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26 essential synth tutorials

26 essential synth tutorials
Thanks to today's über-powerful, super-affordable software instruments, making synth-based music has never been easier. However, while it's possible to buy, download and install a plug-in in seconds (there are many that you don't even have to pay for), the fundamentals of synth programming still apply. Happily, MusicRadar is here to help you master them: we have an abundance of step-by-step guides, videos, tips and other tutorials that will get you to the sound you're looking for in no time. Whether you want to emulate a synth patch that you've heard on record or create something completely original, there's a lesson for you. Below, you'll find a directory of MusicRadar's very finest synth tutorials. Step-by-step guides How to make a Prodigy Breathe-style basslineSix steps to a Liam Howlett-esque growl How to make a massive synth bass soundA house/trance bassline using a virtual Minimoog How to make a Justice-style bass soundA free route to their mighty low-end Videos Other synth tutorials

12 Websites To Help You Learn Flash/ActionScript Adobe Flash is an excellent technology that allows developers to add interactivity and smooth animations to web pages. Its popularity is so immense that you’ll find many websites dedicated to helping developers interested in Flash. In this article, you’ll find 12 wonderful websites that’s worth a bookmark if you’re looking into sharpening your Flash development skills. For each entry, you’ll find three tutorials from the website so that you can see what’s in store for you. 1. is a site that features excellent Flash tutorials (as well as Silverlight,, PHP, and Photoshop). Tutorial examples: 2. Some people learn best by visualization and following along with the instructor step-by-step in real-time. 3. gotoAndPlay() gotoAndPlay() is dedicated to providing resources for Flash game developers. 4. Adobe’s Flash Developer Center is a community for Flash developers. 5. 6. 7. Flash and Math has a great collection of tutorials on AS3. 8. 9. 10.

Le kit de survie du compositeur nomade (ou en vacances) Vous partez à l’autre bout du monde et vous ne savez pas quoi apporter dans vos valises pour vous permettre de continuer à faire de la musique une fois sur place ? Ça tombe bien, cet article est là pour vous aider. . Pour cet article, Alex m’a demandé de vous parler du matériel dont vous aurez besoin pour faire de la musique même si vous vous trouvez loin de chez vous. Car même si les voyages sont l’occasion idéale pour se reposer et se ressourcer, ils ne vous donnent pas toujours l’occasion de faire de la musique. Alors comment réussir à continuer de faire de la musique depuis l’autre bout du monde ? . Tout d’abord, si vous voulez faire de la musique lors de vos vacances, il est plus que conseillé d’apporter avec vous votre instrument. Dans le premier cas, vous n’aurez pas de souci à vous faire et vous n’aurez aucun mal à étaler vos talents de musicien sur la plage. La guitare pliable de voyage by Fender . Un ampli sur piles de la marque orange, mensurations de rêve 15x14x8cm . . . . . Tutorials > Keyboards > Ten Ways to Break out of the Preset Rut There’s an age-old dilemma in the world of synthesis: preset or program? An entire industry exists to create new presets for synths, companies sell preset packs for every virtual and physical synthesizer on the market, and sample libraries are constantly being released. It’s too easy these days. There will always be a time when presets are what you need: time crunches doing work for hire, moments when you need a realistic instrument sample for a part, live work when you have to have a very particular sound, but there are other times when you need to dig in and find a sound of your own. Serious guitar players spend half of their time working on the craft of their playing, and they spend the rest of their time perfecting their tone. Well, I’m going to attempt to help you break free. First, a short tutorial on some common synthesis terms that you should know: Terms Oscillator The primary sound source in most synthesizers. Envelope The way a sound responds over time. Filter Tutorial 1. 2. 3. 4.

Flash Tutorials Les accords de septième Composés de 4 sons, les accords de septième sont plus riches que les accords à 3 sons. Ils s’avèrent donc très utiles en composition. Au sein de ce tutoriel vidéo, vous apprendrez à former, comprendre, et différencier les différents types d’accords de septième. Qu’est ce qu’un accord de septième ? Les accords de septième sont des accords à 4 sons. . Ils sont formés par empilement de tierces. Les notes qui composent l’accord de septième sont respectivement appelées la fondamentale, la tierce, la quinte, et la septième. . . Formation: Accord majeur (accord parfait majeur) + Tierce majeureAnatomie générale: Tierce majeure / Quinte juste / Septième majeureNotation: M7 L’accord de septième mineure Formation: Accord mineur (accord parfait mineur) + Tierce mineureAnatomie générale: Tierce mineure / Quinte juste / Septième mineureNotation: –7 L’accord de septième de dominante L’accord de septième demi-diminuée .Bilan . Cet article vous a plu ? Vos adresses e-mail ne seront jamais divulguées

Steal This Sound: Daft Punk's “Derezzed” | KeyboardMag By Mitchell Sigman If your idea of video games involves stacking quarters on the Defender machine at the local 7-Eleven, then you were likely a fan of Disney’s original Tron movie. Now, its primitive computer graphics and glowing rotoscoped effects look positively quaint, but the soundtrack, composed by the legendary Wendy Carlos, was groundbreaking. Step 1. Step 2. Step 4. Step 5. Placing time-domain effects like phasers or reverbs before distortion is usually a bad idea, but here, the smeary, distorted, stereo mess gives the “Derezzed” sound its character. Click here if player below doesn't load correctly.

Steve's Tutes - animation and video tutorials Débuter au piano - Cours de piano en ligne Steal This Sound Madonnas “Lucky Star” | KeyboardMag Most folks think of ’80s-vintage Madonna and remember the hair, rubber bracelets, and attire that spawned a generation of dress-alikes. Listen to the Material Girl’s early hits, though, and you’ll find some pretty sweet vintage synth work. This month we’ll break down the swirling, arpeggiated intro of “Lucky Star.” You can create the patch on just about any two-oscillator virtual or real analog synth, but you’ll certainly need to sequence it! I used AlphaKanal’s nifty free soft synth Automat for Mac OS X. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. --Audio Examples Coming Soon-- - Free video tutorials by Lee Brimelow on the F
