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Bootstrap from Twitter

Bootstrap from Twitter
We are happy to announce Bootstrap, a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications. It is a collection of CSS and HTML conventions. It uses some of the latest browser techniques to provide you with stylish typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation and everything else you need in a super tiny (only 6k with gzip) resource. Check out Bootstrap on Github. A brief history In the earlier days of Twitter, engineers used almost any library they were familiar with to meet front-end requirements. With the help and feedback of many engineers, Bootstrap has grown significantly to encompass not only basic styles, but more elegant and durable front-end design patterns. Why use Bootstrap At its core, Bootstrap is just CSS, but it’s built with Less, a flexible pre-processor that offers much more power and flexibility than regular CSS. First, Bootstrap remains very easy to implement; just drop it in your code and go. What’s inside Why it works Where Bootstrap is heading

Twitter Bootstrap popover tutorial Twitter Bootstrap popover tutorial has average rating 7 out of 10. Total 609 users rated. <<PreviousNext>> Description Twitter Bootstrap Popover is created using a custom Jquery Plugin. In this document you will see how to use Twitter Bootstrap Popover out of the box and also how to customize it using several options available. What is required You must include Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap CSS and two JavaScript files - one for Twitter Bootstrap Tooltip and one for Twitter Bootstrap Popover. JS file for tooltip is available under js folder of your Twitter Bootstrap folder as bootstrap-popover.js and JS file for popover is available under JS folder of your Twitter Bootstrap folder as bootstrap-tooltip.js. Make sure that you load bootstrap-tooltip.js before bootstrap-popover.js. Using Twitter Bootstrap Popover in your website <! <! View this example online. Explanation Following table explains the code above. Usage So, you may conclude that usage of Twitter Bootstrap Popover is : Options animation selector

CSS3 PIE: CSS3 decorations for IE Set Up Git If you've found yourself on this page, we're assuming you're brand new to Git and GitHub. This guide will walk you through the basics and explain a little bit about how everything works along the way. Download and Install Git At the heart of GitHub is an open source version control system (VCS) called Git*. *If you don't already know what Git is, take a crash course. Download and install the latest version of Git. Use the default options for each step. Warning: Do not use PuTTY if you are given the option. Set Up Git Now that you have Git installed, it's time to configure your settings. Now that you have Git installed, it's time to configure your settings. Now that you have Git installed, it's time to configure your settings. Now that you have Git installed, it's time to configure your settings. Need a quick lesson about TerminalTerminalGit Bashthe command line? Code blocks like those on this page are part of a scripting language called Bash. was installed with Git called Git Bash. Input Email

Twitter Bootstrap Modals Tutorial Twitter Bootstrap Modals Tutorial has average rating 7 out of 10. Total 627 users rated. <<PreviousNext>> Description Twitter Bootstrap Modal are created using a custom Jquery Plugin. In this tutorial it is discussed how to create Modal windows using Twitter Bootstrap with several examples and explanations. What is required You require Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript file bootstrap-modal.js. Jquery is available under docs > assets > js of your Twitter Bootstrap folder as jquery.js; or you may point to this to load Jquery. How does a Twitter Bootstrap Modal Look like Bellow is an example of how Twitter Bootstrap Modal looks. Using Twitter Bootstrap Modals in your website Following is an example of how you may use Twitter Bootstrap Modals in your webpage. <! <! View Twitter Bootstrap Modals Example Live. Explanation Following table explains the code above. Using JavaScript $(function () { $("#identifier").modal(); }); show

LESS « The Dynamic Stylesheet language Web Interface About This project aims to add the ability to externally invoke commands in Eclipse via a web browser. For example, this could enable a site to provide a link which would cause Eclipse to fetch and open a source code file in a single click. A sample link might look similar to the following: <a href=" Eclipse will listen for these requests and, when received, invoke the command in one of the currently running Eclipse instances. Note: just to avoid any confusion, this example assumes that an "open_file" command has been written which supplies the aforementioned functionality. Primary Goals Legend Needs some investigation Patch in progress Bug fixed / Feature added Goals Integration of a web server for intercepting remote commands. NanoHTTPD is currently being utilized for this purpose as it is a less complex alternative to using one of the OSGi Http Service implementations (org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty or org.eclipse.equinox.http). Look up and invoke commands Secondary Goals

Twitter Bootstrap with Less CSS Less is a CSS preprocessor which makes CSS dynamic. Twitter Bootstrap on the other hand, is a toolkit to develop web apps and sites fast. In this document we have discussed about using Twitter Bootstrap with Less CSS. This way you can use Bootstrap’s Less variables, mixins, and nesting in CSS. Obtain Twitter Bootstrap and Less CSS You may obtain Twitter Boot Strap form GitHUB and Less CSS from What is included Once you downloaded the Twitter Bootstrap, unzip the file and all the files will be extracted to the desired folder. bootstrap.less This is the main less file. forms.less This less file contains style for form layout, input types. mixins.less This file keeps CSS code which is reusable. patterns.less This Less file contains CSS code for repeatable user interface elements which may not be covered in base style placed under scaffolding Less file. reset.less This Less file contains CSS resets. scaffolding.less tables.less This Less file contains styles for creating Tables. type.less

ACE - Cloud9 Editor Creating a Non-Searchable PDF from Office Documents « Acrobat for Legal Professionals Every once in a while, I receive an email that has me scratching my head a bit, such as this one: When you PDF a document that you generate in MS Word, is there a way to produce an "image-only" PDF, with non-searchable text? The only way I know how is to print out and scan the document back into Acrobat. Why would someone want to take a perfectly good, fully-searchable document and turn it into an image-only PDF which is just a picture of the page in a PDF wrapper? The answer is that in the course of vigorously defending a client, some firms desire to make using documents as difficult as possible for the other side. Of the various PDF flavors , an image-only PDF is . . . 3 to 5 times larger in file sizeLook worse on screenPrint slowerNot searchable "Dumbing down" a PDF to an image probably doesn’t cripple the other side very much. It is not without some trepidition that I share this tip. non-searchable PDF,locked down PDF,crippled PDF Making a "Crippled PDF" in Seven Easy Steps Final Thoughts

Twitter Bootstrap Alerts and Errors tutorial Twitter Bootstrap Alerts and Errors tutorial has average rating 7 out of 10. Total 274 users rated. <<PreviousNext>> Introduction Twitter Bootstrap allows you to style successful execution of a stuff, warning, and error messages of your website or app. Creating a simple alert message Using CSS class "alert", which is located from line number 2123 to 2175 of bootstrap.css version 2.0.1, you may create a simple alert message. When you click the close icon in the alert box, it is closed. Example of creating a simple alert message with Twitter Bootstrap Note that from line number 18 to 21 are required. Output View Online View the above example in a different browser window. Extending simple alert message With two more CSS classes "alert-block " and "alert-heading", you may extend the previously shown simple alert message. Example of extending simple alert message with Twitter Bootstrap View the above example in a different browser window. Creating alerts on error, success and information
