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Orbiter - A free space flight simulator

Orbiter - A free space flight simulator

Stellar Forces: Home Space Engine - Home page Multimedia 5 Multimedia 5 Pagina 4 {*style:<b>Nel corso degli ultimi anni, molti appassionati si sono cimentati per creare videogiochi su Spazio 1999. Qualcuno ha avuto più fortuna, altri meno... ma tutti sono divertenti e giocabili e, cosa più importante di tutte, testimoniano un grande amore dei loro autori per Spazio 1999. Con un po' di fortuna e buona volontà, cercherò di riunire in questa pagina tutti i giochi che riuscirò a trovare in giro, con il permesso dei relativi autori, ovviamente! Il primo e per il momento unico gioco che posso proporvi è uno sparatutto a scorrimento verticale.

NASA Live on USTREAM: Explore behind the scenes at NASA live. . Watch without ads Ustream © Search Log in / Sign up With Facebook (faster) Log in or sign up with Facebook See what your friends like and watch, get awesome recommendations Instant login, no passwords or With email or username Forgot your password? Don’t have an account? Go live! Find more broadcasts Expand Video NASA Live Follow Following Unfollow 302 followers Watch without ads Flag this content Please select your reason for flagging this video as inappropriate from the dropdown below. If you are a copyright owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of one or authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright, please do not flag this content but instead report alleged copyright violations on our DMCA notice form. Cancel or Remove ads Create Highlight NASA Live Technology - Other Technology 302 followers 19,314 views Follow Following Unfollow Explore behind the scenes at NASA live. Comments Load more... USTREAM You're on! English © 2014 Ustream, Inc.

ESA Bulletin 133 (February 2008) ESA Bulletin 133 (February 2008) 13 March 2008 This issue of ESA’s flagship magazine, the Bulletin, carries a range of articles: from GOCE, ESA's sleek 'Ferrari' of gravity-field satellites, to the James Webb Space Telescope, the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. The launch of GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Explorer) is a cornerstone for ESA's Earth Observation programme. It will be the first satellite of the Earth Explorer family to be placed in orbit, and its mission is to explore one of the most intriguing features of our planet. Due to be launched in 2013, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is expected to have as profound and far-reaching impact as its famous predecessor, Hubble. Other articles include: ESA’s plans for a European space surveillance system - detecting objects in space - at present only USA and Russia have this capability. The Bulletin is published four times a year to inform the space-interested public of ESA's activities.

Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network VATSIM, or Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network, is a non-profit organization operating a dedicated, worldwide, Internet-based flight-simulation network.[2] Users can connect to the network to either fly online as a pilot using flight simulation software, or direct traffic as an air traffic controller (ATC) and participate in what has been described as a close approximation of real-life aviation procedures.[3][4][5][6] The organization has achieved notability for its very high level of participation and realism, that has seen it in use as part of Federal Aviation Administration funded research projects. This notability resulted in the organization being featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal in 2006.[3] It is considered the largest online flight simulation network in the world with over 209,000 registered members as of September 3, 2009,[7] with hundreds of participants online at any one time.[8][9] Online event displayed using VRC software connected to VATSIM

SpaceWarps portable arcade games Vettel does doughnuts and Kobayashi greets the fans: videos from Suzuka | F1 Fanatic – The Formula 1 Blog Kamui Kobayashi celebrated with his fans at Suzuka Sebastian Vettel’s post-race doughnuts in Japan was just one of the unseen highlights of the race weekend. During the drivers’ parade Kamui Kobayashi hopped out of his car and greeted his fans at turn two. Here’s a selection of fans’ videos from the Japanese Grand Prix. Practice A marvellous impression of speed as the cars tackle 130R. Outside the track, Vettel is spotted by fans and tosses a pen back to one of them, presumably after signing something for them. Qualifying Lots of support for home hero Kamui Kobayashi as he starts his last lap in Q2. Much applause as he secures a place in the top ten: Race Kobayashi acknowledges the crowd during the drivers’ parade, stopping his car and going over to them: The drivers set off on the formation lap, seen here from turn two:

Galaxy Zoo Astronomer captures image of planet - World news, News 20 October 2011 The Institute for Astronomy said Adam Kraus used Keck telescopes on Mauna Kea to find the planet. The University of Hawaii astronomer was working with Michael Ireland from Macquarie University and the Australian Astronomical Observatory. LkCa 15 b is 450 light years away from Earth and is being built by dust and gas. Mr Kraus presented the discovery at Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland. Scientists had not been able to see such young planets before because they are so close to stars that the stars' light outshines them. Mr Kraus and Mr Ireland used mirrors to cancel out the starlight and were able to see dust near the planet.

Apollo 17 in Real-time
