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The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
Former Wall Street Goldman Sachs executive Nomi Prins is back with a thoroughly documented historical account of how DC and financial barons are locked at the hip. Accessible and compelling: Buy directly from Truthout by clicking here.

The Devil and Billy Markham Billy, Scuzzy, and God It's the Nashville Country Corner, all the low are getting high.And Billy tells his tale again to anyone who'll buy.With waving arms and rolling eyes, he screams to the drunken throng,"I've whipped the Devil and lived through Hell, now who's gonna sing my song?" Then from the shadows comes an oily voice, "Hey, kid, I like your moves."And out of the back slides a little wizened cat with brown-and -white perforated wing-tip shoes." Webware - Cool Web apps for everyone Keedox Bluetooth Sport Earbuds Compact and lightweight, behind-the-head cable design, sweat-proof, stay-put, comfort ear tips, Bluetooth 4.0 w/ NFC 'quick-pairing', built-in mic for hands free and and great sound all at a super affordable, low price.

Calvin and Hobbes' reclusive creator gives rare interview The American magazine Mental Floss warmed the hearts of comics fans on Thursday when it announced that it had succeeded where so many others have failed: securing an interview with Bill Watterson, the reclusive creator of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. It was only the second known interview with Watterson since he ended his popular strip in 1995. In the years since, Watterson retreated to a private life in north-east Ohio, where has carefully guarded the rights to his creation, refusing to license them or revisit them creatively. His contact with the outside world has been so rare, the magazine's editors told the Poynter Institute, that they put two fact-checkers on the case to be absolutely sure they were talking to the real Bill Watterson. Where do you think the comic strip fits in today’s culture? is an Internet-based network of content, providing articles and videos about various topics, authored by experts.[1] The site, visited each month by approximately 90 million users, competes with other online resource sites and encyclopedias such as Wikipedia.[2][3] History[edit] Originally founded in 1996 as the Mining Company, the site was launched on April 21, 1997 by Scott Kurnit, owner of General Internet; Bill Day and a group of other entrepreneurs in New York City.[5] The original goal was to maintain 1,800 topic areas, but after five years of operation, this number was reduced to 700. The original business plan offered writers a minimum rate of $250 a month or one-third of the advertising revenue generated within their topic area. The Mining Company also employed approximately 50 full-time staff for administration, advertising sales and the overall site-design work. In 2011, launched About en Español, a channel of more than 100 sites in Spanish aimed at U.S.

E-Zine Als E-Zine oder Webzine bezeichnet man ein Internetportal im Magazin-Stil. Es bietet umfangreichen redaktionellen Inhalt wie etwa Zeitschriften-Artikel, Meinungsbeiträge (Kolumnen), Interviews mit Prominenten etc., die in der Regel von professionellen Journalisten und Autoren verfasst werden. In der Aufmachung ist das E-Zine demnach dem klassischen Zeitschriften-Magazin nachempfunden (Illustrierte, Fach- und Publikumszeitschriften), allerdings werden häufig auch Community-Funktionen wie Bewertungssysteme und Kommentar-Funktion implementiert. Quelle: © malp So funktioniert die neue digitale Nachhaltigkeit Der Begriff der Nachhaltigkeit und des nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens wird in der Unternehmensführung immer weiter ausgebaut und teils überstrapaziert. Die Berücksichtigung von sozialen Faktoren und das Pflegen eines ein ökologisch cleanen Firmenimage sind längst gängiger Standard und garantieren einen festen Kundenstamm, der sich auf die transparente Nachhaltigkeit verlässt. Seit einiger Zeit steht nun der Begriff der digitalen Nachhaltigkeit wenig definiert im Raum. Was will digitale Nachhaltigkeit? Welcome to Find, Follow & Discover Follow people to see what stories they’re recommending. Engage in discussions and share your opinion on something or switch to Discover to see what’s popular right now. Wherever you are

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names Deine Infos und Webtipps News & Magazin : Technology & Social Media TechPresident NativeWeb.
