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Common Core Standards Explorer

Common Core Standards Explorer

Time Out From Testing Standardized test: a test in which all the questions, format, instructions, scoring and reporting of scores are the same for all test takers. Procedures for creating such tests are standardized, as are the procedures for creating, administering and analyzing the test. High-stakes test: a test that determines a critically important decision in a child's education, e.g. promotion or graduation. The Mayor of New York made the 3rd grade reading and math tests “high-stakes tests” by tying promotion to the test score. Regents exams in New York State are “high-stakes” because failing to pass any one of five exams will prevent a student from earning a high school diploma. Norm: sometimes referred to as the 50th percentile. Reliability: in testing, reliability is a measure of consistency. Validity: a test can be reliable without being valid. predictive validity (also called criterion-related validity) measures how well a test predicts future school performance.

Disability Types - Get Ready for Study and Work There are many different types of disability. Different disabilities will impact a person's involvement in study or work in different ways. Even people who have the same disability type will not experience their disability in the same way. It is important to remember that every person with a disability is an individual and will have their own specific experiences and disability related needs. This section provides an overview of some of the main disability types and links to further information. What are autism spectrum disorders? Autism spectrum disorders are lifelong developmental disabilities. social interaction understanding and use of non-verbal communication forming friendships social and emotional responsiveness communication language development initiating and sustaining conversations restricted and repetitive interests, activities and behaviours unusually specific interests repetitive body movements non-functional routines For more information: What is hearing impairment?
