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RENDER.RU Coca-Cola: An Evolution In Branding What once began as an experiment in a pharmacist’s shop is a century later one of the world’s most recognizable brands. Coca-Cola celebrates its 127th birthday today, a feat that speaks to its global dominance of the refreshment drink market. That iconic red and white label and distinctive cursive moniker, which has remained virtually untouched since first presented as the face of Coca-Cola in 1886, provide concrete proof of how smart branding can catapult a company to worldwide notoriety. Throughout the course of its century-long ascendancy, Coca-Cola has also made several strategic advertising moves to forever cement its name in the public’s collective consciousness. Making a Name for Itself The use of famous individuals for advertising campaigns is a commonplace practice nowadays. In fact, the company claims the distinction of hiring the first celebrity spokesperson for any brand. Unifying Two Cultural Icons Updating Its Brand Recognition Suffering an Unexpected Misstep Custom Print Jobs

Performances Most computer generated music is created in a constructive non-realtime fashion and not by playing any instrument. Performance of such music needs special concepts. (See also this essay of mine here: Live Performance in the Age of Super Computers ). I provide the audience with an experience it cannot get at home by using multiple channels of audio which places the listener in a field of sound that is much bigger than the physical room defined by the speakers and the walls. I develop my own tools for performance, such as the Monodeck II or self-written software, including Ableton Live which enables me to react to the audience, and to shape and actually play the music in a concert situation. I explore acousmatic concepts, ambisonics, and wave field synthesis for diffusion of sound in space. Atom Floating gas balloons, lights, and sound (with Christopher Bauder). Atlantic Waves Audiovisual network performance for two players in different countries (with Deadbeat, T++.)

Контрастные тона | IN COLOR BALANCE | Page 9 Цветовая палитра красок DULUX бирюзовый, голубой, коричневый и голубой, небесный, оттенки бирюзы, палитра интерьерных красок, палитра красок Dulux, подбор цвета для интерьера, светло-синий, сине-зеленый, синий, цвет года Чирок, цвет теплого дерева, цвет чирок. Цветовая палитра №1066 *Королевишна, коричневый, оттенки коричневого и серого, подбор цвета, светло серый, серебристо-серый цвет, серебристый, серый и коричневый, темно серый, темный серый цвет, цвет молочного шоколада, цвет темного шоколада, цвет шоколада, цветовое сочетание в интерьере, шоколадный. Цветовая палитра №1055 *Королевишна, голубой, контрастный голубой, коричневый и фиолетовый, неоновый голубой, оттенки коричневого, пастельные оттенки коричневого, подбор цвета, серый и голубой, серый и коричневый, фиолетовый, фиолетовый и голубой, цветовое сочетание, яркий голубой, яркий фиолетовый. Цветовая палитра №1053 Цветовая палитра №1049 Цветовая палитра №1045 Цветовая палитра №1041 Цветовая палитра №1034
