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Space Zen: Will Humans' Brains Change During Travel in Outer Space? -A Galaxy Insight

Space Zen: Will Humans' Brains Change During Travel in Outer Space? -A Galaxy Insight
In February, 1971, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell experienced the little understood phenomenon sometimes called the “Overview Effect”. He describes being completely engulfed by a profound sense of universal connectedness. Without warning, he says, a feeing of bliss, timelessness, and connectedness began to overwhelm him. Rusty Schweikart experienced it on March 6th 1969 during a spacewalk outside his Apollo 9 vehicle: “When you go around the Earth in an hour and a half, you begin to recognize that your identity is with that whole thing. Their experiences, along with dozens of other similar experiences described by other astronauts, intrigue scientists who study the brain. Andy Newberg, a neuroscientist/physician with a background in spacemedicine, is learning how to identify the markers of someone who hasexperienced space travel. Newberg's first test subject will not be an astronaut, but rather a civilian. “We had not had, in science, a definition of consciousness.

Are We Really All Made of Stars? | Cosmos, Moby’s Song ‘We Are All Made of Stars’, Universe & Solar System | Life's Little Mysteries The theory that everyone and everything on Earth contains minuscule star particles dates back further than Moby's popular 2002 song "We Are All Made of Stars." In the early 1980s, astronomer Carl Sagan hosted and narrated a 13-part television series called "Cosmos" that aired on PBS. On the show, Sagan thoroughly explained many science-related topics, including Earth's history, evolution, the origin of life and the solar system. "We are a way for the universe to know itself. His statement sums up the fact that the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms in our bodies, as well as atoms of all other heavy elements, were created in previous generations of stars over 4.5 billion years ago. "All organic matter containing carbon was produced originally in stars," Impey told Life's Little Mysteries. How star stuff got to Earth When it has exhausted its supply of hydrogen, it can die in a violent explostion, called a nova. "It's a well-tested theory," Impey said. Cosmic connections Got a question?

Through The Wormhole: Are There Parallel Universes? | Documentary Since the ancient Greeks first speculated that everything they observed in reality was the result of the interaction of tiny particles they called atoms, great thinkers have tried to find a single mathematical formula that governs and explains the workings of the entire universe. So far, though, even minds as brilliant as physicists Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking have been unable to come up with that single grand equation of everything, also known as the theory of everything, or the final theory. Nevertheless, they continue to try, because without that final piece of the puzzle that is reality, the sum total of what we know falls a bit short of making sense. Perhaps the most illustrious searcher for the equation of everything was physicist Albert Einstein, who spent the last 35 years of his life trying to uncover such an overarching explanation. Watch the full documentary now -

Nibiru's Orbit, The Red Star of Bethlehem, Sonic Levitation, Ancient Wisdom by David Millo Articles by David Millo All Articles Copyright 2002 by David Millo, Copyright 2002 The Red Star of Bethlehem by David Millo "We have seen his star appear in the first rays of dawn... and lo, the star which they had seen in the east, went on before them, until it came and stood over where the child was." This bible narrative from Matthew recounts the actions of ancient astronomers - Wise Men. With the first rays of dawn on February 1, 4 BC that star appeared. Mars had an Arean association to the Babylonians. Auspiciously, Mars' retrograde motion made it appear to stand still for some 5 days centered on the spring equinox. Antares becomes visible in the southeastern sky about mid-spring to observers in the northern hemisphere. The apostle Paul expounded on the 'UNKNOWN GOD'S" altar to the Athenians on Mars Hill (Acts 17:22-31). This 2003 opposition will be 56 million km. away. Mars is the god of war. Sonic Levitation Made Easy

Saturn storm: Cassini spacecraft pictures of monster storm dying out. An overview of the planet showing how ridiculosuly long this storm was, wrapping clearly around Saturn. The rings are edge-on and very thin, making them hard to spot. The shadow of the rings on the planet's clouds is obvious. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI In late 2010, Saturn got a bit of acne. This happens frequently on the ringed planet, but in this case the storm forgot to stop. This new image from the Cassini spacecraft (below) shows the storm at its height of glory. The storm persisted for months, and then fizzled out. The series of photos from the Cassini spacecraft (below) shows the progress of the storm over time (it’ll be easier to see this in the much bigger version of the picture ). This color-enhanced sequence of images shows the head of the storm wrapping around the planet, meeting its tail, and dying. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute It’s not clear why, though the fact that the tail and head collided must be involved. I love stuff like this.

Sacred Geometry: Flower of Life Sacred Geometry - Flower of Life By Andrew Monkman I believe the complete ancient flower of life is an inter-dimensional tool, a portal, a stargate, a window into what some call the inter space plains. The original flower of life (found on several pillars within "the Osireion" at abydos in Egypt) is incomplete, because it is only the first layer of three (pic1+2). 1. The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt. 2. The complete flower has the other two layers added, making it three dimensional (pic3). 3. What appears is a reptilian entity. Flower of Life - Beijing, China The second being is the Chinese dragon ( the fu dog). You may know that the complete flower contains the kabbalah`s tree of life, the fruit, the egg and the seed of life (pic. 4 & 5). 4. 5. The complete flower also contains the three dimensional metatron cube (pic6), which holds all the Platonic solids (pic7). 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I was born and bred and now live back in Kirkwall. 12. 13. 14. 15. Update - June 2011 Dance of the Planets

De la mécanique quantique à échelle humaine La languette placée en état de superposition quantique. (O'Connell et al., Nature, Advance Online Publication) D e la physique quantique, oui, mais visible à l’œil nu! Andrew Cleland et son équipe de l’université de Californie ont réussi à placer une languette de métal de plusieurs dizaines de micromètres dans un état de superposition quantique. D’après la théorie quantique de la matière, les objets microscopiques se comportent à la fois comme des ondes et des particules. Ce constat est connu par les physiciens depuis des décennies, mais jusqu’ici, il n’avait pu être observé qu’à des échelles atomiques. Pour placer un objet de 30 micromètres dans un état quantique, Andrew Cleland et son équipe ont utilisé un circuit électrique supraconducteur qui obéit aux lois de la mécanique quantique. Interrogé par la revue , Andrew Cleland a déclaré qu’il «devait y avoir des applications intéressantes» à ses travaux, ajoutant modestement qu’il ne voyait pas lesquelles pour le moment.

THE HEXAGON SOLSTICE KIVA Dr. Chris Hardaker Dr. Colette M. Dowell Dr. Robert M. Schoch Hexagon, Solstice, Kiva,- Chris Hardaker - A review of geometric design types found in Chaco Canyon kivas, a rather remarkable coincidence between design and astronomy is discussed. An International Networking Educational Institute Intellectual, Scientific and Philosophical Studies Sabu Enter Here by Chris Hardaker, M.A. Anthropology Note: These graphics would not reduce well so you could read the text, the text would blur. The Hexagon and the Solstice After a review of geometric design types found in Chaco Canyon kivas, a rather remarkable coincidence between design and astronomy is discussed. Walking among the ruins or gazing at photographs of the pueblos in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, you will notice the interplay of squares and circles. [[Figure 1. What was the nature of this represented opposition? [[ Figure 2. Meaning is a tricky thing for archaeologists since we have no one to talk to, and the native inheritors of the Anasazi territory may have their own ideas. 3. [ Figure 3. Figure 6.

Will Betelgeuse really become a second sun in 2012? Several online news sites, including the Huffington Post, have reported that the star Betelgeuse will undergo a supernova explosion next year — yes, that's 2012 — and shine as brightly in the sky as a second sun. But according to scientists, it's all nonsense. "Betelgeuse is losing mass, and it will turn into a supernova soon, but that 'soon' means on an astronomical time scale: It's as likely to happen a million years from now as it is tomorrow," University of Illinois astronomer Jim Kaler told Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site of No one knows quite when Betelgeuse, which is about 10 to 20 times more massive than our sun, will explode. "The supernova would hit somewhere around the brightness of a crescent moon," said Kaler, who has focused his research on dying stars since the 1950s. And there isn't any reason to be afraid of this particular star explosion. When a star goes supernova, it blasts a huge amount of matter and radiation outward through space.

Exploring the UVG Grid with Google Earth Basic Instructions for Exploring the UVG Grid with Google Earth Bethe Hagens Nazca The basic Google Earth program is available for PC and Mac—free! SETTING UP THE UVG “UVG-grid-compiled-by-B-Hagens.kmz” FILE In the upper left corner of the Google Earth screen, click File. You can view the UVG Grid in many ways. If you go into the folder titled “Regular Geometric Solids,’ you can see subfolders and can look at (or hide) all of the different geometric figures and great circles that make up the UVG Grid. Every line of the UVG is part of a great circle (equator) that divides the sphere of Earth in half. Bill Becker, with whom I worked closely on this project for 12 years from 1981 until 1993, was a colleague of Buckminster Fuller. COLOR CODING The vertices (corners) of all five Platonic Solids—and two other diamond-faced regular figures, the rhombic triacontahedron and rhombic dodecahedron—align with the 62 grid points (“corners’) of the Basic UVG Grid (a “spherical’ hexakis icosahedron).

The Elegant Universe: Pt 1 The Elegant Universe: Part 3 PBS Airdate: November 4, 2003 NARRATOR: Now, on NOVA, take a thrill ride into a world stranger than science fiction, where you play the game by breaking some rules, where a new view of the universe pushes you beyond the limits of your wildest imagination. This is the world of "string theory," a way of describing every force and all matter from an atom to earth, to the end of the galaxies—from the birth of time to its final tick, in a single theory, a "Theory of Everything." Our guide to this brave new world is Brian Greene, the bestselling author and physicist. BRIAN GREENE (Columbia University): And no matter how many times I come here, I never seem to get used to it. NARRATOR: Can he help us solve the greatest puzzle of modern physics—that our understanding of the universe is based on two sets of laws that don't agree? NARRATOR: Resolving that contradiction eluded even Einstein, who made it his final quest. S. BRIAN GREENE:The atmosphere was electric. S.
