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Paper+ typography on the Behance Network

Paper+ typography on the Behance Network

Popular Art Prints Popular All « Prev1 ... 181920 ... 80Next » Video Transcript What is art? From the materials we use to the hands that ply them, we match the care that goes into everything we make to that of the artist that designed it. It begins with those thousands of artists entrusting their original work to another. It's the paper that isn't just paper, but pressed European cotton. It's the archival quality inks that mean your print outlives you. It's the craftsmen that print, cut, check and pack your art. All together, thousands of steps were taken to make your Art Print. This is our process. This is our art. Design Inspiration: Typography and Text Effects With the right design and/or effects, text is capable of serving as the focal point of a design. Most designers love to experiment with typography and text effects, and to be inspired by the work of others. In this post we’ll showcase 25 examples of outstanding design involving typography and text effects. The samples shown here come from various designers, and to see larger versions of any, please click on the image. Looking for hosting?

Dashwood Playing Cards A deck of cards inspired by Dashwood’s passion for typography. Each card featuring a letterform and copy briefly discussing an aspect of the particular typeface. Not just the usual who, what and when, but interesting usage and opinion. The face cards were all illustrated by Dashwood with each character being based on one of their team, including Hamish Meikle, Creative Director and Andrew Gair, Managing Director being the two ‘jokers’. Cards were sent to all of Dashwood’s clients and suppliers as a Christmas gift. Following the Dashwood tradition of ‘useful holiday gifts’, playing cards were the perfect item for a Kiwi summer holiday.

Welcome to Baseline Magazine Left Brain vs Right Brain by Mercedes | Pondly Article by James Pond I am the owner of / art lover / electrical engineer / software developer / MBA in e-business student. I blog for pleasure and love to share my Internet findings. Web site: This series of artworks of Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Y&R Interactive advertising agency was part of a Mercedes-Benz advertisement campaign. The illustrations portrait the emotional ties between the two sides of the brain. Left brain I am the left brain. Right brain I am the right brain. Website Do you want more visual fun? You might also like Tipografia Estão abertas – até 22 de fevereiro – as inscrições para a 10ª Bienal Brasileira de Design Gráfico, em 36 subcategorias dentro de 8 categorias (Impressos Editoriais, Impressos Promocionais, Digital, Identidade & Branding, Embalagens, Espacial, Fronteiras e Tipografia). Corrigindo o hiato criado pela não realização da Bienal em 2011, serão aceitos projetos desenvolvidos entre janeiro de 2009 e dezembro de 2012, mantendo a média de 300 projetos por biênio: desta forma, o objetivo desta Bienal é reunir cerca de 600 trabalhos, compondo a maior e mais ampla seleção de projetos de design brasileiro de todos os tempos. Organizada pela ADG (Associação dos Designers Gráficos do Brasil), a Bienal terá duas fases: on-line, por um júri composto por designers do Brasil e países da Europa, Ásia, e Américas do Sul e do Norte, que resultarão em uma short list. A 10ª Bienal Brasileira de Design Gráfico tem coordenação-geral de Bruno Porto e produção da Mandacaru. Corra que ainda dá tempo.

Omnimo 4.0 for Rainmeter by =fediaFedia on deviantART typography posters 15 sitios para inspiración en diseño | Chucherías 15 sitios para inspiración en diseño Enlace original: About the author es la agencia digital con la mayor trayectoria en Costa Rica.Destacamos la excelencia creativa y la innovación. CBTL Single Serve Beverage Pods Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf recently launched their single serve beverage system under the initials CBTL. Accompanying the machines are a line of single serve capsule coffee and tea products. Check out the new package design of the new line after the jump! Design Arena | users
