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20 Google Search Shortcuts to Hone Your Google-Fu

20 Google Search Shortcuts to Hone Your Google-Fu

6 Secrets to Getting Kids to Cooperate As the parent of a preschooler, I often notice myself feeling frustrated and asking myself, “Why won’t she cooperate?!” If you have a young child at home, I know you understand. There are times when I’m tired or hungry or in a rush and I just want my daughter to do exactly as I say instantly without questioning, avoiding, or delaying. What I’ve noticed is that as soon as I get attached to things going a certain way, my daughter has different ideas. Nobody likes to be forced to do anything. Not even young kids. As a preschool teacher and now as a mom, I’ve discovered that there are certain things I can do that greatly increase the chances that kids will cooperate with me. 1. We all want our children to “ask nicely,” but the truth is, that’s easier said than done. Use this quick test to figure out whether your request is actually a demand. That’s not to say you shouldn’t have expectations of your children. 2. Kids love to play. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Tarih Çevirme Kılavuzu – Türk Tarih Kurumu Başkanlığı AÇIKLAMA Bu program, Miladi, Hicri ve Rumi takvimler arasında tarih çevirmek amacıyla geliştirilmiştir. Çevirme işleminin sağlıklı bir şekilde yapılabilmesi için öncelikle çevrilmesini istediğiniz takvim türünü seçmelisiniz. Bu aşamadan sonra üç farklı düzeyde tarih çevirisi yapılabilmektedir. İlk olarak gün girilmemiş ve ay seçilmemiş ise sadece girilen yıl, ikinci olarak gün girilmemiş, ancak ay seçilmiş ve yıl girilmişse seçilen ay, son olarak da gün, ay ve yıl girilmişse girilen tarihin tamamı diğer takvimlerdeki karşılıklarına dönüştürülebilmektir. Sonuçlar yukarıdaki tabloda yansıtılacaktır. Tarihsel açıdan Hicri ay başlangıçlarının hesaplanmasında bir hadis dolayısıyla rüyet-i hilal ölçütü uygulanmaktadır. Dini günlerin hesaplanmasında dayanılan esas ölçüt, yukarıdaki açıklamadan anlaşılacağı üzere, rüyet-i hilal ölçütüdür.

3 Top Tips To Maintain Performance & Extend The Life Of Your SSD For years, standard hard drives have been the speed limiting factor in overall system responsiveness. While hard drive size, RAM capacity, and CPU speed have grown almost exponentially, the spinning speed of a hard drive, i.e. the factor defining how fast it can be read, has increased only moderately in comparison. If you really want to give your computer a speed boost, try switching to a solid state drive, short SSD. Unlike traditional magnetic hard disk drives, SSDs do not employ any moving mechanical components. Instead, they rely on NAND-based flash memory, which is much faster than HDDs for several reasons. However, Windows is not optimized to get the most out of SSDs, which come with their own weaknesses. 1. While defragging can speed up a regular HDD, it doesn’t do any good for an SSD, on the contrary. In Windows, make sure you have disabled scheduled disk defragmentation. 2. To turn off the Windows indexing service, follow these steps: 3. TRIM is supported by Windows 7.

Rethinking Education for the 21st Century - Naveen Jain - Voices If you have school-age children, you already know how hard it can be to get them to quit playing their video games and settle down to their school work. And with the summer upon us, it’s frightening to imagine how little time most children will invest to advance their knowledge and intellect in the next 80 days. However, imagine education that is as entertaining and addictive as video games. Sound far-fetched? I believe that this is exactly the idea — driven by dynamic innovation and entrepreneurism — that will help bring our education system out of the stone ages. Indeed, our education system is obsolete. Further, the school year is structured to adhere to the needs of a bygone era when kids had to work on farms in the summer months. Also bewildering, our system is fundamentally rooted in a curriculum-based approach, rather than focusing on the strengths of individual students. And please don’t get me started on “No Child Left Behind.” Identify New Skills Make Learning Addictive

How the Rest of Us Can Build the Internet of Things | Wired Business Ayla ### The Ayla i-Box Developer Kit. All photos: Ariel Zambelich/Wired The Internet of Things seems like a slam dunk if your perspective comes from roaming the halls of Google, Apple, Qualcomm or upstarts like Nest. But what about making that thing secure, reliable and private? Unless you have the resources and the technical chops of the tech world’s leading companies, you see that the job of simply connecting things to the internet quickly becomes far more complex than your average smoke detector, refrigerator or lighting manufacturer may be willing (or able) to take on. Ayla isn't going after the cream of Silicon Valley with its cloud-based platform to connect everything from dog bowls to light switches to the internet. In many ways, that vision stems from how Amazon’s Kindle entered the e-reader market: with a dead-simple device that customers could turn on and start downloading books to read.

Digital Literacy Home Welcome to the Microsoft Digital Literacy curriculum. Whether you are new to computing or have some experience, Digital Literacy will help you develop a fundamental understanding of computers. The courses help you learn the essential skills to begin computing with confidence, be more productive at home and at work, stay safe online, use technology to complement your lifestyle, and consider careers where you can put your skills to work. Use the menu below to see the Digital Literacy curricula and courses available in your preferred language. After you select a language, click “go”, and the offers available will appear in a new dropdown box. The Microsoft Digital Literacy curriculum has three levels. The Basic curriculum features a course called A First Course Toward Digital Literacy. The Standard curriculum is available in four versions. Version 4 uses examples and simulations from Windows 8 and Microsoft Office 2013.

Jan's Illustrated Computer Literacy 101: Computer Basics You don't have to know everything to be comfortable with computers. But there is a lot of information that will help you understand why things are the way they are... and how disaster can strike! "Knowledge is power!" So it's to your advantage to gather all the knowledge that you can. What's in these lessons? The lessons in this Computer Basics section of Jan's Illustrated Computer Literacy 101 explain a lot of the techno-babble that you hear about computers. Consider this set of lessons "Beginning Driver's Ed" for the computer. The topics covered here will introduce you to a similar set of topics about computers. Computer Basics does not require you to touch a computer, except to read the lessons. If you are using this site as part of a class, your instructor may have you do only certain sections or do them in a different order. Are you ready? For more detailed lessons on software, try the tutorials on Windows,the web, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and databases.

Senior's Guide to Computers - A Beginner's Tutorial for the Microsoft Windows PC, hardware, software, security, accessibility, internet, backup and email
