Zorro2 (beta)
Time for an update of Zorro. I think this release is much more polished than the first one. Plus, you now finally have the ability to render section cut views. New Features: -made cuts work with parallel projection views-added slice model at section plane (right click on a section plane for context menu)-added nested cuts using CTRL modifier-improved precision of cuts Somes notes on this release:- It is recommended to use 'Slice model at Section' on a backup of your SKP file. I am calling this a beta version so please post any bugs or requests in this thread.
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Tutorial: How to render extra huge output image without crashing in Vray SketchUp
I have encountered these following questions "My client wanted me to print A0 size paper with nice quality, how can I do it?" Today I receive this from one of the follower with my Nomeradona Facebookpage "Nomeradona, I am working on a Google SketchUp 3D Floor Plan, and trying to Render it in Vray. I am able to Render it at (800x600), but I run out of ram, when I tried to output the (4000x3000 dpi) file size. In this case, what shall we do? This is an old Sketchup file which I did almost four years ago. Step 1: The output size I have rendered before more than 8000px width x 4000px spherical panorama render which I used for this Virtual reality post. Step 2: IR passes Since the image is huge, you don't need that high min/max rate. Step 3: VRImage output. Step 4: Preview Image. Once done, the image file will be written to the assigned folder that you have chosen. Open Photoshop and load the exr file Step 5: Converting the Gamma 2.2 to Gamma1.0 Vray SU by default uses gamma 2.2. Nomeradona
Adobe Photoshop Tutorials from Beginner to Advanced | Psdtuts+
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Deyan Sudjic on the Ground Zero memorial | Art and design | The Observer
When Maya Lin won the competition to design America's national memorial to its Vietnam war dead 20 years ago, nobody could have foreseen that this painfully young architecture student from Yale was, for better or worse, going to usher us all into a whole new era of monument-making. Even now with New York struggling to decide how best to honour the memory of the victims of the World Trade Centre attacks, she is proving to be a decisive voice. The black granite walls, free of eagles or insignia, that she proposed to cut into the grass of Washington's Mall were a decisive break with the way things used to be done. They seemed to many at the time to be shockingly abstract. Indeed, long before that folksy populist Ross Perot ran for President, he led a bitter campaign against her plan, arguing for something, as he saw it, more impressive and more martial. Everywhere, abstraction and minimalism became the unavoidable language of the monument. This kind of thing is usually called public art.
studio a+i wins AIDS Memorial Park Design Competition
Organizers of New York City’s proposed AIDS Memorial Park today announced the winners of their design competition. First place was awarded to Brooklyn, NY’s studio a+i: Mateo Paiva, Lily Lim, John Thurtle, Insook Kim, and Esteban Erlich, with a rendering by Guillaume Paturel, for their design “Infinite Forest.” The design was selected from 475 entries submitted between November 29, 2011 and January 21, 2012, representing more than 26 U.S. states and 32 countries on six continents. “The proposed AIDS Memorial Park commemorates the past while embracing the present and the future,” said Jury Chair Michael Arad, Partner, Handel Architects and Designer of The National September 11 Memorial. Christopher Tepper and Paul Kelterborn, co-founders of the AIDS Memorial Park Coalition, envisioned the design competition as inspiration for an AIDS Memorial Park that seamlessly integrates park and memorial features. IMAGES Courtesy of AIDS Memorial Park / AIDS Memorial Park Coalition
Centro Cultural y Memorial, Neltume, XIV Región de Los Ríos, Chile – Taller Al Cubo
Concurso: Archiprix Moscú 2013Estudiante: Fredy Holzer FeliuTutor : Mirta Halpert ZagielUniversidad: Universidad Central de ChileUbicación: Neltume XIV Región de los Ríos, ChileEscala: LargeAño: 2012 El Centro memorial y cultural de Neltume, se ubica en el poblado del mismo nombre, en el extremo sur de Chile, lugar de cultura maderera, tanto en lo social como en lo político – económico, desde los tiempos de la edad de oro de la madera y la lucha por el poder social de sus tierras. “Este es el caso de un poblado forestal que era privado , que pasó a manos del estado, y que finalmente fue privatizado nuevamente”, terminando un largo proceso de trágicos acontecimientos, personas desaparecidas y asesinadas en el bosque. El proyecto busca rescatar la memoria histórica y el dolor de un pueblo entrelazado al bosque, así como también de un tipo de construcción -apilación en madera- impregnada en la cultura de los pobladores y los paisajes de la zona. La intervención consta de tres áreas: 1.
PFC´s DIFERENTES //// Estrategias para la regeneración del espacio público indio: los “Pols” de Ahmedabad //// de ALMUDENA CANO
Tenemos el placer de presentar hoy este extraordinario proyecto, uno de los últimos Proyectos Fin de Carrera de la Escuela de Madrid,de la arquitecta ALMUDENA CANO. El proyecto, que da una fantástica vuelta al planteamiento de "cómo cooperar" plantea unas serie de estrategias que nacen y crecen en la ciudad existente, sin la necesidad de un solar que las haga posibles, y que hace de la ciudad y sus ciudadanos participantes directos. Un fantástico ejemplo de esos métodos alternativos que la arquitectura contemporánea consigue encontrar, en ocasiones como esta de forma tan brillante. El proyecto fue dirigido por el profesor de la ETSAM Luis Basabe Montalvo, y obtuvo la calificación de Matrícula de Honor. El sistema propuesto supera los límites del contexto indio y es aplicable a otros ámbitos de complejidad urbana similar, es capaz de asumir los condicionantes particulares y las capacidades latentes de cada tejido.
Familias Revit Architecture 2009