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Extragram An Instagram Downloader and a great social backup function all in one. Cartagram — Geocoded Image Visualization — by Bloom This is, by Bloom . It shows popular public photos from Instagram arranged on a map. Click and drag to pan around ... Scroll with your mouse or + and - to zoom ... Search for a place name like New York , Paris or London or zoom to your current location . Labels fade in if you move the mouse, and fade out if you don't. We're hard at work on better integration with Instagram, a clearer set of labels, and an iPad app. We would love your feedback! Site © 2011 Bloom . Map labels are from Acetate , © 2011 Stamen and FortiusOne .

Photofon, Instagram : les réseaux sociaux par l'image Édité par naan Studio à qui l'on doit le célèbre Echofon, Photofon [1.0 – US – Gratuit(es)] est une application qui permet de consulter votre timeline Twitter en images. C'est à la fois simple et efficace. Mais en ce moment, dès qu'il est question de photos sur les réseaux sociaux, il est difficile de faire abstraction d'Instagram [1.8 – Français – Gratuit(es)]. Instagram Rises as Social Web Embraces Photo Sharing Snoop Dogg and Rosie O’Donnell are Instagrammers, and Jamie Oliver, the British chef, uploads pictures of the meals he makes at home, as well as reminders to watch his TV show. Brands like Oscar de la Renta, Brisk Iced Tea, Kate Spade, Starbucks and Red Bull are also on the service. Cecilia Liu, digital marketing manager at Kate Spade, said the company added Instagram to its social media lineup this year. She said it was appealing because the company could mix in a little more personality and behind-the-scenes glimpses than it would on Facebook and Twitter. “We’re such a visual company,” she said. Instagram is free to anyone who wants to create an account, from a regular user to a giant company. For now, the company is focusing on expanding its team — which has held steady at four members despite the explosive growth. “We just hired a recruiting manager to focus entirely on that,” Mr.

The iPhone Telephoto Lens Will the lens fit on my phone? Our 8x lens is made to fit the iPhone 4/4s and our 12x lens is made to fit the iPhone 5/5s. Both use a case to attach the lens to your phone. How does the kit work? The kit comes with a hard case for your iPhone, the telephoto lens, a mini tripod, and an attachment to fit the phone on the tripod. Put the case on your iPhone, attach the lens by screwing it into the case, and get your phone on the mini tripod by placing your phone in the clamp (which you've already screwed into the tripod mount). Do I have to use the tripod? You can use the lens without attaching your phone to the tripod. Does this lens zoom in and out? This is a fixed telephoto lens, meaning it does not zoom in and out. There's vignetting on my photos! Nope!

Zest of life This policy was last modified on September 4, 2012 Introduction The Service Pictarine is a service owned and operated by Pictarine, Inc. Your access to the Site or our mobile application may be interrupted from time to time as a result of equipment malfunction, updating, maintenance or repair of the Site or any other reason within or outside the control of Pictarine. The Service is available only to individuals who are at least 13 years old. Modification of the Site or Terms of Service. We reserve the sole right to either modify or discontinue the Services or the Site, including any of the Site's features, at any time with or without notice to you. We expressly reserve the right to change these Terms of Service from time to time without notice to you. User Content Registration You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account. Restriction Third Party Websites Privacy Policy Termination General

Photographie – Anja – Un voyage magique et poétique « Brouillons de Culture 5 août Anja est une jeune photographe autodidacte d’origine allemande, une très jolie série de compositions qui tirent leur inspiration dans l’environnement de l’artiste. Un voyage à la fois magique et poétique à travers des mises en scène toutes plus étonnantes les unes que les autres. COPYRIGHT © Anja Source : Like this: J'aime chargement… Tags:Art, Photo Fausses photos vintages Smartphones, Hipstamatic, Instagram et réseaux sociaux ont changé notre rapport à la photographie. Nathan Jurgenson s'intéresse ici aux photos vintages devenues soudainement très "trendy". Billet initialement publié sur CyborgOlogy et repéré par Nathan Jurgenson, l’auteur de cet article, travaille sur une thèse concernant la documentation de la vie privée et les réseaux sociaux. Sauf mention contraire, tous les liens de l’article sont en anglais. 1e Partie : Instagram et Hipstamatic L’hiver dernier, pendant une violente tempête de neige, mes comptes Facebook et Twitter ont été inondés de photos enneigées. Les photos (comme celle ci-dessous) provoquaient immédiatement un sentiment de nostalgie et une sensation d’authenticité qui manque souvent aux photos numériques postées sur les réseaux sociaux. Dans cet essai, j’espère montrer comment les fausses photos vintages, en apparence banales, illustrent une tendance plus large dans les médias sociaux en général. Poètes et Scribes

The 9 Best FREE IPhone Photo Apps The Big Daddy of iPhone photography apps, Instagram <a href=" target="_hplink">may already have 7 million users and 150 million photos taken</a>, but the price is still right at zero dollars. After a quick registration, Instagram allows you to apply a number of filters to your photos, making them appear as though taken by an old-school Instant Polaroid camera or Lomography lens. You can then share your new hipster-y filtered photos via Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram (where others can "like" it and comment on it) and other sharing sites. And that's it! Flickr: Tanja de Bie The Big Daddy of iPhone photography apps, Instagram <a href=" target="_hplink">may already have 7 million users and 150 million photos taken</a>, but the price is still right at zero dollars. Flickr: Tanja de Bie
