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60 Clean and Minimal Websites for Inspiration

60 Clean and Minimal Websites for Inspiration
During the last few months we have looked at using negative space and minimalist design. Today we bring you 60 of the best-looking minimalistic sites currently on the world wide web. Sit back and get inspired… Minimal Design Keeping things simple is the whole purpose of minimal design. Why overcomplicate what's already a very full web with thousands more links and buttons?! Some of the sites have gone completely minimal without any effects apart from well laid out content, where as others choose to display the huge amount of content with sliders, drop downs and some very uniquely designed objects. Minimal design is actually a lot more difficult to achieve than you might think; keeping your designs clean but bursting with important information is a fine balance. 1: TouchTech Top feature: I love the color scheme, but the way the circles pop out from the cloud on loading the site is really funky. 2: Weltunit Top feature: Well displayed products make this site straight to the point. 3: Polar Gold

