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International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

The Conference Board<br /> <strong>Total Economy Database<sup>™</sup></strong> Global Productivity Slowdown Moderated in 2013 – 2014 May See Better Performance The global economy witnessed a deceleration in labor productivity growth for the third consecutive year. Yet, compared to the intensity of the slowdown in previous years, the 2013 decline was modest. The moderation in the productivity decline is mainly the result of a stabilization of productivity growth rates in mature economies at 0.9 percent. One dramatic result from this year’s estimates in The Conference Board Total Economy Database is that the growth rate of total factor productivity, which measures the productivity of labor and capital together, is less than zero for the global economy. For 2014, we may expect a moderate improvement in global labor productivity growth to 2.3 percent (up from 1.7 percent in 2013), mainly as a result of improved growth performance in mature economies (up to 1.5 percent in 2014 from 0.9 percent in 2013). What is TED Downloadable Files

Mundo Latino - Illegal Immigrants Risk Lives | Web Spanish Lounge A recent massacre of illegal immigrants on the Mexican border has garnered global media attention due to the number of innocent latinos brutally assassinated by members of a Mexican gang. It was another shocking reminder of how poor people from Latin America literally risk their lives as they try to find their own piece of the American dream. Frontera: línea divisoria entre dos países. Masacre: matanza de personas, por lo general indefensas. Ruta: camino de un viaje. Entre México y Estados Unidos existen 3 326 kilómetros de frontera. La frontera México – Estados Unidos es una zona llena de peligros y muchos de los que intentan cruzar terminan muertos o desaparecidos. Una prueba de lo mencionado anteriormente es la reciente masacre de Tamaulipas en México. Los inmigrantes fueron bajados del tren de carga que los conducía a la frontera con Estados Unidos. Entre el 2007 y el 2008, 390 cadáveres fueron encontrados en el desierto por la Patrulla Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos.

India and its Youth : The Viewspaper Youth personifies caliber, potential, diligence, novelty and innovation. Blatantly, we all concede the fact that the youth have a broad perception of things and if guided by well-versed hands, they have the caliber to trigger the whole dormant government mechanism and make it operational in the real sense. However, in the present political scenario, we find very meager portion of youth in the political parties and within the political realms. There is a long running monopoly of old members in our political system. And when it comes to youth, they say they do not have the required experience and are too amateur to initiate and take national decisions affecting every citizen of our country. Recently, the present election exemplifies the dynamic changes that have come up in the thoughts of the people. Every political party has an ideology and even if it does not have one, it explains it in such a high sounding, nebulous label that it becomes too complex for any individual to comprehend.

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Our Disappeared (Nuestros Desaparecidos) Juan Mandelbaum Based in the Boston area, Juan Mandelbaum runs Geovision, a multicultural communications agency. His television work has been broadcast on a variety of venues, from INDEPENDENT LENS to SESAME STREET, and has won multiple awards, including EMMY awards and nominations, CINE Golden Eagles, GABRIEL awards, CHRIS award, and SILVER APPLE award. Juan was a producer/director at WGBH-Boston on AMERICAS, a national PBS series for which he co-produced "In Women’s Hands", on women’s participation in political life in Chile, and produced "Builders of Images", on artists’ particular role in Latin American societies. Juan’s award-winning independent documentaries have been aired on PBS and in many festivals and are in worldwide distribution.

International - the global coalition against corruption With governments committing huge sums to tackle the world's most pressing problems, from the instability of financial markets to climate change and poverty, corruption remains an obstacle to achieving much needed progress. The 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index shows that nearly three quarters of the 178 countries in the index score below five, on a scale from 10 (highly clean) to 0 (highly corrupt). These results indicate a serious corruption problem. To address these challenges, governments need to integrate anti-corruption measures in all spheres, from their responses to the financial crisis and climate change to commitments by the international community to eradicate poverty. Notable among decliners over the past year are some of the countries most affected by a financial crisis precipitated by transparency and integrity deficits. Read the ReportDownload French report About this table Click the column headings to sort the table by rank or country.

Central America Central America is the central geographic Geography is the science that studies the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of Earth. A literal translation would be "to describe or write about the Earth". The first person to use the word "geography" was Eratosthenes... region Region is most commonly found as a term used in terrestrial and astrophysics sciences also an area, notably among the different sub-disciplines of geography, studied by regional geographers. of the Americas The Americas, or America , are lands in the Western hemisphere, also known as the New World. . An isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas usually with waterforms on either side.Canals are often built through isthmuses where they may be particularly advantageous to create a shortcut for marine transportation... portion of the North America North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. n continent on the southeast. . .

Rankings & Results « Vision of Humanity Latest peace news,research and videos Contact us Vision of Humanity is an initiative of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). IEP have offices in New York and Sydney. For more specific inquiries related to the peace indexes and research, please contact IEP directly. Media: Education: Data request: Sydney office PO Box 42, St Leonards, NSW 1590, Sydney Australia Tel: +61 2 9901 8500 New York office 3 East 54th Street 14th Floor New York, New York 10022 USA Tel: +1 (646) 963-2160 Job opportunities and internships are listed on the Institute for Economics and Peace website. Contact us Vision of Humanity Explore the state of global peace on interactive maps Sydney office New York office Contact us
