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Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Improve Your Photo Booth With 90 Free Effects [Mac] | MakeUseOf Every Mac that comes with an iSight is loaded with Photo Booth. When I was Mac-less, I used to frequent Apple stores and somehow Photo Booth seemed to appeal to me then. Sadly, after I bought a Mac for myself, the attraction didn’t last very long and later, I sort of forgot about this nifty application which attracted me in the first place. To bring back the romance, I went on a search to see if I could add more effects to Photo Booth. There were only a few interesting pre-packaged ones and most of them had something to do with image distortion (squeeze, bulge, dent, mirror etc.). That was fun for a while but I need the “Wow” factor back desperately. In my search, I managed to uncover a few sites that offer a good collection of free Photo Booth effects. From B-L-A-C-K-O-P, I found CatEye, which is a collection of 5 sets of effects. I especially like the BoobToob set, it makes me feel like I’m on television. CatEye will only work on Leopard and is free (direct download link)

45 Kick-Ass Resources for Online Entrepreneurs | Productive Entrepreneur Few people talk about this great productivity tip… You will reach your goals faster and easier if you’re willing to learn from others. Using brilliant, well-crafted resources created specifically for online entrepreneurs improves your online productivity. Below I have a long list of resources, most of which I’ve used myself. Enjoy the list. I’ve arranged the resources from those helpful to beginners to those suited to more advanced entrepreneurs. The links to these resources are not affiliate links. Helpful from the word go… If you’re new to online business, you’ll find value in the following resources. 1. Before you can blog, collect email addresses or sell anything, you need a little piece of real estate on a reliable web server. 2. I’m hoping that no one laughs at this resource recommendation. 3. Today web design is easy. Productive Entrepreneur is running the Genesis framework and the Prose child theme. 4. 5. is where you learn about content marketing. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Dot: 360º video capture for the iPhone 4 by Jeff Glasse Hey Kickstarter-onians, Thanks for checking out our project! We call it Dot. It’s a stylish, durable and downright pocketable 360º (panoramic) lens attachment and app for the iPhone 4. What does it do? Dot lets your iPhone capture immersive, fully navigable, panoramic video in real-time - and share with friends on your phone, as well as on Facebook and Twitter, or streamed online using our awesome panoramic video web platform and player. Cool, right? We're excited too. But seriously, our secret beta testers have already had a lot of fun taking it to concerts, the park, on moped rides in Italy, and showing cramped apartments to mothers halfway around the world. So? We haven’t slept much. We’ve spent the past few months researching, designing, prototyping and coding. Let's do it! We’re excited to bring our cutting-edge (read: magical) panoramic technology to a much wider audience – and even more excited to see what you guys will do with it. Thanks for your support. Kogeto team

Future WikiLeaks release to mention UFOs Get your tin hats out. In an interview with The Guardian newspaper in the U.K., WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said that while they've yet to publish anything submitted by various UFO conspiracy theorists, the U.S. Embassy cables are a different story. OK, so there probably won't be any revelations that we're actually in cahoots with pod people (i.e. Of course, it's fun to speculate — in large part thanks to the increasing coverage of UFO sightings worldwide, some explained, others not-so-much. According to UFO Digest, Fulham has been in touch with a group of extraterrestrials called the “Transcendors” who have decided to share their 2011 travel itenrary with him. "There will be a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011," Fulham announced. Will the unreleased WikiLeaks documents cover any of this?

StumbleUpon unveils major redesign StumbleUpon is adding more avenues to meander through its online content recommendation service. The renovations, unveiled late Monday as part of a major overhaul, allow StumbleUpon's 20 million users to be more specific about their interests so they won't have to wait as long for the service's technology to figure it out. For example, users can now tell StumbleUpon to feed them information about specific brands, such as Audi, instead of a general topic such as cars or ask to be steered to the best material from a particular website, such as More than 250 brands, actors and sports figures have set up channels under StumbleUpon's new format. Besides Audi and, StumbleUpon's initial channel line-up includes AOL., Walt Disney Co.'s ESPN, Tom Hanks and Magic Johnson. StumbleUpon also has added an "explore" option designed to make it easier to find content with a quick search. To herald the shift, StumbleUpon redesigned its logo.

Financial Planning: A Comprehensive Guide to Personal Finance In Pictures: Online computer tutorials based on pictures. Free. Best 101 Entrepreneurship Quotes Ever · 14 Clicks I’m a big fan of quotes. I could read them all day long. Some quotes can shift your entire mindset on something while others are just nice to bring up in conversations. I’ve spent the last two years (off and on) compiling 101 of my favorite entrepreneurship quotes around success, failure, leadership, wisdom, humor, money, practicality, motivation, and a smattering of entrepreneurial proverbs. Success Quotes Failure Quotes “Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners.” Leadership Quotes “Leaders don’t force people to follow, they invite them on a journey.” Wisdom Quotes “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.” Humorous Quotes “I think it’s wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.” Money Quotes “Formal education will make you a living. Practical Quotes

Build a Website in 10 Minutes! You know I’m a big advocate of simplicity. Simple is great value! When it comes to designing and building websites, taking the short, direct route benefits you in so many ways! You can get a site up and running and test different appeals and content very rapidly today. If you’ve been smart, you will then be able to be responsive – change your content quickly, even change the whole look and feel of your website. These days, smart production equals WordPress! When you’re familiar with the WordPress platform, you can set up a functional site on cheap hosting with a few clicks, install a theme and the essential plugins, and be up and running quite quickly. But there is a learning curve. That’s where “ItsBuiltForYou” comes in. This service was developed by a couple of my advanced students, and it cuts out the whole learning curve for people who really aren’t web developers and just want to get a great-looking website live. Check it out >> I just got this in my email..

Business Plan Archive Skill Book Locations Find Game Front’s extensive video library of Skyrim cheats and guides on our free mobile apps.iOS video walkthroughs appDroid video walkthroughs app There are literal libraries worth of content for bookworms everywhere to read in the open-world action-RPG madness that is The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Most of the books you’ll discover will provide some history, give you a few laughs, or tell an interesting story — but some provide benefits to certain skills, instantly rewarding the player with a boost in skill. These books are rare, but then can be found. Listed below are the books we’ve found in our travels around Skyrim, listed under the skill they improve. Need a guide to escort you through the snowy wilderness of Skyrim? Skill Book Locations Alchemy Alteration Archery Block Conjuration Destruction Enchantment Heavy Armor Illusion Light Armor Lock-Picking One-Handed Pickpocket Restoration Smithing Sneak Speech Two-Handed

100+ awesome free and open source applications - Software - Posted on Tuesday 27th of September 2011 at 13:05 in SoftwareIt has always amazed me quite how many incredible, varied and useful applications are available for free on the Internet. Be it free, open source, web-based or merely passive trials - the number of top quality items on offer is huge. The purpose of this list is to help people realise that the free and open source software communities are expansive and generous. In these tense economic times, raising awareness of such projects is something I'm more than happy to do. If you feel that I've missed something good off the list, please leave a comment at the bottom - I read absolutely every one. Image, Image Editing and Graphics GIMP – The GNU Image Manipulation Program is a Photoshop replacement that doesn’t have "quite" as much functionality but it’s excellent for free. - A really good, lightweight alternative to Photoshop. Artweaver - Office Audio

Tasting Wine Tasting Wine All About Wine Tasting There’s more to tasting a glass of wine than throwing it down your gullet. We’ll start slow. Colour Hold the glass over a white background, like a napkin or tablecloth. Swirl Swirl the wine to aerate it. Nose Follow yours. Taste Skip the sip. Aftertaste is what lingers after you swallow. Finish What was the body of the wine like? With Food Remember, red wine is not necessarily more sophisticated than white, and not necessarily the only choice with meat. By Region Regional wine qualities tend to reflect the specifics of regional cuisines. Here are some top wine picks in Europe: Northern Italy: Piemonte and the Veneto are greatly influenced by the rich subtelty of their butter-worshipping French and Swiss neighbors. Central Italy: Trendy cuisine from Tuscany and Chianti favors lighter pastas, vegetables and seafood. Germany: Wines that are high in acid provide a necessary counterbalance to the fatty, bland, carb-and-meat-centric northern European diet.
