tools That You Should Definitely Know About 10 Twitter Tools That You Should Definitely Know About September 1st, 2010 Posted in Various Twitter has gone large, really large. Everyone of us has seen the tremendous growth this nifty little service with just a basic and simple idea has gone over the years. The main thing that makes twitter so powerful is their API. TwitterAnalyzer TwitterAnalyzer is one of the most comprehensive Twitter analyzer tools out there. Twitter Grader Twitter Grader is another third party app which calculates a grade for a particular twitter on a scale of 0-100. TweetPsych Still in Beta, TweetPsych is a work in progress. TweetStats TweetStats will graph your total tweets by the month, by the day, and by the hour. Tweetag Tweetag display the most discussed topics in the last 24h in general, or the most talked topics related to a given topic. Twist This tool offers trends of keywords or product name, based what Twitter users are tweeting about. TwInfluence Twitturly Tracks popular URLs tracker on Twitter. TwiBuzz

Discover What’s New in CSS 4 CSS 3 is still slowly making its way onto the web, but the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the governing body that oversees the development of web standards, is already plotting the future of CSS with CSS 4. The W3C recently released the first draft of CSS 4, adding dozens of new rules to make web developers’ lives easier. The CSS 4 spec is brand new and no web browser actually supports any of these rules yet, but if you’re curious what the next few years will mean for CSS, the first draft offers a sneak peek at what’s in store for web developers. The biggest news in the current draft of CSS 4 is support for the much-requested parent or “subject” selector. CSS 4 includes a means of controlling which element in the selection chain is actually being styled. With the subject selector it’s simple: The “$” means that the rule is applied to the ul, rather than the li.clicked as it normally would. The :matches() syntax eliminates the need to write out section h1, article h1 and so on. See Also:

SEO Audits – Strategic vs. Tactical For many years I operated in a bubble performing audits on client sites. Coordinating and providing consulting in the implementation of my findings, yet not ever having an open dialogue with other professionals in the industry regarding what commonalities or differences we had in our approach. As I began writing blog articles on my approach, and fielding questions from others regarding how I went about the process, I began to learn of two typical approaches. One involves a quick audit, an hour or two, where the most common mistakes or issues are found, followed by broad recommendations. Personally, I take a different approach, one that works well for my needs, though it may not work for yours. Strategic SEO Audits The vast majority of my work these days involves strategic audits. I also spend a few minutes up to an hour or so reviewing the competitive landscape and set up one or more sweet spot charts, looking for areas of weakness in the landscape. Patterns Reveal Bigger Problems

The Art of Beginning for Improving Social Media Practice Two or three years ago, I received an email from Chris Brogan asking if I would give some advice to a recent college graduate named Avi Kaplan who was interested in a career of using social media for nonprofits. I chatted with Avi and answered some of his questions. Not long after that, Avi helped Stacey Monk develop a strategy for the very first Tweetsgiving. A few weeks ago, Avi asked me if I would participate in a blog tour for the Jewels of Elul focused on renewal and beginnings that benefits a residential addiction treatment center in Los Angeles. This last year has been a year of many new beginnings – a move across the country, a new title, a new book, a new blog, a new company, and new friends and projects. And that’s the point I want to relate to social media. When end up avoiding talking about mistakes and we avoid reflection that explores and opens up new breakthroughs because we’re moving too fast into the next action. 1.What worked really well in this project?
