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OpenID Explained Network :: Facts & Figures Большой обзор лучших плагинов WordPress 2011 - ТопОбзор 67 542 просм. В данном обзоре мы собрали наиболее важные, лучшие и функциональные плагины, на наш взгляд, для WordPress за 2011 год в 7 категориях: резервное копирование, безопасность, оптимизация;поисковая оптимизация (SEO), статистика; записи, посты, дополнительные модули;интернет-магазины;изображения, фотогалереи, слайдеры;социальные сети, комментарии, закладки, подписка;дополнительные возможности для админпанели. Upd. Кроме того, рекомендуем ознакомитьтся с более свежей подброкой лучших плагинов WordPress за последнее время: Мега-обзор: лучшие плагины WordPress 2012-2013 1.1. W3 Total Cache - плагин кэширует данные, создавая статистические страницы. Скачать плагин W3 Total Cache 1.2. WP-SuperCache - еще один плагин для кеширования страниц, при обращении пользователя к конкретной странице блога, сохраняет статистическую копию страницы на сервере. Скачать плагин WP-SuperCache 1.3. WP-optimize – плагин имеет широкий набор фукций по оптимизации базы WordPress. Скачать плагин WP-optimize 1.4.

What is OpenID? OpenID allows you to use an existing account to sign in to multiple websites, without needing to create new passwords. You may choose to associate information with your OpenID that can be shared with the websites you visit, such as a name or email address. With OpenID, you control how much of that information is shared with the websites you visit. With OpenID, your password is only given to your identity provider, and that provider then confirms your identity to the websites you visit. Other than your provider, no website ever sees your password, so you don’t need to worry about an unscrupulous or insecure website compromising your identity. OpenID is rapidly gaining adoption on the web, with over one billion OpenID enabled user accounts and over 50,000 websites accepting OpenID for logins. Who Owns or Controls OpenID? OpenID was created in the summer of 2005 by an open source community trying to solve a problem that was not easily solved by other existing identity technologies.

Theme Craft - About Us WordPress Custom Post Types Guide One of the most anticipated features of WordPress 3.0 was the ability to add your own custom post types to WordPress, which allows you to display and categorize different types of content outside of the 5 native WordPress content types (i.e. Post, Page, Attachment, and so forth). The addition of this feature is a big step forward in making WordPress a full-fledged CMS, extending outside its normal use as a blogging platform. In this guide, we’ll go through the process of creating and using your own custom post type. More specifically, we will create an "Event" post type for your special events and dates, sort of like a calendar. What is a Custom Post Type? If you’re familiar with WordPress, then I’m sure you’ve already had some exposure to the default WordPress post types used for content creation: Post and Page. Posts are generally used for content that is updated frequently (blog posts, for example), and pages are generally used for static content (such as the About page of a site). <?

Codes/processes - Simplify Facebook Wall Would you like to have more power over your wall? The following user scripts will help you to tweak your Facebook wall to de-clutter and simplify it! Note: All the three user scripts listed here to declutter Facebook have been tested on FireFox (through Greasemonkey). They should also work on Google Chrome. 1. Simplified Facebook Simplified Facebook adds a new box to your Facebook wall that enables you to easily filter out certain updates from your wall: Remove likes,Remove new friendships,Remove applications,Remove links,Remove photos,Remove applications. 2. Remove Facebook Right-Column: While the above script lets you filter out irrelevant updates from your stream, this one lets you move focus to your wall updates. 3. Better Facebook is the most advanced script of all reviewed here. 1. Mind that using filters may slow down Facebook while posts are being processed. 2. 3.

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