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7 Tools Students Can Use to Manage Group Projects

7 Tools Students Can Use to Manage Group Projects
Any teacher who has assigned group projects to students has at some point had to help those students organize and equitably distribute work. (Or has had to listen to students complaints about other group members not pulling their weight). Here are some tools that you can have students use to manage their responsibilities when working on group projects. Pegby is a good website for organizing the tasks that you and or your team need to get done. Pegby is set up like a corkboard with index cards stuck to it. Teambox is a free service that allows you to create and manage a collaborative workspace for team projects. Enter the Group is a new free service offering collaborative project management for groups. Todoist and its sister service Wedoist are easy-to-use task management services for individuals and groups. Trello is a free service designed to help individuals and groups manage tasks. Wiggio is a collaboration tool designed to make scheduling group meetings easier.

4 Free Web Tools for Student Portfolios I still have every single project I ever completed in preschool. My dad collected them and kept each one in a grocery bag that he tucked away in the back of his closet. Looking through his collection now, there's nothing incredibly prodigious about the work that I created as a four-year-old boy. I see doodles, collages, coloring pages and awkward attempts at writing my own name. Nevertheless, the story that it tells is special to me. This is the effect of good portfolios. Kidblog Kidblog is unique among the web tools featured here because it is built by teachers for teachers. Google Sites If your school is fueled by Google Apps for Education, then using Google Sites to create student portfolios, or "Googlios," makes perfect sense. Evernote For classrooms with BYOD or 1:1 initiatives in place, Evernote can serve as a viable option for creating student portfolios. Three Ring A mobile app with a desktop version, Three Ring is worthy of consideration as well.

Acrobat: Как организовать совместную работу: рецепты от Adobe Одним из наиболее удобных форматов для обмена документами заслуженно считается формат PDF, с которым можно работать в любой операционной системе. В этом формате могут храниться не только сконвертированные текстовые документы и таблицы, но и чертежи, трехмерные модели, видео и аудиозаписи. Формат PDF поддерживает работу с формами, их заполнением, распространением и сбором данных для их обработки; в его состав включена поддержка скриптового языка JavaScript для осуществления функций проверки корректности заполнения полей на стороне клиента и любых других задач, которые можно осуществить при помощи программирования. Он представляет собой удобный документ с различными инструментами рецензирования и коррекции уже готовых документов. Немаловажно, что продукты компании Adobe поддерживают использование ЭЦП. Виды и защита подписей Первый вариант подписи – "подпись чернилами". Иное дело – электронная цифровая подпись.

The 5 Best Free Word Cloud Creation Tools for Teachers - eLearning Industry Word clouds are fun ways to get students thinking creatively about any topic. The problem is that it’s sometimes difficult to find the one that best meets your needs. Lucky for you, we’ve taken the dirty work out of it and compiled The 5 Best Free Word Cloud Creation Educational Tools for Teachers! Word It OutAbout Word It OutWord It Out is a word cloud creation tool that is easy to use and gives users many options for customizing their clouds.How to Use Word It OutBegin using Word It Out by clicking the link above. Free Educational Technology Word Clouds are great ways to get your students thinking about any topic in a new light. When it comes to finding the deeper meaning in a text passage, a word cloud is a simple application that you might have seen as a cute bit of fluff rather than a useful academic tool. Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox.

Edmodo is THE iPad Workflow Solution | syded The world of iPad workflow just got a whole lot easier. After months of ‘work arounds’ involving screenshots, Dropbox and pre-tablet technology, the latest Edmodo update has changed the game. Put simply, you can now use the iOS6 function ‘open in app’, to open a document in Edmodo. This allows you to upload a document to your Edmodo library on an iPad. You can then link the document to a direct post, note or assignment within the Edmodo app. Lets look at an example to illustrate how easy this has made the sharing of assignments for a student and an educator. Once the student has completed their document they should tap on the share and print option in Pages and then tap on ‘open in app’. They should then select open in Edmodo and choose a file type to share – I can recommend the ‘Word’ option as this works well with the Edmodo annotation tool. This will upload the document to the student’s library (Backpack). Like this: Like Loading...

CrocoDoc — сервис совместного редактирования документов Неумолима поступь прогресса. Еще, казалось бы, совсем недавно весь документооборот был бумажным, а теперь все строчат по клавиатурам и даже в налоговой перешли на дискеты. :) Одно из важнейших достижений нашей эпохи – скорость обмена информацией. И если раньше для получения рецензии на свою рукопись или согласования текста доклада приходилось отсылать документы почтой или курьером, а затем долгое время ждать рассмотрения и ответа, то теперь мы можем получать замечания редакторов и советы коллег прямо в режиме реального времени. Во всяком случае, сервис CrocoDoc обещает нам это обеспечить. Crocodoc – это удобный сервис для совместного рецензирования документов. После загрузки документа он открывается во встроенном редакторе (1). Главная ценность этого сервиса заключается в той легкости, с которой можно пригласить к редактированию любого человека. Ну а когда все готово, то кнопка Download позволит загрузить оригинал или файл с исправлениями в формате PDF. Google+

11 Free Tools for Creating Websites and Simple Webpages Last week I wrote about Codecademy's new programs for teaching basic HTML, CSS, and other fundamentals for building websites. But if you don't have the time or desire to build webpages from scratch there are plenty of free online tools that will do the heavy lifting for you so that you can concentrate on just adding useful content to your course webpages. Here are eleven free services for creating websites and simple webpages. Wix is a free service for creating and hosting beautiful websites. Whatfolio is a free service for creating online displays of your digital works. Weebly was one of the first website building tools that I played around with when I got started on my technology integration journey. Webs is another service that I have first-hand experience with in a school setting because a couple of my colleagues have used it for their classes. Yola is the tool that I used a few years ago to build websites for my department at school. Web Node is a simple way to build a website.

Home | ثلاثية الأيباد في التعليم Teachers Guide on The Use of Wikis in Education Here are some platforms where you can start your wiki for free. They are among the best available for teachers : 1- Wikispaces : This is a free wiki host providing community wiki spaces, visual page editing, and discussion areas. It is my favourite platform and it is the first one I would recommend you try for your class. 2- PBworks This is another great wiki hosting platform that lets anyone sign up and create a new wiki but the free version is ad-supported. Examples of Educational Wikis 1- Classroom Wikis 2- Student Created Wikis 3- Higher-Ed Wikis 4- Group Project Wikis 5- Global Connections Wikis 6- PTO Wikis 7- Teacher Peer Wikis Wiki video tutorials: 1- How to Build an Educational Wiki 2- Using Wikis in The Classroom
